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Position paper - Principles for leveraging connected and automated mobility in Europe

23 May 2018
Digital Economy
Transport, Energy & Climate

The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) has long highlighted the importance of a sound policy framework to deploy connected and automated mobility and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Europe. Connected and automated driving can improve – or even revolutionise – how vehicles interact with each other, with road infrastructure and other third operators. It has the potential to increase the efficiency of road use and improve both the safety and the environmental performance of vehicles.

AmCham EU welcomes the Commission’s move to publish a Strategy on the future of Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) in Europe within the framework of the Third Mobility Package. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration on the future of EU Mobility and we believe that we can bring a valuable contribution to the policy making by combining the views of car manufacturers, components suppliers, service providers and road infrastructure and IT service providers.

Read more about AmCham EU's position on connected and automated mobility below. For more information, please contact Jarrod Birch (