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EU Presidency

AmCham EU’s Presidency Group works to contribute to a constructive dialogue with the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It initiates substantive policy dialogues with national officials charged with the upcoming Presidency of the Council by meeting with the relevant permanent representation in Brussels and in the member state capitals. This is followed by AmCham EU presentation of our recommendations report which aims to provide concrete input on the important issues that will be addressed under the presidency.


Hungary (July - December)

Recommendations to the Hungarian Presidency




Belgium (January - June)

Recommendations to the Belgian Presidency




Spain (July - December)

Recommendations to the Spanish Presidency




Sweden (January - June)

Recommendations to the Swedish Presidency 




Czech Republic (July - December)

Recommendations to the Czech Presidency



France (January - June)

Recommendations to the French Presidency




Slovenia (July - December)

Recommendations to the Slovenian Presidency

Portugal (January - June)

Recommendations to the Portuguese Presidency


Germany (July - December)

Recommendations to the German Presidency

Read the recommendations Read the economic recovery paper

Croatia (January - June)

Recommendations to the Croatian Presidency

Read the recommendations


Finland (July - December)

Recommendations to the Finnish Presidency

Read the recommendations


Romania (January - June)

Recommendations to the Romanian Presidency

Read the recommendations


Austria (July - December)

Recommendations to the Austrian Presidency

Read the recommendations

AmCham EU’s Presidency Group works to contribute to a constructive dialogue with the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It initiates substantive policy dialogues with national officials charged with the upcoming Presidency of the Council by meeting with the relevant permanent representation in Brussels and in the member state capitals. This is followed by AmCham EU presentation of our recommendations report which aims to provide concrete input on the important issues that will be addressed under the presidency.