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Town Hall: We need increased transatlantic cooperation more than ever

30 Apr 2020
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Trade & External Affairs

For the fifth edition of its ‘Town Hall’ for members, AmCham EU connected with Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Trade, European Commission. 

The Commissioner shared his insights on the COVID-19 emergency and highlighted that this public health crisis affects all countries and all people. He added that the outbreak has proven beyond any doubt that we rely on the global arteries of trade to deliver vital goods like medicine and food to where they are needed and he is therefore, convinced that this outbreak has only amplified the need for more transatlantic cooperation

AmCham EU publishes its cross-sectoral position on the EU-UK future relationship

28 Apr 2020
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The EU and the UK are currently in the midst of negotiations of their future relationship beyond the end of the current transition period. AmCham EU members have compiled a position paper, comprising horizontal and sectoral recommendations for negotiators. As American businesses heavily invested in the EU and the UK, AmCham EU stands for an ambitious and forward-looking EU-UK relationship, built on mutual trust and cooperation.

April Plenary: Unlocking Europe's potential in data and digital technologies

27 Apr 2020
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Digital Economy
Plenary Meeting

On Tuesday, 21 April 2020, AmCham EU hosted a digital-themed and virtually-based plenary meeting to discuss the European Commission’s recent ‘Shaping Europe’s digital future’ communication, and the strategies to build trust, increase technological innovation and establish a data-driven economy for Europe. The event featured a panel discussion with keynote speakers Petra De Sutter, Member of European Parliament (Greens/EFA, BE), European Parliament and Kim Jørgensen, Head of Cabinet, Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, European Commission. As we are still in the early months of the new legislative mandate, both Ms De Sutter and Mr Jørgensen presented their respective digital priorities and offered perspectives for how the EU can successfully and safely achieve its technological future. 

Transatlantic cooperation crucial to ease the economic fallout of COVID-19

27 Apr 2020
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Last week, for the fourth edition of its ‘Town Hall’ for members, AmCham EU connected with Barton J. Putney, Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs, Erland Herfindahl, Senior US Trade Representative and Michael Lally, Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs from the US Mission to the EU.

The guest speakers shared insights on the COVID-19 emergency from the US Mission’s perspective and highlighted the importance of cooperation on both sides of the Atlantic in order to ease the economic fallout as well as to fight the spread of fake news related to COVID-19.

Wisconsin and the EU: Thriving Together

27 Apr 2020
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'Wisconsin and the countries of the EU are inextricably linked by history, culture, trade and investment. As we both move forward in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, those ties will be more important than ever' according to Melissa (Missy) Hughes, CEO, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. 

Did you know that the EU is Wisconsin’s second-largest export destination? In 2019, Wisconsin’s exports to the EU totaled $4.1 billion comprised of industrial machinery, medical and scientific equipment and electrical machinery. Find out more about the close relationship between the EU and Wisconsin from Melinda's opinion piece available on our Thriving Together platform.

American Hour: A Business view on COVID-19

24 Apr 2020
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On Thursday, 23 April, during our American Hour online series for members, we discussed the business view on COVID-19 and welcomed a panel of distinguished US business leaders: Myron Brilliant, Executive Vice President and Head of International Affairs, US Chamber of Commerce, Nancy McLernon, President and CEO, Global Business Alliance and Peter Robinson, President and CEO, US Council for International Business.

During the chat moderated by Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, she noted that: 'As like-minded powers, the business community counts on the EU and the US to work together, with the international community, in the fight against COVID-19. Now is the time to demonstrate the values we share in Europe, across the Atlantic and with the rest of the global community.'

AmCham EU position on Single Use Plastics Directive

23 Apr 2020

On Thursday, 23 April 2020, AmCham EU published a position paper on the Single Use Plastics Directive. This feeds into the work of the European Commission as it collaborates with key stakeholders in its preparation of guidance documents and implementation actions. The Single Use Plastics Directive was adopted in June 2019 and aims to reduce marine litter. The position paper specifically addresses the scope and calculation of litter clean-up costs relating to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), as well as obligations relating to marking and awareness-raising measures. 

EU cooperation and solidarity to tackle COVID-19

22 Apr 2020
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Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU penned an op-ed that speaks to the EU response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In it she notes that the importance of EU cooperation and solidarity have really shone through as this crisis has progressed. While there may be disagreements as to ‘what’ action to take, or ‘how’ best to tackle the crisis, one thing that is not up for dispute is ‘why’ action on EU level is required. For a crisis such as this one, which knows no borders, the only effective response must be a coordinated one. Read the piece here

Solidarity, Single Market, and international cooperation key to overcome COVID-19

22 Apr 2020
All Committees

The global COVID-19 pandemic is shaping up to be the societal challenge of our times. It has already claimed the lives of more than 175,000 people, with over 2.5 million confirmed cases. This severe health threat is further compounded by the economic and societal fallout of the emergency. The efforts of the EU and its Member States were critical for the European response to the COVID-19 crisis. An unprecedented challenge calls for an unprecedented response, and with the health, social and economic measures taken, the EU rose to the occasion. AmCham EU calls on the EU to continue its efforts to mitigate the economic impact of the emergency. 

Senior business leaders: We need a strong Europe

21 Apr 2020
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This week, 23 CEOs and Presidents of major companies and industry associations in Europe have published a common statement ahead of this week’s EU Heads of State and Government videoconference. Among the signatories are several members of AmCham EU’s Executive Council. The senior business executives call on political leaders to support common European solutions to overcome the COVID-19 crisis. They stress how a stronger Europe, with the Single Market as a central instrument, is needed more than ever. The statement notes that: ‘In our daily business operations, we see that the response to the current crisis is not less Europe, but more Europe, and it starts with our common European market.’ Read it in full here.

The EU response to COVID-19 calls for cooperation and solidarity

20 Apr 2020
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As the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the EU institutions and the Member States are taking unprecedented measures to protect citizens and safeguard the economy. The EU’s initiatives to coordinate efforts across Europe are critical to a successful response. Only with cooperation and solidarity can we overcome an emergency of the scale of COVID-19. For a snapshot of the EU response, check out our one pager here and see more examples of EU action on our COVID-19 portal.

Defining critical infrastructure and maintaining global supply chains

18 Apr 2020
All Committees

On 17 April, AmCham EU sent a letter addressed to Commissioner Thierry Breton calling for a coordinated response to the COVID-19 crisis with regard to defining critical sites and infrastructure and maintaining global supply chains.

Our companies operate in a large variety of sectors, many of which are affected by the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 crisis. Our member companies are facing new challenges as they adapt to the current circumstances. Maintaining a reliable supply of products and services is necessary for European citizens and the economy. Our members believe that clarity is essential to minimise any disruptions in the production and delivery of critical products and services.


American Hour: Transatlantic trade agenda developments

17 Apr 2020
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

As a committed bridge-builder and trusted partner, AmCham EU is bringing the EU and US even closer in our weekly members-only online fireside chat series called American Hour. On Thursday, 16 April, we welcomed David De Falco, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia, US Department of Commerce during our American Hour members-only session. Mr De Falco discussed the latest developments on the transatlantic trade agenda with our members.

International trade: What is the way forward?

17 Apr 2020
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

In an MEPcast panel entitled 'International Trade: What is the way forward?', Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU stressed that what Europe needs most right now is bold leadership, trust, solidarity and cooperation over competition between Member States and across the globe.

The online event took place on Wednesday, 15 April 2020, and was hosted by Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, Member of the European Parliament. Other panellists included Sabine Weyand, Director General, DG Trade and Victor do Prado, Director of the Council and Trade Negotiations Committee Division, WTO. You can watch the panel here

Town Hall: View from China - Challenges and recovery

15 Apr 2020
All Committees

On Wednesday, 15 April, AmCham EU held its third Town Hall meeting for members. The meeting featured a discussion with Alan Beebe, President, American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China), who gave a general overview on the crisis and response to COVID-19 in China. Alan Beebe also discussed the economic and geopolitical impact of the outbreak while sharing best practices as well as common concerns related to the current context.

American Hour with Dan Mullaney, Assistant USTR for Europe

10 Apr 2020
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

As a committed bridge-builder and trusted partner, AmCham EU is bringing the EU and US even closer in our online fireside chat series called American Hour. On Thursday, 9 April, we welcomed Dan Mullaney, Assistant USTR for Europe and the Middle East, Office of the US Trade Representative. During the chat, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU provided opening remarks and noted that: 'We are all in this together and we call on both governments to focus on solidarity. Now is the time to demonstrate the values we share in Europe, across the Atlantic and with the rest of the global community.'

Thank you Carsten Dannöhl (Caterpillar), Chair of the Trade and External Affairs Committee for moderating the discussion.

Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU speaks at webinar on the EU and Global Outlook on COVID-19

10 Apr 2020
All Committees

On Thursday, 9 April, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU provided remarks during a webinar organised by FiscalNote and CQ Roll Call on the EU and the Global Outlook on COVID-19. Addressing participants from the EU and US business community, Susan spoke about the EU response to the current crisis and industry’s key priorities for a strong recovery plan. Other speakers included Thomas Adlam, Senior Policy Analyst, FiscalNote and Jim Saska, Financial Reporter at CQ Roll Call (moderator).

AmCham EU Town Hall with Eva Maydell, MEP

9 Apr 2020
All Committees

On Wednesday, 8 April, AmCham EU held its second Town Hall meeting for members. The meeting featured a discussion with Eva Maydell, Member of European Parliament, who provided her insights into the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak – more specifically, into the EU’s response to the pandemic and the extreme need for cooperation, exchange of best practices and expertise between policy-makers and stakeholders in this current context.

These new online members-only sessions aiming to share priorities and concerns as well as to update members on AmCham EU's activities will happen on a weekly basis and will analyse the impact of COVID-19 with experts. For more information, please contact Roberta Brumana (  

How American companies support the global COVID-19 response

8 Apr 2020
All Committees

The health crisis we face today is an unprecedented challenge for our society. American companies have taken immediate action to not only protect their employees, support communities in Europe, and around the world, but also to develop innovative solutions to address the global emergency. At the same time, AmCham EU member companies are striving to preserve business continuity in a safe and responsible manner. 

Take a look at some of their stories

AmChams in Europe: Solidarity, coordination and action

7 Apr 2020
All Committees

Solidarity, coordination and action: what we need to fight COVID-19 and protect the economy

The world is facing an extraordinary challenge from the outbreak of COVID-19. The pandemic poses a severe threat to the health and wellbeing of citizens and the global economy with harmful consequences for all parts of society. AmChams in Europe, the umbrella organization for 45 AmChams from 43 countries across Europe and Eurasia, fully support governments’ efforts to tackle the pandemic and mitigate its effects. The mobilization of resources has been unprecedented, and we need continued leadership to address the impact of the crisis on society.
