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Paving the path for Europe's digital decade
The European Commission's 2030 Digital Compass: the European Way for the Digital Decade Communication presents a vision, targets and avenues towards a successful digital transformation. It puts the EU’s digital ambitions for 2030 into concrete terms and proposes the development of a framework of digital principles and promoting the EU’s digital agenda internationally. To ensure that the objectives of the digital compass are met, AmCham EU provides recommendations on the importance of building and maintaining international partnerships; facilitating broad stakeholder participation; accelerating investment and innovation; and enhancing digital skills and inclusion. These recommendations will not only lead to the realisation of Europe’s ‘digital decade’, but also a positive, tangible effect on Europe’s society.
In order to best cooperate on achieving the objectives of the compass, AmCham EU offers insights on the importance of having broad stakeholder participation - including with industry - in collaborative forums such as the EU-US Trade & Technology Council. Within our paper, our members recommend further accelerating investment, innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe to incentivise and foster the uptake of new technologies that hold high economic and social potential. To this end, it is crucial to enhance digital skills and inclusion in order to build and preserve trust between society and technology, as this is the cornerstone of all public and private digital transformation strategies.