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Statement on cross-sectoral business concerns vis-à-vis the French law on the fight against waste and the circular economy

30 Jul 2020
All committees

AmCham EU published a statement signed by 20 trade associations that highlights cross-sectoral business concerns vis-à-vis the French law on the fight against waste and the circular economy: 'Loi relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l'économie circulaire'. 

The statement welcomes France’s ambition and efforts to transpose the revised Waste Framework Directive, Packaging Waste Directive and the recently adopted Single Use Plastics Directive. However, the signatories believe that some specific provisions within the law could be damaging for the functioning of the EU’s Internal Market as they will create new trade barriers and are disproportionate with regard to the stated policy objectives. For more details, read the full statement here