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Ambassador Georges Friden outlines the priorities of the Luxembourgish Presidency

7 May 2015

In a presentation to AmCham EU members on 6 May 2015, Ambassador Georges Friden, Deputy Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the EU gave an overview of the preliminary programme of the Luxembourgish Presidency of the Council of the EU, starting 1 July 2015.

Hear what AmCham EU members have to say about investment in Europe

6 May 2015

AmCham EU is committed to Europe. Hear what one of our members has to say about their investment in Europe.

Aongus Hegarty, Dell EMEA President

Susan Danger welcomes you to the new AmCham EU website!

6 May 2015

Susan Danger, Managing Director at AmCham EU, welcomes you to the new AmCham EU website and dicsusses some of the new key features. 

Gender balance in the workplace discussed at April plenary

24 Apr 2015
Future of Work, Education & Skills

AmCham EU held its monthly plenary meeting on gender diversity on 21 April 2015; members were joined for a keynote address by Monika Ladmanová, Adviser to Commissioner Vera Jourová, European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality.

In-depth discussion on Regulatory Cooperation in TTIP at joint EPP-S&D roundtable

23 Apr 2015

On Tuesday 21 April 2014, representatives of the European Parliament, industry and civil society gathered in the European Parliament for a roundtable discussion on regulatory cooperation in TTIP.


Competition Committee meets with U.S. Federal Trade Commissioner McSweeny

23 Apr 2015
Competition policy

Commissioner Terrel McSweeny was sworn in as a Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission on April 28, 2014, to a term that expires on September 25, 2017.

Juhan Lepassaar addresses Digital Economy Committee

17 Apr 2015
Digital Economy

Juhan Lepassaar, Head of Cabinet for Vice-President Andrus Ansip, European Commission, was the guest speaker at the Digital Economy Committee on Friday 17 April.

Susan Danger discusses TTIP in interview with EurActiv

15 Apr 2015

Susan Danger, Managing Director AmCham EU, took part this week in an interview with EurActiv where she discussed how MEPs have the chance to make a robust contribution to the TTIP agreement but must listen to stakeholders and carefully think twice before diluting aspects of the agreement that are in fact key to its success.

Read full interview here

Healthcare Committee meets with US Congressional Staff Delegation

10 Apr 2015

A delegation of the Healthcare Committee of AmCham EU met on Tuesday 7 April with Mary-Sumpter Lapinski, Health Policy Director for the majority staff of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pension (HELP Committee) and Grace Stuntz, FDA Policy Advisory.



March plenary meeting takes place with keynote address from Dominique Ristori

25 Mar 2015
Transport, Energy & Climate

AmCham EU welcomed the European Commission’s recent adoption of an Energy Union framework strategy at its monthly plenary meeting on 24 March 2015, with a keynote address delivered by Dominique Ristori, Director-General of DG Energy at the European Commission.

During his speech, Mr Ristori stressed the need for Europe to reduce its energy dependence and placed emphasis on the value of a strategic energy partnership between the US and EU.

AmCham EU’s Transatlantic Week 2015

23 Mar 2015
Executive Council

Key stakeholders from the world of government, business, academia and civil society come together for “Transatlantic Week 2015” to discuss key issues facing the transatlantic economy as well as the potential benefits of the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement between the EU and the United States.

AmChams in Europe hold their annual Brussels Policy Briefing

23 Mar 2015

AmCham EU welcomed over 40 guests representing 25 AmChams from around Europe to the 12th Annual Brussels Policy Briefing from 18-20 March 2015. As in previous years the Briefing coincided with AmCham EU’sTransatlantic Week  which allowed the Briefing programme to include the Transatlantic Reception on Wednesday 18 March and the Transatlantic Conference on Thursday 19 March.

Nikolaus Tacke elected as Member-at-Large (Corporate) of AmCham EU Board

11 Mar 2015
Policy Group

Congratulations to Nikolaus Tacke, Public Affairs and Government Relations Director, Europe, at The Coca-Cola Company, on his election to a two-year term on the AmCham EU Board. In his role at The Coca-Cola Company, 

AmCham EU hosts Trade Commissioner Malmström

18 Feb 2015

As part of the Business Alliance, AmCham EU was delighted to host Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Trade, on Monday 2 February at a reception advocating for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). 

Find out why this car, made in Europe, cannot be sold in the US

17 Feb 2015

An interesting piece from BBC News which succinctly demonstrates the issue of trade and tariff barriers as well as the hugely different governing rules on both sides of the Atlantic. 
