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Position paper - AmCham EU's position on the Aviation Strategy - Unleashing the growth and innovation potential of the aviation sector

21 Apr 2016
Transport, Energy & Climate


AmCham EU recognises that aviation plays a crucial role in serving passengers and facilitating trade and tourism. Further liberalisation of international air services can lead to increased economic benefits. Therefore we strongly support the European Commission’s Aviation Strategy for Europe. We believe that regarding aviation safety the strategy should deliver on increased regulatory convergence and harmonisation with other regulatory authorities and international organisations, while considering conflicting EU policies such as chemicals policy and emerging technologies. Sharing the sense of urgency on the need to implement more swiftly the Single European Sky, AmCham EU supports the implementation of a more efficient Air Traffic Management system. We also promote a measured, but effective, globally harmonised regulatory approach on the unmanned aircraft integration into civil airspace that focuses on safety and keeps up with evolving technology and market needs. To deliver on the EU’s ambitious climate objectives, AmCham EU believes that the work of ICAO and the development of advanced biofuels will be instrumental.