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Bolstering Europe’s defence base through transatlantic cooperation

11 Dec 2024
All committees
Security, Defence & Space

With Europe facing a number of security challenges and an uncertain geopolitical landscape, now is the time for policymakers to bolster its defence industrial base. But how can they navigate the task of balancing calls for reduced dependencies while maximising the potential of working with likeminded partners? On Tuesday, 10 December, Andrius Kubilius, Commissioner for Defence and Space, European Commission and decision makers joined us to discuss strengthening Europe’s resilience and security. The Commissioner highlighted three areas of focus around supporting Ukraine, enhancing the EU’s readiness and securing defence financing. Transatlantic cooperation will be essential to achieving a more secure Europe, here’s how we can create a more competitive, innovative and resilient defence industry

Throughout the morning, we heard from Tarja Jaakkola, Assistant Secretary-General, Defence Investment, NATO during a keynote speech. Afterwards she joined a panel discussion with Eva Geywitz, Global Market Development Leader, Defense Aerospace Business, WL GORE; Charles Philippe Graf Dijon de Monteton, Head, Business Development Europe, Reinmethall; Ivars Ijabs, MEP (RE, LV); Guillaume de La Brosse, Head of Unit, Defence Industry and Market Policy, Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space, European Commission; Nikola Minchev, MEP (RE, BG). The discussion were moderated by Lucía López Carasa, Senior Policy Adviser, AmCham EU. Thanks to MEPs Ivars Ijabs and Nikola Minchev for hosting us in the European Parliament for the event. 

The European Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) and the European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP) are crucial tools for strengthening the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB). We have highlighted recommendations for enhancing their effectiveness, including fostering transatlantic collaboration, integrating advanced technologies and addressing the balance between short-term needs and long-term ambitions. While the EDIS and EDIP proposals have the potential to offer significant advantages to the EDTIB and Member States, their success will depend on stronger collaboration with likeminded allies and the integration of innovative solutions