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Our recommendations to the Belgian Presidency

17 Jan 2024
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On 1 January, 2024, Belgium took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union against the backdrop of a volatile external environment. Over the next six months, strengthening the case for invested in Europe should be the top priority for the Belgian Presidency. Our recommendations to the Spanish Presidency aim to raise issues that are vital to shaping a strong and competitive EU and provide concrete input and direction to the Presidency’s work program over the upcoming month. 

The Green Way: growing sustainable supply chains

10 Jan 2024
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The path to climate neutrality requires global commitment from the private and public sectors. These commitments are more important than ever, as recent events have shown that disruptions to supply chains impact not only to energy prices and innovation, but also the competitiveness of the EU. Join us on Tuesday, 23 January to learn about how digital innovation and the transatlantic relationship are among the tools that can help ensure a smooth green transition and shape Europe's business landscape.

Steel and aluminium tariff dispute: pause continues

20 Dec 2023
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Customs & Trade Facilitation

On Thursday, 28 December 2023, US President Joe Biden extended the suspension of tariffs on European Union steel and aluminium for the next two years. This decision arrived after the EU announced a suspension of the rebalancing tariffs on US products until March 2025, in the context of the steel and aluminium tariff trade dispute. This is a positive development as the deadline for the reintroduction of the measures was fast approaching. The EU and the US agreed to a two-year pause in 2021. A tit-for-tat between the EU and the US would hurt jobs, prosperity and security on both sides of the Atlantic. We hope that these decisions encourage the transatlantic partners to reach an agreement on this dispute and remove reciprocal tariffs fully and permanently in the coming months.

Product Liability Directive: reviewing the political agreement

18 Dec 2023
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Consumer affairs

On Thursday 14 December, the EU reached a political agreement on the Product Liability Directive. This is an important step towards finalising a vital piece of legislation which should set in place a product liability framework that supports businesses bringing innovative products to market, protects consumers, and at the same time, maintains an appropriate balance between the interests of claimants and defendants in Member State courts.

Our priorities for the fifth Trade and Technology Council

18 Dec 2023
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The fifth ministerial meeting of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) will take place on Tuesday, 30 January 2024. The TTC is a unique forum for the EU and the US to tackle new and emerging issues arising from the transformation of our economies. However, there is scope to accelerate and amplify its impact. Both sides should seek to maintain the positive momentum and sustain the level of engagement. It will require continued investment, time and effort to ensure the TTC becomes a sustainable framework that is here to stay. As such, the public and private sectors both have a critical role to play in ensuring the TTC is a success in the long run.

Register now - The transatlantic effect: shaping the global agenda

18 Dec 2023
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A new era has been established in the strategic alliance between the EU and the US. Together, the two influence global values and standards, shape policy, lead on international trade and drive change. However, faced with geopolitical tensions, unsolved irritants and potential domestic political changes, this global position is increasingly becoming challenged. Our Transatlantic Conference 2024 will explore how the ‘transatlantic effect’ is perceived internationally and how both sides of the Atlantic can future-proof their ability to shape the global agenda. Join us on Tuesday, 19 March 2024 for a day of discussions on the relevance and attractiveness of the transatlantic partnership in a changing world. 

Navigating concerns around Third Party Litigation Funding

15 Dec 2023
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Consumer affairs

On Friday, 1 December, 2023, addressing questions and issues around Third Party Litigation Funding (TPLF). Hosted in conjunction with the European Justice Forum, the event examined the growth in mass claims, and how we can find the necessary scope of research around Third Party Litigation Funding in preparation for a potential European Commission proposal. Attendees heard from a wide range of speakers who gave their perspectives on what impact TPLF will have across Europe. Despite different backgrounds and experiences, each of the speakers agreed that transparency should be the top priority in the TPLF conversation.  

Balancing the AI Act

14 Dec 2023
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Digital Economy

On Friday, 8 December, the EU reached a political agreement regarding the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. This is a critical milestone for European policymakers, as it brings the Union one step closer to completing the world’s first comprehensive AI legislation. However, there remain key issues that must be addressed during the technical meetings of the coming weeks. Importantly, EU legislators should keep innovation at the forefront of the regulatory approach as well as strike the right balance between fostering technological advancements and safeguarding ethical and social considerations.

Empowering communities with Dow

13 Dec 2023
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Launched in 2019, Dow’s ALL IN Employee Resource Group (ERG) fund seeks to support local, European initiatives that help aspiring entrepreneurs, underprivileged young people, survivors of violence and more. The project empowers Dow’s employees to serve their communities by partnering with local organisations to create more diversity and inclusion in the places they live and work. As of April 2023,  ALL IN ERG projects have benefited more than 1,4000 people in Europe through a cumulative 1,200 volunteer hours from Dow colleagues.  

Celebrating 60 years with the help of the AmChams in Europe community

13 Dec 2023
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What’s the one word that comes to mind when thinking about AmCham EU? Community. That’s why we asked those in the AmChams in Europe network to share the one word that fits AmCham EU best for each of them as part of our 60th anniversary celebrations. Whether it’s friendship, trustworthiness, partnership or anything else, each had something nice to say. Take a look at the video to hear what they said!  

Liam Benham elected as Chair of AmCham EU

12 Dec 2023
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The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) announced that Liam Benham, President, EU, NATO and Government Affairs, Europe, Boeing has been elected as its new Chair. Liam Benham succeeds Zeger Vercouteren, Vice-President Worldwide Government Affairs & Policy for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Global Supply Chain, Johnson & Johnson who served as Chair over the last three years. Mr Benham began his two-year term on Tuesday, 12 December 2023. AmCham EU is grateful to Mr Vercouteren for his leadership and dedication to the organisation while serving as Chair. 

Charting the future of EU-UK relations

12 Dec 2023
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What are the next steps in rebuilding EU-UK relations? That’s what we explored during our panel discussion on Tuesday, 12 December. With further developments around the Windsor Framework, we heard from policymakers and industry stakeholders on how we can keep the relationship on track. Despite regulatory divergence and Brexit as the backdrop, we remain optimistic on future relations between the two parties. During the event, AmCham EU also completed the handover for the new Chair of the Board, Liam Benham (Boeing).  

Giving Back - AmCham EU donates over 90 boxes to the Shoe-Box project 2023

11 Dec 2023
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On Friday, 13 December AmCham EU continued its tradition of hosting members, staff, family and friends for an afternoon of giving back to the community. During the event, we packed over 90 boxes with nonperishable items for The Samaritans’ Shoe-Box project, which have been delivered to Eglise du Finistere in Brussels. They will now be distributed to those in need around the city. Thanks to everyone who joined – check out the highlights here and learn more about our working in giving back on our dedicated page

Risk versus reward: managing the EU-China relationship

8 Dec 2023
All Committees

Despite the significant political, commercial and digital differences that underlie the EU-China relationship, China remains an influential geopolitical actor that the EU cannot neglect. Intertwined supply chains and increased trade flows over the past decade mean Europe must continue to engage with and on China together with like-minded partners such as the US. However, that’s easier said than done. Read how Europe can de-risk to avoid harming business while also continuing to reap the rewards of the Chinese market

The role of diversity, equity and inclusion in public affairs

8 Dec 2023
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) aren’t just buzzwords – they’re principles that must be integrated into everything we do. By weaving in the values of DE&I into our day-to-day work, we can ensure our messages resonate with broader audiences and have a larger impact without leaving anyone behind. These are the lessons, and more, that we explored in the latest session of our Comms talks series with the Brussels Binder’s Audrey-Flore Ngomsik, President and Indre Krivait, Communications Working Group Volunteer.

Deepening the transatlantic partnership in Frankfurt

6 Dec 2023
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On Thursday, 30 November, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU spoke at AmCham Germany’s 17th Transatlantic Business Conference. Held in Frankfurt, Germany, the conference focused on the potential of deepening the transatlantic partnership considering rapidly developing technologies, security challenges and shifts in international relations. Kicking off the day, Ms Danger joined an EMPOWER HER session focused on women leaders. Afterwards Ms Danger spoke on the importance of strong US ties to both EU Members States and to Europe as a whole. The speakers tied into this theme by making it clear that the attractiveness of Europe is inseparable from the attractiveness of individual EU countries.  

A stroll down memory lane: 60 years of friendship at our alumni party

4 Dec 2023
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Bringing together former and current staff, our alumni party on Friday, 1 December was an evening to remember. Attended by over 75 of our current and former colleagues, guests had a chance to reconnect against the backdrop of our 60th anniversary. We toasted to six decades as a network that has stood the test of time, while also looking at where our shared connections can bring us in the future.   

Towards competitive and resilient transatlantic financial markets

1 Dec 2023
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Financial Services

What does the future hold for financial services? On Tuesday, 28 November, AmCham EU explored this, hearing perspectives from various policymakers. Tom Dechaene, Director, Board of Directors, National Bank of Belgium gave his view on the developments in the European financial services space in a keynote speech. Afterwards, a panel discussion covered how the EU, UK and US can cooperate on making the financial markets more competitive and resilient.   

Invested in Europe: fostering advanced manufacturing with Dell

1 Dec 2023
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Since opening its first European manufacturing site in 1990, Dell Technologies has been contributing to the continent’s extensive technology ecosystem in everything from fostering digital skills to shoring up its supply of components and providing infrastructure. Advancing that legacy, it recently opened two cutting-edge technology testing and research centres to help Europe realise its advanced manufacturing potential. The Customer Solution Centre Innovation Lab in Limerick showcases solutions for real-world use cases and enables businesses to unlock the power of emerging technologies. At the recently re-developed Dell Technologies Customer Solution Centre in Cork, businesses can test drive their datasets and workloads prior to deployment, gaining valuable hands-on experience before going live. Through these facilities, Dell is doing its part to position Europe as a global technology hub.  

Pioneering Reusable Packaging in Germany

27 Nov 2023
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In 2021 MSD Animal Health became the first manufacturing pharmaceutical company in Germany to implement a reusable packaging system and ship medicines and vaccines in sustainable, reusable boxes.  In its quest to lessen its impact on the estimated 177.9 kg of packaging waste that each EU inhabitant generated in 2020, the company reduced its CO2 footprint by more than 50% and saved more than 80% of water by eliminating disposable packaging. In just two years, MSD Animal Health delivered one million reusable boxes in Germany. In light of its success, MSD is now working to introduce reusable boxes into shipping processes in other countries as well.   
