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Position paper - AmCham EU calls for robust scientific criteria to identify endocrine disruptors
The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) has been actively involved in providing input on chemicals policy, including on endocrine disruptors (ED) criteria since 2011. It is committed to the safe, environmentally-acceptable and sustainable use of chemical substances. It is AmCham EU’s view that robust scientific evidence, fundamental principles of toxicology, and full hazard characterisation should be incorporated into the criteria for the identification of EDs. If not, many substances will be identified as EDs even though they present no risk in current uses. This could have potentially major unintended consequences for health, agriculture, trade, industry and the economy across Europe. A full risk assessment must also be applied to identify ED substances, which are of concern to human health and the environment. Substances identified as presenting an unacceptable risk should be subject to the appropriate regulatory action.
For more information, please contact Stéphanie Brochard (