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AmCham EU speaks for American companies committed to Europe on trade, investment and competitiveness issues. It aims to ensure a growth-orientated business and investment climate in Europe. AmCham EU facilitates the resolution of transatlantic issues that impact business and plays a role in creating better understanding of EU and U.S. positions on business matters. Aggregate U.S. investment in Europe totalled more than €3 trillion in 2019, directly supports more than 4.8 million jobs in Europe, and generates billions of euros annually in income, trade and research and development.
AmCham EU members include some of the world’s largest, most prestigious US companies, law firms and public affairs consultancies. AmCham EU also represents non-US corporations which are limited to 10% of the overall membership.
Your benefits as a member

Access & relationships
- Meet with key decision-makers
- Attend networking events bringing together key stakeholders for informed debate
- Close collaboration with other US-EU organisations including the US Mission to the EU and AmChams in Europe network
- Participate in delegations to Strasbourg, Washington D.C. and EU member states

Information & Intelligence
- Access intelligence on EU institutional development and new policy initiatives
- Access information on current issues, including position statements, press releases and other reports
- Read AmCham EU’s publications, studies, weekly newsletter and daily briefs

Influencing the EU agenda
- Influence EU policy and legislation affecting member company operation and investment in the EU
- Participate in committees, working groups, and task forces to form official AmCham EU positions on policy issues
- Advocacy on cross-sectoral, horizontal issues impacting business investment that sectoral associations may not address

Corporate branding & profiling
- Enhance your company’s profile through sponsorship opportunities’
- Eligibility for leadership positions within AmCham EU management groups and committees
- Visibility on AmCham EU website and publications
Our aim
Ensure a growth-oriented business and investment climate in the EU