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Shaping a prosperous future in Strasbourg

28 Oct 2024
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From Tuesday, 22 to Thursday, 24 October, we visited Strasbourg, France to engage with over 70 MEPs from across European Parliament. Joined by more than 100 members representing sectors from across the spectrum including competition, finance, defence, trade, digital, environment, healthcare and so much more, we brought the voice of American business to the heart of the EU. We also shared our Recommendations to the European Parliament 2024-2029 that covers 61 areas that the new mandate can build on to build a more prosperous future for European citizens.  

Driving growth through open trade

28 Oct 2024
All Committees

International trade is critically important to the EU economy, supporting 1 in 5 jobs and driving growth. However, geopolitical tensions and diminishing competitiveness are increasingly making the principles of open trade politically vulnerable. In this context, shifting towards a more balanced EU trade policy that promotes openness and economic security is essential for ensuring long-term competitiveness and resilience. Find out how an open trade agenda can be an engine of European prosperity.

A trade policy to keep Europe competitive, prosperous and resilient

25 Oct 2024
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Customs & Trade Facilitation
Trade & External Affairs

As the European Parliament prepares for the confirmation hearings of the new Commissioners, the Open Trade Coalition is reiterating its call for a bold and open EU trade policy. First launched in July, the Coalition has grown into a group of 43 business associations, all of them united by the shared idea that trade openness is a key driver to keep the EU competitive, prosperous, and resilient in the face of global challenges. According to the Coalition, trade openness must therefore become a top priority and veritable leitmotiv for the EU over the next five years.

Balancing economic security and openness

23 Oct 2024
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Customs & Trade Facilitation
Trade & External Affairs

On Tuesday, 15 October, we heard how we can balance economic security and resilience with open trade. Our panel dove into the role that EU-US trade and investment ties play in supporting Europe’s competitiveness. We also heard about the importance of prioritising trade relationships with like-minded partners. After the panel, Maria Martin-Prat De Abreu, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Trade, European Commission joined us to speak about EU trade policy is developing to meet current challenges. 

Hearings of the Commissioners-designate: competitiveness must be top of the agenda

22 Oct 2024
All Committees

A call to action from 17 senior business leaders: The upcoming hearings of the Commissioners-designate provide a double opportunity. For candidates, they have a chance to outline how they will translate the Commission priorities into reality. For Members of the European Parliament, they can ensure that boosting the EU economy and its competitiveness stand at the top of the political agenda.

Recommendations to the European Parliament 2024-2029

21 Oct 2024
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The arrival of a new EU mandate brings a renewed sense of purpose as Europe faces a range of critical challenges, from the continued impact of Russian aggression in Ukraine to sliding economic competitiveness. The new European Parliament will need to act decisively to restore economic growth and bolster the EU’s resilience. This starts with making Europe a more attractive business environment. Read our Recommendations to the European Parliament of 2024-2029 to find out how to build a stronger and more united EU.

Competitiveness and growth at AmCham Hungary’s Business Meets Government Summit

18 Oct 2024
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How can the new mandate tackle the challenges Europe faces, from Ukraine’s recovery to balancing the Green Deal with economic prosperity? That’s what Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU asked while moderating a panel at AmCham Hungary’s Business Meets Government Summit. The panel gave the industry perspective, where Ms. Danger got to the heart of Europe’s biggest issues. Central to the debate was competitiveness and concerns over the EU’s attractiveness as a place to do business., With over 50,000 jobs supported by US companies in Hungary, it is vital we remove barriers to investment.  driven by a heavy regulatory burden, protectionist trends and sluggish growth. Much of this recent discussion has been driven by Mario Draghi’s report, where we highlighted the need for urgent action to be taken

Ensuring more secure transatlantic data flows

16 Oct 2024
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The European Commission’s positive first review of the EU-US Data Privacy Framework last week puts businesses on both sides of the Atlantic a step closer to a predictable transatlantic data transfers regime. Data transfers are the lifeblood of our digital economy and a key pillar of the transatlantic partnership. The sooner the new framework is implemented, the sooner EU and US businesses and consumers can benefit from secure, compliant data flows. Learn more about the Commission’s review.

Exploring the impacts the US elections could have on the transatlantic partnership

15 Oct 2024
All Committees

As the US presidential election draws closer, how will the next administration influence the transatlantic partnership? That’s what we heard about on Monday, 14 October during our US elections event, co-organised with POLITICO Pro. Attendees gained insights from both sides of the aisle, hearing comments from Jack Kingston, former US representative and former Republican Congressman and Bart Szewczyk, former US State Department official and former Co-chair, EU subgroup, Biden-Harris campaign. Aura Salla, MEP (EPP, FI) joined the panel to examine how the EU can prepare for the upcoming US administration. With the transatlantic remaining the largest, most integrated partnership in the world, find out why it’s crucial EU and US leaders continue to invest in this impactful relationship

Modernising the EU-Mexico trade partnership

15 Oct 2024
All Committees
Customs & Trade Facilitation
Trade & External Affairs

On Monday, 14 October, we met with Rogelio Granguillhome Morfín, Mexican Ambassador to the EU. The conversation highlighted the importance of modernising the EU-Mexico Global Agreement, a critical step towards deepening economic cooperation. Additionally, we touched on the ongoing United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement review and its potential implications for the transatlantic relationship. This review is the perfect time for reinforcing the need for collaboration across the region to navigate evolving trade and economic landscapes. Strengthening these ties remains essential for shared growth and prosperity. 

Strengthening transatlantic cybersecurity

15 Oct 2024
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Digital Economy

On Monday, 14 October, we welcomed Nathaniel C. Fick, US Ambassador at Large for Cyberspace and Digital Policy. The discussion focused on the critical importance of strengthening cybersecurity resilience, both within the EU uropean Union and globally. The conversation underscored the pivotal role that robust cybersecurity plays in supporting the EU's economic future. Explore more about the role that the EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme can play in supporting Europe's economic prospects.

Engaging with Poland before the upcoming Polish Presidency

7 Oct 2024
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From Tuesday, 1 October to Thursday, 3 October, AmCham EU visited Warsaw, Poland ahead of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The delegates took part in several meetings, including with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of State Assets and Ministry of Finance. This is part of AmCham EU’s longstanding efforts to engage with every Presidency given the important role they play in the Council. 

Sharing our message at the ALDE Congress

7 Oct 2024
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From Friday, 4 October to Sunday, 7 October, AmCham EU attended the ALDE Congress in Estoril, Portugal. During the Congress, the delegation engaged with a range of officials and participated in two roundtables, one on how Europe can strengthen its competitiveness and the other on Ukraine’s reconstruction. We continued to underline the messages from our Agenda for Action 2024-2029, which was released earlier this year. Much needs to be done to increase the attractiveness of Europe, but with decisive action, the EU can reset the agenda and strengthen its competitiveness in the global economy.  

Doubling down on the transatlantic relationship

2 Oct 2024
All Committees

The EU and the US are each other’s closest strategic partners. They share fundamental values, interests and – thanks, in part, to the strength of the transatlantic economy – a collective responsibility to impact politics, economics and security. Now, as challenges test the foundations of the global order, Europe and the US must double down on cooperation to bring value to citizens and companies globally. Learn how

How third-party litigation funding is already impacting European businesses

2 Oct 2024
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Consumer affairs

Businesses face a rapidly growing risk of litigation in areas such as sustainability compliance, product liability and digital compliance. This litigation is often financed by third-party litigation funding (TPLF), which offers financial resources to litigants in exchange for a portion of the litigation proceeds. But without sufficient regulatory oversight, TPLF poses risks to the integrity of civil and commercial justice systems. These concerns have prompted calls for stronger EU-wide regulations to ensure transparency, fairness and genuine consumer advocacy in funded legal actions. Find out how TPLF is already increasing exposure to litigation risks across Europe.

Integrating diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) into sustainability reporting strategies

1 Oct 2024
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

How can organisations integrate DE&I practices into their sustainability strategies, especially as the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive introduces more reporting requirements? That’s what we found out on Tuesday, 1 October during a panel discussion. On the regulatory side, our panelists examined how changing consumer trends are reinforcing DE&I practices and driving companies to become more transparent. Afterwards we turned to the industry perspective, where our speakers showcased the value of sustainability reporting for companies and explained how the wider business ecosystem is motivating them to become more inclusive. Finally, the discussion turned to how diversity within companies allows them to address the diverse needs of their stakeholders. 

Become a Halloween hero: donate blood or plasma and save lives

1 Oct 2024
All Committees

This Halloween give the gift of life by donating blood or plasma to the Belgian Red Cross. As the demand for these vital resources remains high, potential recipients can end up on long waitlists. Your act of kindness can make a world of difference. Sign up to donate blood today and be a hero to someone in need. Every drop counts – you have the power to save lives.

EU Deforestation Regulation: effective implementation not possible without deferred application

30 Sep 2024
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Despite repeated calls for clarification from industry, the European Commission has failed to provide the appropriate guidance required for companies to comply with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). This uncertainty creates significant challenges for businesses seeking to invest in compliance measures. To provide clarity, the Commission must either defer the date of application of the EUDR by one year or, at a minimum, consider a period of grace from December 2024. Learn why the current implementation of the EUDR will impede sustainable supply chains and the tackling of global deforestation.

Sharing how Europe can attract investment with Susan Danger

30 Sep 2024
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How can Europe attract the investment that will better the lives of millions of citizens across the continent? That was the question put to Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU when she sat down for an interview with the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB). Throughout the interview, available on FEB’s website, Ms. Danger underlined the struggles that industry is facing in the EU. Between global uncertainty, heavy regulatory constraints and protectionist trends, business faces a challenging environment in Europe. To combat this, the EU needs to make it easier for companies to invest in the region and cooperate with like-minded partners. Learn more about how Europe can regain its attractiveness on the global stage.  

EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme: no more delays

30 Sep 2024
All Committees
Digital Economy

Cybersecurity plays a crucial role in supporting Europe's economic resilience, competitiveness and innovation capacity. The longer the European Union Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services’ (EUCS) implementation is delayed, the longer Europe has to wait to strengthen its cybersecurity resilience. To avoid harmful delays, we call on the European Commission, Member States and European Cybersecurity Certification Group (ECCG) experts to swiftly adopt the EUCS in the form presented by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity in the March 2024 draft. Learn how Europe can bolster its digital economy.
