AmCham EU welcomed over 40 guests representing 25 AmChams from around Europe to the 12th Annual Brussels Policy Briefing from 18-20 March 2015. As in previous years the Briefing coincided with AmCham EU’sTransatlantic Week which allowed the Briefing programme to include the Transatlantic Reception on Wednesday 18 March and the Transatlantic Conference on Thursday 19 March.
Congratulations to Nikolaus Tacke, Public Affairs and Government Relations Director, Europe, at The Coca-Cola Company, on his election to a two-year term on the AmCham EU Board. In his role at The Coca-Cola Company,
As part of the Business Alliance, AmCham EU was delighted to host Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Trade, on Monday 2 February at a reception advocating for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
An interesting piece from BBC News which succinctly demonstrates the issue of trade and tariff barriers as well as the hugely different governing rules on both sides of the Atlantic.