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Susan Danger joins spiritsEUROPE’s Annual Trade Review

29 Jun 2021
All committees
Trade & External Affairs

On Tuesday, 29 June, as part of spiritsEUROPE’s Annual Trade Review, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU took the stage to discuss the state of the transatlantic relationship in the wake of the recent EU-US Summit. She was joined for a panel discussion by Matthias Jørgensen, Head of Unit at DG TRADE; Iana Dreyer, Founder and Editor of Borderlex; and Darya Galperina, Head of International Trade at Pernod Ricard. The discussion was moderated by Jean-Paul Judson, Founder and Director of NOWMORE.


Ms Danger highlighted the importance of the recent EU-US summit, both symbolically as the President’s first trip abroad and practically, considering the great contingent of senior level officials he brought along that were conducting discussions in Brussels as well. The summit brought a positive message in terms of resolving the trade irritants that have been present in the transatlantic relationship in past years. This took, in part, the form of a number of new working groups focused on the Section 232 tariffs, on high level cooperation on climate and of course the many working groups of the Trade and Technology Council. 'The word now is action!'

Fellow panellist Matthias Jørgensen shared similar sentitments around the summit being a positive starting point and that the proof is in the pudding. He added we have taken big steps forward when it comes to resolving trade irritants. Iana Dreyer stressed the importance of the Trade and Technology Council and mentioned it is critical both sides agree on core principles of regulation based on shared values. Breaking from the other panelists, she expressed a slightly more cautious outlook on the summit and drew on the fact that we do not know what the relationship between the US and WTO will be going forward. Darya Galperina echoed many of the comments made by the other panelists and pointed out optimism and caution go hand-in-hand. She added when it comes to the WTO, it is time to move away from the discussions on what needs to be done and to start doing it. 

The full discussion is available for viewing on spiritsEUROPE's YouTube channel.