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AmCham EU and US Chamber of Commerce launch Transatlantic Economy 2020 report

27 Mar 2020
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

On Thursday, 26 March 2020, the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) and the US Chamber of Commerce hosted an online event to mark the launch of our Transatlantic Economy 2020 report. To watch the event again, click here.

New study: COVID-19 set to test the resilience of the transatlantic economy

26 Mar 2020
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

A new study on the transatlantic economy stresses the impact the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will have on both the European and US economies. The current crisis adds to existing economic and political instability, which, in turn, challenges the world’s largest marketplace. Despite mounting uncertainty, the 2020 report emphasises that the fundamentals of the transatlantic relationship remain strong, and will likely play a role in the economic recovery to come. 

Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, said: ‘We need the US and the EU to work together, with the entire global community, to ensure a coordinated approach to the health emergency caused by COVID-19 and its ripple effects on the economy. Bold action from governments is critical to protect citizens’ health and shield our economies from the impact of a global recession.’ She went on to say: ‘Today’s crisis demonstrates the continued importance of transatlantic cooperation.’

To download the study, please click here.


US chargé d'affaires dials in for our first online Plenary

26 Mar 2020
All Committees
Plenary Meeting

On Tuesday, 24 March 2020, AmCham EU hosted its first online Plenary meeting with over 70 participants from across our membership. The internal part provided key updates on COVID-19, membership and upcoming policy initiatives. 

The Plenary then featured Mark Libby, Chargé d’Affaires, US Mission to the EU, who showcased US efforts to address the current pandemic and called for renewed EU-US cooperation to tackle the crisis.

The discussion was followed by a presentation on ongoing tax policy initiatives at the EU and OECD levels by Will Morris, Chair, Tax Committee, AmCham EU and Deputy Global Tax Policy Leader, PwC.

AmCham EU features in Global AmChams online briefing

26 Mar 2020
All Committees

On Thursday 26 March, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, was a guest speaker on a worldwide online briefing hosted by the US Chamber of Commerce for the global AmChams network.

Join AmCham EU online

18 Mar 2020
All Committees

Due to the evolution of the COVID-19 outbreak AmCham EU staff is working from home. AmCham EU is upgrading its digital services to ensure members can continue to join our activities remotely. Our members have our full commitment and we are operating business online where committee and task force meetings will continue taking place. Should you wish to contact any member of the staff, you can find our contact details in the AmCham EU staff page. Otherwise, please do send an email to  or call the temporary general line (+32 2 289 10 17). 

AmCham EU launches new Circular Economy brochure

11 Mar 2020
All Committees

On Wednesday, 11 March 2020, we launched our new brochure, ‘The Circular Economy: 15 innovative industry solutions that drive a sustainable future’ which features a series of solutions, as well as recommendations for EU policymakers as they take steps towards building and implementing the new circular economy strategy.

The brochure is being launched on the same day as the European Commission's new Circular Economy Action Plan which will seek to strengthen EU industry, help fight climate change and preserve the EU’s natural environment. Check out our new webpage here!

Transatlantic Week postponed

10 Mar 2020
All Committees

The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) is postponing its Transatlantic Week 2020 (Wednesday 25 March to Friday 27 March). The series of events, which includes the Transatlantic Reception, the Transatlantic Conference and the Brussels Briefing for European AmChams, will be rescheduled to the autumn.

In light of the COVID-19 global outbreak, the AmCham EU Board of Directors has decided to postpone the events as a precaution to ensure the health and safety of our guests, speakers, members and staff. In addition, current guidelines restricting international travel for government officials and corporates are limiting the ability of many guests to attend.

The Transatlantic Week has always been about bringing people together from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss the future of the transatlantic relationship. We feel that in the current circumstances we are not able to meet this goal.

US business in Europe supports integrated EU industrial strategy

10 Mar 2020
All Committees
Transport, Energy & Climate

On Tuesday 10 March, the European Commission has announced its plan for a renewed industrial strategy to bolster the EU’s competitiveness. The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) is encouraged by the focus on an integrated approach that promotes industrial innovation and recognises the importance of value chains.

AmCham EU celebrates International Women's Day 2020

9 Mar 2020
All Committees
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

On Sunday, 8 March 2020, AmCham EU celebrated International Women's Day through a campaign which highlights the progress of women in the workplace as well as looking at how we can help realise equality. The campaign includes a video which features four different and interesting perspectives from Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU; Elizabeth Krahulecz, Chair of AmCham EU's Diversity & Inclusion Task Force and Associate Partner, EY; Thibaut L'Ortye, Associate Director of Public Affairs, AmCham EU and Christina Taylor, Market Engagement Intern, AmCham EU. AmCham EU's campaign forms part of a wider social media movement under the hashtag #EachforEqual. Check out the video here.  

AmCham EU responds to the new Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2024

9 Mar 2020
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

On Thursday, 5 March 2020 the European Commission presented its new Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2024. The document sets out an ambitious plan to advance opportunities for women across Europe, allowing them to thrive and achieve success throughout their careers.

AmCham EU voices its support for gender equality and looks forward to working together with the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Member States on this crucial initiative.

Online launch of AmCham EU's Circular Economy Brochure

5 Mar 2020
All Committees

On Wednesday, 11 March 2020, we will be launching our new brochure, ‘The Circular Economy: 15 innovative industry solutions that drive a sustainable future’ which features a series of solutions, as well as recommendations for EU policymakers as they take steps towards building and implementing the new Circular Economy strategy. The online launch will be followed by an event, details will follow shortly. The brochure is being launched on the same day as the European Commission's new Circular Economy Action Plan which will seek to strengthen EU industry, help fight climate change and preserve the EU’s natural environment. 

AmCham EU’s position on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan

5 Mar 2020
All Committees

With a member base from across various industries, we are well positioned to have input on healthcare-related legislation and we want to ensure that policies add value to and benefit the entire healthcare ecosystem. We have prepared a response to the European Commission Roadmap on Europe's Beating Cancer Plan. Find it here

AmCham EU delegation visit to Berlin

5 Mar 2020
All Committees

From Monday, 2 to Wednesday, 4 March 2020, a delegation of AmCham EU members and secretariat visited Berlin for a series of meetings with representatives of the German federal government and the German Bundestag. During the visit, they also met with the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany (AmCham Germany) and the Federation of German Industries (BDI). This visit occured ahead of the upcoming German Presidency of the Council of the European Union, commencing Wednesday, 1 July 2020. 

AmCham EU co-signs position on the EU 'Own Resource on Unrecycled Plastic Packaging'

24 Feb 2020
All Committees

AmCham EU has co-signed a Common Industry Association Position Paper on the EU ‘Own Resource on unrecycled plastic packaging’, with a wide range of actors from the packaging value chain in Europe. A total of 59 associations from around Europe have co-signed the position paper, you can find the position here. 

How the EU can lead in industry this decade

24 Feb 2020
All Committees
Transport, Energy & Climate

Maxime Bureau, Chairman of AmCham EU penned an op-ed to Our World that speaks to the need for a comprehensive industrial strategy in the EU. In the article, Mr Bureau outlined the importance of addressing challenges related to the skills gap, climate change and the future of the multilateral trading system. In the piece which can be found here, he also stressed that 'as global competition in manufacturing becomes fiercer, we need European industry to be competitive'.

The changing landscape post-Brexit: a view from third countries

24 Feb 2020
All Committees
Plenary Meeting

On Tuesday, 18 February 2020 AmCham EU hosted a plenary event on The changing landscape post-Brexit: a view from third countries organised by the Brexit Task Force. The panel discussion aimed to shed light on how third countries are looking at EU-UK negotiations and the different challenges and opportunities that this process will bring to them.

Shaping Europe’s digital future

19 Feb 2020
Digital Economy

In its ‘shaping Europe’s digital future’ communication released today, the European Commission outlines a comprehensive strategy to unlock the potential of data and digital technologies. The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) supports this approach which aims to piece together the many building blocks needed for a successful digitisation of the European economy.  

AmCham EU secretariat heads to Strasbourg during European Parliament Plenary session

17 Feb 2020
All Committees
European Parliament Outreach

On Tuesday, 11 February 2020, Susan Danger, CEO, Roger Coelho, Senior Policy Director and Roberta Brumana, Senior External Relations Adviser, headed to Strasbourg during the European Parliament Plenary session. 

2021 VAT e-commerce package - Business needs certainty and transparency

14 Feb 2020
All Committees
Customs & Trade Facilitation

On Thursday, 13 February 2020, AmCham EU sent a letter to Stephen Quest, Director General of DG TAXUD, requesting greater transparency on the progress of the 2021 VAT e-commerce package and its implementation. This comes following the instruction of the European Council to the European Commission to complete an assessment by the end of 2019 of the EU’s readiness to implement the changes necessary to meet the 1 January 2021 deadline.

AmCham EU co-signs a call for Members of the European Parliament to ratify the EU-Vietnam Agreements

11 Feb 2020
Trade & External Affairs

The EU-Vietnam FTA: Opportunities for European and Vietnamese business, consumers and workers growing better together

Following on from the strong support of the International Trade committee on 21 January 2020, the undersigned business associations respectfully request that Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) consider the benefits for both sides and approve the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. Support from the European Parliament on this deal would lead to increased partnership and dialogue as well as expand cooperation globally and with Vietnam.
