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Susan Danger makes the case for a comprehensive TTIP agreement at the 'Spirit of Bern' Conference

20 Jan 2016
Trade & External Affairs

On 18 January, Susan Danger, Managing Director of AmCham EU, spoke at the leading ‘Spirit of Bern’ business conference in Switzerland. TTIP was a key topic of discussion, and particularly its relevance to third countries. With about 700 participants, the ‘Spirit of Bern’ conference brought together representatives of the Swiss business community, policy-makers and academics.

The Spirit of Bern

Susan took part in a lively debate with four other speakers:

- Alan Bowman, Deputy Head of Misssion, Mission of Canada to the EU

- Joe Francois, Professor of International Economics, University of Bern and Managing Director, World Trade Institute

- Richard Jones, EU Ambassador to Switzerland

- Otto Lambe, German Ambassador to Switzerland

Susan was invited to present the perspective of American companies invested in and committed to Europe and took this opportunity to make the case for a comprehensive EU-US trade deal. She highlighted why Swiss companies of all sizes were right to follow the negotiations closely and elaborated on how the benefits of TTIP could spill over to third countries, such as Switzerland. In a complex environment for multilateral trade, such an agreement between two of the largest trading powers would be particularly significant.

The conference was recorded and the video is available here. The TTIP panel starts at 3 h 35.

Next week, AmCham EU will launch a new study on the impact of TTIP in the Member States by the World Trade Institute.