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Taking note of tax policy in Budapest

22 Jul 2024
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On Wednesday, 18 July, AmCham EU visited Budapest, Hungary to discuss our priorities for ongoing and upcoming tax files. During several meetings, delegates and officials discussed ways that tax policy can contribute to the top priority of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union: Europe’s competitiveness. The delegates gained insights into how the Hungarian government works on domestic issues and EU policy. Learn how Hungary can maximise their presidency in our recommendations.

Strengthening Europe’s defence technological and industrial base

18 Jul 2024
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The European Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) is a welcome addition to strengthen the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) and Europe’s security. However, to succeed, the EU will need to increase its collaboration with like-minded third-country partners, facilitate the participation of valuable contributors owned by third-country entities from allied countries, ensure sufficient flexibility, integrate advanced technologies as well as support the completion of the Single Market for financial services. Only in this way can the EU overcome current geopolitical threats whilst increasing the competitiveness and readiness of its EDTIB. You can read our recommendations to increase the effectiveness of EDIS and EDIP here.

Calling for a more open trade policy

15 Jul 2024
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Trade & External Affairs

On Monday, 15 July, a coalition of 31 leading European business associations came together to call for an ambitious and open trade policy to support the EU’s competitiveness and economic prosperity. In a Joint Declaration, they highlight the importance of trade openness in driving economic growth, creating jobs, and enhancing resilience in the face of global challenges. Trade remains a cornerstone of the EU’s economic strength, directly supporting one in five EU jobs through exports. It significantly benefits consumers by expanding choices—a sentiment shared by 60% of Europeans—and attracts foreign investments that drive growth and innovation. Furthermore, diversified sourcing and export strategies strengthen the EU’s ability to navigate and overcome crises.

Supplying new talent to meet renewable energy demand

11 Jul 2024
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In 2021, 22% of the EU’s energy came from renewable sources. But as the number of renewable energy projects increases, so too does the gap between the workforce the sector needs and the qualified personnel ready to fill these specialised positions. To help meet this demand, AES Bulgaria partnered with Varna Technical University to train the next generation of experts by managing internship and scholarship programmes, delivering lectures and presentations, participating in university activities and facilitating site visits. Through this work, AES is raising awareness about careers in the wind energy industry and building mentoring relationships that can help students break into the business. Learn more on Invested in Europe.  

Building inclusive supply chains

10 Jul 2024
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Responsible Business Conduct

With a growing focus on the social and environmental impacts of supply chains, the EU is looking to set high standards on due diligence. But how can these policies factor in all actors along the supply chain and how do we avoid a fragmented approach to the legislative landscape? On Tuesday, 9 July we covered this and more during a panel discussion after which Olof Skoog, EU Special Representative for Human Rights, European External Action Service shared his views on the links between business and human rights, explaining the role the EU should play on such topics.

75 years of NATO: strengthening transatlantic defence

9 Jul 2024
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Security, Defence & Space

With the 2024 Washington NATO Summit celebrating 75 years of transatlantic partnership, NATO allies need to come together and address the pressing geopolitical challenges of our time. With escalating Russian aggression against Ukraine and the threat of enhanced Russian military capabilities, the summit provides a critical forum for leaders from all 32 NATO allies and their international partners to strengthen their collective defence plans and increase burden sharing. Find out how, together with the private sector, NATO can ensure that the alliance is fit for the future and can maintain its role as a cornerstone of transatlantic security and defence cooperation.

Two birds with one factory

4 Jul 2024
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With its new chlorine production facility in Tarragona, Spain, Covestro is using innovation to bring Europe a two-for-one deal: helping the EU achieve its sustainability goals and strengthening Europe's production network. The production plant is the first in the world to be based on the energy-efficient oxygen depolarised cathode technology, resulting in energy savings of up to 25%. Along with environmental benefits, the plant brings industrial advantages to the community by creating 50 new local jobs. The chlorine and caustic soda produced on site are key raw material for energy-efficient insulation solutions for buildings and refrigerating devices. Learn more on Invested in Europe

Taking score of competitiveness in policymaking

3 Jul 2024
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Competitiveness is a hot topic. But with Europe's attractiveness under threat, the EU needs to reset the agenda. Part of this is addressing how EU policy measures are made, as well as the substance of those proposals. To solve this, we have developed a Competitiveness Scorecard that features a simple yet effective ten-point checklist to evaluate new or revised regulations. By enhancing transparency, incorporating broad stakeholder insights and directly addressing key competitiveness factors, the Scorecard is a concrete way to significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of EU regulatory proposals. Learn more about the Competitiveness Scorecard in our latest blog.

Statement on the implementation process of the Deforestation Regulation

1 Jul 2024
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To comply with the European Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), companies need more guidance and detail. For a smooth and timely transition to take place, the European Commission must issue detailed FAQs, set realistic timelines and introduce meaningful thresholds, along with addressing other concerns. If the Commission is unable to address these essential elements by early-September, AmCham EU members and other economic operators will not be able to comply with the EUDR by 30 December 2024. We can safeguard forests across the EU, here’s how.

Unlocking Europe's digital connectivity potential

1 Jul 2024
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Digital Economy

Achieving the Digital Decade targets by 2030 is a crucial milestone to foster innovation across industries and improve the well-being of European citizens. As the recent Letta report and our Agenda for Action 2024 point out, the Single Market must aim to make European industrial capacity compatible with the transformation of our economy. By reducing regulatory burden, establishing the right framework for innovation and promoting the green and digital transitions, the EU can ensure it remains fit for today’s (and tomorrow’s) economy. Find out how else the EU can remain a competitive and attractive region for investment and innovation.

Discussing the future of Europe with Charles Michel

1 Jul 2024
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On Monday, 1 July, AmCham EU met with European Council President Charles Michel to discuss the competitiveness of Europe. Joined by CEOs based in Europe from across our US corporate members, the meeting covered the need to address industry concerns with smarter regulation as well as the importance of the EU-US relationship. Find out more about how Europe can retain its attractiveness on the global stage in our Agenda for Action

Our recommendations to the Hungarian Presidency

1 Jul 2024
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On 1 July, 2024, Hungary took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union during a challenging time for Europe and the world. Over the next six months, the Hungarian Presidency has an opportunity to strengthen the EU’s business outlook by boosting the Single Market and standing firm against protectionism. Our recommendations to the Hungarian Presidency aim to raise issues that are vital to shaping a strong and competitive EU and provide concrete input and direction to the Presidency’s work program over the next six months. 

Sustaining goals and sustaining action

27 Jun 2024
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Recognising the urgency of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), RELX is a signatory of the UN Global Compact and in 2017, created the RELX SDG Resource Centre. This free-to-read platform curates content that advances awareness, understanding and implementation of the SDGs. The SDG Resource Centre has compiled and made freely available thousands of research articles, which would otherwise have cost more than €3 million to make open access. Hundreds of these resources focus specifically on Europe. In this way, the platform enables European universities, governments and others to enhance sustainability locally and around the world. Learn more on Invested in Europe

UK start-up Tiaki wins AmCham EU Youth Entrepreneurship Award 2024

26 Jun 2024
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AmCham EU and Junior Achievement Europe (JA Europe) are delighted to announce that Tiaki, a UK start-up, is the winner of the AmCham EU Youth Entrepreneurship Award 2024. Following the previous four editions, this year was again dedicated to women entrepreneurs. Rosanna Collis, Founding Director, won over the jury with her dedication to providing specialist sports equipment for women while driving a wider conversation around breast health in sports. 

AmCham EU CEO receives Lifetime Achievement Award

26 Jun 2024
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AmCham EU is delighted to announce that Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award yesterday at AmCham EU’s annual Gala evening. The award formally recognises Susan’s achievements over the course of her tenure at the helm of the organisation. She has been the voice of the American business community in Brussels in service of the member companies of AmCham EU. Susan demonstrated an unwavering commitment to European integration, and in particular the Single Market. Her outstanding leadership, diplomatic skills and personal efforts were instrumental in advancing transatlantic cooperation.

Celebrating our 2024 Gala

26 Jun 2024
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On Tuesday, 25 June AmCham EU held our Gala 2024 which brought together over 260 guests. After an opening cocktail reception, the evening ranged from a toast by Mark Gitenstein, United States Ambassador to the EU to presenting Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Elli Choi, Violinist, Third Place Runner-up, Queen Elisabeth Competition 2024 also took to the stage to perform. The celebrations were capped off with a presentation of the AmCham EU Youth Entrepreneurship Award to Rosanna Collis from Tiaki. Couldn’t make it? Here’s what you missed

Improving access to healthcare across the EU

25 Jun 2024
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The recent conclusions of the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council on the Future of the European Health Union rightly recognise the critical need to improve access to healthcare as well as the importance of strategic investments in health. These are crucial steps to reinforcing the sustainability and resilience of European health systems.

Renewing Europe's investment appeal with DGA Group

24 Jun 2024
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How can we stop the decline in the attractiveness of Europe and make it a viable destination for investment? That was top of mind for Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU during the DGA Network Summit on Wednesday, 19 June. Ms. Danger covered the recent EU elections and the need to continue to partner with the new European Parliament to enhance Europe’s competitiveness. She also drew attention to the transatlantic market, which remains the EU’s best advantage to stand out on the global stage. 

Continuing to be the BestinBrussels

21 Jun 2024
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On Thursday, 20 June, AmCham EU’s reputation shined as it was named as a finalist for the Best EU Trade Association category at the BestinBrussels 2024 Best Practice Awards. Surveying over 700 public affairs professionals and consultants, the award considered 2,400 trade associations operating in Brussels. The shortlisted associations included AmCham EU, European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), DIGITALEUROPE, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries (EFPIA) and Wind Europe with Cefic, taking the top prize. Our members were on display as well, with the Best Corporate EU Public Affairs Team 2024 going to Microsoft, with Amazon and Google also being shortlisted for the category. Congratulations to all who were involved!   

Navigating food security in an uncertain world

19 Jun 2024
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Food security in a changing world was the central theme at our event, Food for all: food security in times of crisis held on Monday, 17 June. Leading figures from the agriculture and food sector tackled the challenge of balancing food affordability and sovereignty with the environmental pressures of biodiversity loss and climate change. David Clarinval, Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium, offered a hopeful outlook on future food supplies in his keynote. The panel discussion further emphasised the importance of open global dialogue in bridging perspectives and forging solutions to our shared food security challenges. 
