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AmCham EU’s vision for the future: Attractiveness of Europe: Agenda for Action 2024-2029

19 Feb 2024
All Committees

The attractiveness of Europe is under threat. A heavy regulatory agenda, protectionist trends and sluggish growth have created a difficult environment for business in a context of global uncertainty. But the future does not have to be bleak. With decisive action, the EU can reset the agenda and strengthen its competitiveness in the global economy. Attractiveness of Europe: Agenda for Action 2024-2029 – AmCham EU’s new vision for the EU’s upcoming legislative mandate – outlines the three priority areas that should drive the European political agenda to strengthen the attractiveness of the region and tackle global issues.

Why AmCham EU is for you

16 Feb 2024
All Committees

Whether it's access to stakeholders on both sides of the Atlantic or being part of an organisation that can get things done, AmCham EU membership holds a lot of value. But why take our word for it? Find out more about the benefits of joining our organisation directly from our members. Hear more on what our members have to say and what their membership means to them.   

Building bridges: AmCham EU's Doorknock delegation to Washinton, DC

14 Feb 2024
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From Monday, 5 to Thursday, 8 February 2024, AmCham EU visited Washington, DC as part of its annual Washington Doorknock delegation. Focused on demonstrating the value of the transatlantic relationship to a US audience, delegates met with a wide range of stakeholders including members of Congress and officials from different departments of the US government. By making these trips to meet with high level policymakers, AmCham EU acts as a bridgebuilder between the two sides of the Atlantic.  

Discussing financial services with Vincent Van Peteghem

14 Feb 2024
All Committees
Financial Services

On Tuesday, 14 February, AmCham EU met with Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Belgian Federal Government to further discuss the priorities of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The meeting centred around the competitiveness of Europe and developments in the financial services sphere. Underpinning the discussion was the need to maintain and enhance the EU's attractiveness for business.

Joint statement on revitalising the Single Market

13 Feb 2024
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The Single Market is the beating heart of the European economy but its role as the main driver of investment into the region cannot be taken for granted. Together with 25 associations, we are calling for the deepening the Single Market and renewing the dynamics of European integration. A well-functioning Single Market is indispensable to incentivise more investment and innovation in Europe, finance social security, fund quality education, and take additional measures for the climate. A renewed focus on strengthening the Single Market is urgent, here’s why

What stories will make the headlines in 2024?

5 Feb 2024
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On Tuesday, 30 January, we held our first plenary meeting of the year discussing the stories that will make the headlines in 2024. Joined by Hendrik Van de Velde, Ambassador, General Coordinator for the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, we heard about more about the Belgian Presidency’s plans around competitivity and industrial policy, with a particular focus on the green deal transition. 

Addressing water insecurity

1 Feb 2024
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Water insecurity in Europe is a growing crisis, marked by severe droughts, floods and increasing scarcity affecting 40% of the population. The EU must take urgent action to combat water insecurity in Europe. By integrating water into EU industrial strategies, exploring fit-for-use approaches and encouraging public-private partnerships for ecosystem restoration the EU can address global water challenges. Learn how we can ensure the sustainable management of water for current and future generations.

Advancing transatlantic digital cooperation with Mathieu Michel

1 Feb 2024
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Against the background of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, AmCham EU met with Mathieu Michel, Secretary of State for Digitalisation, Administrative Simplification, Protection of Privacy and Building Management, Belgian Federal Government on Wednesday, 31 January. The meeting centred around Europe’s competitiveness and ensuring legislation can keep up with the pace of technological innovation. Underpinning the discussion was the need to foster public-private cooperation, address the skills gap and align with trusted partners to overcome shared issues.  

Our proposals for a more effective control of dual-use goods exports

30 Jan 2024
All Committees
Digital Economy
Trade & External Affairs

The EU needs a harmonised and future-proof export control framework that adequately accounts for evolving technologies and creates a competitive environment for EU exporters, with special consideration for SMEs and academic institutions. This requires modernising the 2021 Dual-Use Regulation, ensuring effective export controls that are proportional, flexible and focus on end-users, and encouraging inclusive stakeholder participation in export control discussions. Moreover, as cross-border research, development and innovation initiatives become the global norm, it is essential that the EU and its trusted partners focus on developing interoperable export control rules. This would help ensure that their businesses can compete on a level playing field and jointly benefit from cutting-edge innovations – including AI technology, quantum computing, semiconductors and biotech – and make it harder for nefarious actors to exploit loopholes. 

Streamlining corporate taxation in the EU

30 Jan 2024
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The Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation Proposal (BEFIT) Directive Proposal represents an ambitious step towards harmonising corporate tax systems in the EU. However, we are concerned the current proposal would not reduce compliance burdens for affected companies. Lawmakers should wait for the full implementation of Pillar 2 before progressing with the draft. Instead, the European Commission can play a role in reviewing existing anti-avoidance and reporting rules for opportunities to streamline tax burdens, using member state seminars to ensure EU tax rules are implemented consistently, and providing further clarity on how Pillars 1 and 2 will apply in the EU. Read more about how European lawmakers can streamline administrative burdens and declutter corporate income tax.

Discussing consumer affairs with Arne Christoffels

29 Jan 2024
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On Wednesday, 24 January, AmCham EU met with Arne Christoffels, Head of Cabinet, Paul Van Tigchelt, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice. The discussion focused on consumer protection issues and the evolving litigation environment in the EU. With Belgium at the helm of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, learn how we can stand firm against protectionism while boosting the twin digital and green transitions. 

The Green Way 2024: in review

24 Jan 2024
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AmCham EU’s ‘The Green Way: growing sustainable supply chains’ conference took place on Tuesday, 23 January 2024 and explored how we can maximise the benefits of the tools available to swiftly enable the green transition. Whether it was through international environmental reporting standards, access to capital or more, attendees learned what needs to happen to modernise our approach to sustainability. Read more about what we learned throughout the day. 

Putting Europe's attractiveness back on the agenda with Enrico Letta

24 Jan 2024
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On Wednesday, 24 January members of AmCham EU’s Executive Council and senior representatives from our membership met with Enrico Letta, Italian politician and former Prime Minister of Italy. With Mr Letta having been tasked to write a report on the Future of the Single Market, the discussions centred on Europe’s competitiveness and addressing fragmentation within the bloc. As European elections approach, this report can play a crucial role in addressing the concerns around an increasingly complex environment for business and place the Single Market at the heart of the EU’s strategic agenda. 

Our recommendations to the Belgian Presidency

17 Jan 2024
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On 1 January, 2024, Belgium took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union against the backdrop of a volatile external environment. Over the next six months, strengthening the case for invested in Europe should be the top priority for the Belgian Presidency. Our recommendations to the Spanish Presidency aim to raise issues that are vital to shaping a strong and competitive EU and provide concrete input and direction to the Presidency’s work program over the upcoming month. 

The Green Way: growing sustainable supply chains

10 Jan 2024
All Committees

The path to climate neutrality requires global commitment from the private and public sectors. These commitments are more important than ever, as recent events have shown that disruptions to supply chains impact not only to energy prices and innovation, but also the competitiveness of the EU. Join us on Tuesday, 23 January to learn about how digital innovation and the transatlantic relationship are among the tools that can help ensure a smooth green transition and shape Europe's business landscape.

Steel and aluminium tariff dispute: pause continues

20 Dec 2023
All Committees
Customs & Trade Facilitation

On Thursday, 28 December 2023, US President Joe Biden extended the suspension of tariffs on European Union steel and aluminium for the next two years. This decision arrived after the EU announced a suspension of the rebalancing tariffs on US products until March 2025, in the context of the steel and aluminium tariff trade dispute. This is a positive development as the deadline for the reintroduction of the measures was fast approaching. The EU and the US agreed to a two-year pause in 2021. A tit-for-tat between the EU and the US would hurt jobs, prosperity and security on both sides of the Atlantic. We hope that these decisions encourage the transatlantic partners to reach an agreement on this dispute and remove reciprocal tariffs fully and permanently in the coming months.

Register now - The transatlantic effect: shaping the global agenda

18 Dec 2023
All Committees

A new era has been established in the strategic alliance between the EU and the US. Together, the two influence global values and standards, shape policy, lead on international trade and drive change. However, faced with geopolitical tensions, unsolved irritants and potential domestic political changes, this global position is increasingly becoming challenged. Our Transatlantic Conference 2024 will explore how the ‘transatlantic effect’ is perceived internationally and how both sides of the Atlantic can future-proof their ability to shape the global agenda. Join us on Tuesday, 19 March 2024 for a day of discussions on the relevance and attractiveness of the transatlantic partnership in a changing world. 

Product Liability Directive: reviewing the political agreement

18 Dec 2023
All Committees
Consumer affairs

On Thursday 14 December, the EU reached a political agreement on the Product Liability Directive. This is an important step towards finalising a vital piece of legislation which should set in place a product liability framework that supports businesses bringing innovative products to market, protects consumers, and at the same time, maintains an appropriate balance between the interests of claimants and defendants in Member State courts.

Our priorities for the fifth Trade and Technology Council

18 Dec 2023
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The fifth ministerial meeting of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) will take place on Tuesday, 30 January 2024. The TTC is a unique forum for the EU and the US to tackle new and emerging issues arising from the transformation of our economies. However, there is scope to accelerate and amplify its impact. Both sides should seek to maintain the positive momentum and sustain the level of engagement. It will require continued investment, time and effort to ensure the TTC becomes a sustainable framework that is here to stay. As such, the public and private sectors both have a critical role to play in ensuring the TTC is a success in the long run.

Navigating concerns around Third Party Litigation Funding

15 Dec 2023
All Committees
Consumer affairs

On Friday, 1 December, 2023, addressing questions and issues around Third Party Litigation Funding (TPLF). Hosted in conjunction with the European Justice Forum, the event examined the growth in mass claims, and how we can find the necessary scope of research around Third Party Litigation Funding in preparation for a potential European Commission proposal. Attendees heard from a wide range of speakers who gave their perspectives on what impact TPLF will have across Europe. Despite different backgrounds and experiences, each of the speakers agreed that transparency should be the top priority in the TPLF conversation.  
