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Celebrating 60 years of transatlantic advocacy
All through 2023, AmCham EU is celebrating 60 years of advocating for American companies committed to Europe. In the decades since the first meeting of the organisation’s forerunner, the Common Market Panel, it has evolved to include over 160 members and a network of decisionmakers and stakeholders that extends from Brussels and the European capitals all the way to Washington, D.C. and beyond. However, what has not changed in those years is AmCham EU’s mission: building a more united EU and a stronger transatlantic relationship.
AmCham EU is marking this milestone with special content highlighting the organisation’s history as well as member companies’ contributions to the communities they live and work in. As always, AmCham EU will release its flagship publications – such as the 20th annual Transatlantic Economy Report – and host its signature events, including the 11th Annual Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference, the 40th Annual Competition Policy Conference and an extraordinary annual gala. Special events for members and staff alumni will also take place throughout the year.
Join us all year long in saluting the history and toasting to the future!
AmCham EU speaks for American companies committed to Europe on trade, investment and competitiveness issues. It aims to ensure a growth-orientated business and investment climate in Europe. AmCham EU facilitates the resolution of transatlantic issues that impact business and plays a role in creating better understanding of EU and US positions on business matters. Aggregate US investment in Europe totalled more than €3.7 trillion in 2022, directly supports more than 4.9 million jobs in Europe, and generates billions of euros annually in income, trade and research and development.
AmCham EU 1962-present
1962: Formation of the Common Market Panel of AmCham Belgium
1978: EEC Committee officially established
1981: EEC Committee creates standing committees to follow various EEC policies
1982: EEC Committee officially becomes EC Committee
1983: EC Committee develops a database on European legislation
1993: European-American Industrial Council (EAIC) is established
1995: EC Committee becomes EU Committee
2003/2004: EU Committee becomes AmCham EU, an independent organisation
2006: EAIC rebrands and relaunches as the Executive Council of AmCham EU
2013: AmCham EU celebrates its 50th anniversary
2016: AmCham EU introduces a new 'Fit for the Future' organisational structure for the secretariat
2020: AmCham EU becomes Chair of the AmChams in Europe network
The Secretariat coordinates and works on behalf of AmCham EU members' interests and is responsible for the day-to-day activities of the chamber.
AmChams in Europe
AmChams in Europe (ACE) is the umbrella body for American Chambers in Europe and wider Europe, of which AmCham EU is a member.