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Enabling Europe’s digital future through education

9 Dec 2020
All committees
Future of Work, Education & Skills

The COVID-19 crisis has unveiled the critical importance of digital literacy, skills and capacity at all levels of education and training and for all levels of digital skills. Enabling digital education though adequate infrastructure and equipment as well as supporting the growth of a holistic set of digital skills are fundamental steps to ensure that EU citizens are equipped to thrive in an increasingly technology-driven world. AmCham EU is committed to playing a role in fostering digital skills and improving opportunities for education and training for all in Europe. Read our position paper on ‘Enabling Europe’s digital future through education’ here.

Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU participates in ESSEC Virtual Climate Talk

9 Dec 2020
Transport, Energy & Climate

On Tuesday, 8 December Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU participated in a panel discussing the impact of the US election on climate issues and the future of EU-US relations at a Virtual Climate Talk organised by the ESSEC Business School. The panel also included Pascal Canfin, MEP (RE, FR), Chair, Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI); Gina McCarthy, CEO, National Resources Defense Council; Cedomir Nestorovic, Professor of Geopolitics, ESSEC Business school and Andrew Steer, CEO, World Resources Institute. Watch the discussion here.

Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU chairs discussion on future of EU-US relations at 31st Greek Economic Summit

7 Dec 2020
All committees

On Wednesday, 2 December, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU moderated a panel on the future of EU-US relations at the 31st annual Greek Economy Summit organised by AmCham Greece. The panel was composed of Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, MEP (EPP, EL), Fran Burwell, Atlantic Council and Marjorie Chorlins, US Chamber of Commerce. Watch the discussion here.

Town Hall on the future of EU-UK relations

7 Dec 2020

For the December edition of its monthly Town Hall meetings for members, AmCham EU welcomed Stefaan De Rynck, Senior Advisor to Michel Barnier, Chief EU Negotiator for Brexit, Task Force for Relations with the UK, European Commission. During the meeting, Mr De Rynck shared his insights on how negotiations on future EU-UK relations are progressing and how the business community can constructively take part in this process. 

Renewed enthusiasm for a positive and ambitious transatlantic agenda

7 Dec 2020
All committees

Following the release of the European Commission and High Representatives’s proposed new transatlantic agenda for global cooperation, AmCham EU believes this renewed enthusiasm and vision for the EU-US relationship is a positive step forward. The EU and the US remain each other’s strongest allies. We stand ready to support an ambitious transatlantic agenda that can accelerate the economic recovery. In reaction to the news, Zeger Vercouteren (J&J), Chair, AmCham EU noted that the EU-US partnership is critical to jobs, prosperity and security on both sides of the Atlantic.

Investing in Europe's recovery: Read our sectoral recommendations

7 Dec 2020
All committees
Policy Group

Over six months ago, the European Commission put forward its Recovery Plan for Europe; an unprecedented initiative to help kickstart the economy and build the European society of tomorrow. AmCham EU remains committed to playing our part. Our guiding principles and priorities for Europe’s future remain focused on the transition towards a greener, more digital and more resilient economy. Check out our back-to-basics sectoral recommendations in the areas of the Green Deal, digital, multilateralism, healthcare, along with a fair and inclusive recovery here

Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU celebrates 25 years with our organisation

2 Dec 2020
All committees
Communications Group
Operations Group

We would like to take a moment to recognise the outstanding commitment of Susan Danger, our CEO, over the past 25 years. Susan joined AmCham Belgium's EU Committee in 1995 as Communications Manager and later became Managing Director of the newly spun-off AmCham EU in 2004 before being named CEO in 2016. Her time at AmCham EU can be characterised by its constant modernisation, maintaining a sustainable structure that supports member expectations while consistently improving quality of work and reputation. Thank you for your incredible contribution, Susan!

Working towards a more sustainable European aviation industry

2 Dec 2020
Transport, Energy & Climate

On Monday, 30 November AmCham EU published its position on sustainable aviation. Our members represent the entire aviation value chain, from jet fuel providers and engine manufacturers to airframers and aircraft end-users. These members are investing sizable amounts in innovating for environmental improvement, including through the modernisation of aircraft fleets, as well as flight and ground optimisation. Find more on AmCham EU's position on encouraging a more sustainable European aviation industry here. Learn more about the role AmCham EU members are playing in the transition towards a greener European economy here

AmCham EU CEO discusses EU-US relations with Euronews

1 Dec 2020
All committees

Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU sat down with Euronews on Monday, 30 November to discuss the European Commission's plans to further the EU-US relationship. The Commission's plans focus on five key priority areas, including combatting climate change, enhancing the economic recovery and upholding multilateralism. Susan welcomed the plans and highlighted the importance of a positive transatlantic relationship for prosperity and growth on both sides of the Atlantic. The interview can be viewed here in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Greek and Hungarian.

Invested in Europe: Investing in an inclusive recovery

30 Nov 2020
All committees

Small local businesses are the heartbeat of local communities. In 2020, J.P. Morgan committed nearly €1 million to help small businesses and microentrepreneurs weather the economic and humanitarian impacts of COVID-19 pandemic as part of its wider commitment to connect Greater Paris residents with economic opportunity. Check out how J.P. Morgan has partnered with IMPACT charity to help make local business owners more resilient in light of the COVID-19 crisis here.

Uniting for diversity: recognising inclusive behaviours

24 Nov 2020
All committees
Future of Work, Education & Skills
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Dow ‘champions of inclusion’ programme recognises and rewards inclusive behaviours. By inspiring others to adopt inclusive behaviours and increasing a sense of pride and belonging among employees, the programme aims to be a catalyst for change. What is more, Dow has introduced a diversity representation target as one of its 2020 annual goals. With this goal, Dow encourages every employee to contribute to its ambition of becoming the most innovative, sustainable, customer-centric and inclusive company that it can be. Check out our video with Luisa Boaretto, EMEAI Inclusion and Diversity Director, Dow, to learn more about Dow’s contribution to a more inclusive society.

37th Annual Competition Conference

23 Nov 2020
Competition policy

On Wednesday, 18 November AmCham EU hosted the 37th Annual Competition Policy Conference sponsored by Baker Botts and Brunswick together with media partners MLex and PaRR. The conference was titled ‘A new world: The EU’s refit of competition policy and its impact on the economy and politics’ reflecting upon the impact of a number of initiatives in the area. View the conference here.

Senior business executives committed to EU economic recovery

23 Nov 2020
All committees
Executive Council

A group of 20+ senior executives from AmCham EU’s Executive Council met with top government officials on Monday, 16 and Tuesday, 17 November. At a critical time for Europe and the world, they used this opportunity to convey American companies’ support for the EU recovery plan. Europe’s focus on the digital and green transitions will be key to power the economy. They also emphasised the need for political leaders to support a strong transatlantic relationship as well as multilateralism.

Goodyear’s Chris Delaney to lead CEO group

23 Nov 2020
All committees
Executive Council
Operations Group

The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) is delighted to announce that Chris Delaney, President, Europe, Middle East and Africa, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, has been confirmed as the new Chair of its Executive Council. The Executive Council of AmCham EU brings together 20+ senior executives who lead the European operations of some of the world’s largest multinational companies. The group strives for the continuous improvement of the EU’s competitiveness in the global economy. They engage in targeted dialogue at the highest levels of government across the EU and its Member States.

TBIC 2020: AmCham EU CEO offers perspectives on transatlantic economic relations

18 Nov 2020
All committees

Out of crisis comes opportunity. An opportunity for the EU and the US to return our economies to strong, sustainable economic growth. That was the message that Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU and her fellow panellists Nancy McLernon, President & CEO, Global Business Alliance; Markus Beyrer, Director General, BusinessEurope; and Peter Chase, Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the US, imparted on their audience at the Transatlantic Business Investment Conference on Tuesday, 17 November 2020. Matthias Beier, President, Transatlantic Business and Investment Council chaired the panel discussion, titled ‘State of play: transatlantic economic relations and FDI trends.’

Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU shares video marking 25th anniversary of the WTO

17 Nov 2020
Trade & External Affairs

To mark the 25th anniversary of the WTO Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU shared a video message on Tuesday, 17 November where she reflected on what the WTO means to her. She highlighted the value that the WTO brings to international trade and investment as well as her vision for the future of the WTO. See here for more information.

AmCham EU/GMF event: A conversation with Michael Froman

16 Nov 2020
All committees

On Thursday, 12 November, AmCham EU and the German Marshall Fund of the US hosted Michael Froman, Vice-Chairman and President, Strategic Growth for Mastercard and former US Trade Representative under President Obama. In a conversation with Dr Stormy-Annika Milder, Director of International Affairs, BDI, they discussed the effect of the US election on the transatlantic economic relationship and the multilateral trading system.

AmCham EU’s Town Hall with Gerassimos Thomas, Director-General, DG TAXUD, European Commission

13 Nov 2020

AmCham EU welcomed Gerassimos Thomas, Director-General, DG TAXUD, European Commission at the monthly Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, 10 November. Mr Thomas shared his insights on the impact of the pandemic on the European economy, and focused on the tax and customs-related implications of the EU’s recovery.

AmCham EU Chair, Zeger Vercouteren (J&J) discusses new role in interview

13 Nov 2020
All committees

Zeger Vercouteren (J&J), Chair, AmCham EU discussed his thoughts and visions on his new role in an interview published on Friday, 13 November. He outlined that he foresees his tenure as an 'innovative' one, building 'a constructive business environment allowing our companies to continue growing in and with Europe', emphasising the need to maintain and strengthen the transatlantic relationship.

AmCham EU issues response to European Commission trade review

12 Nov 2020
Trade & External Affairs

On Thursday, 12 November AmCham EU submitted its response to the European Commission’s trade policy review. The EU’s new trade strategy is an opportunity for the EU to reassert its leading role as a global, open market. Ambitious rules-based trade policies can protect European values, while driving innovation and inclusive growth that benefits all citizens. A robust trade agenda is critical to European innovation and prosperity. The global disruptions created by COVID-19 have highlighted the importance of strong, secure and diverse supply chains. In light of this, the EU is reviewing its trade policy. AmCham EU supports strengthening trade policy around three key priorities: building resilience, competing on even footing and rebooting multilateralism. Read our positions here.
