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Meet the Youth Entrepreneurship Award finalists

9 Jun 2022
All Committees
Executive Council

As the EU celebrates the European Year of Youth, AmCham EU and JA Europe are pleased to announce the three finalists for the 2022 Youth Entrepreneurship Award. The award, now in its 10th edition, recognises young people’s entrepreneurial spirit and aims to foster innovation in Europe. The finalists were selected from a pool of applicants from all over Europe. Each will receive a monetary prize as well as a contribution for their local JA Europe organisation. In addition to funding, the winning company will receive expert mentorship from AmCham EU’s senior executives. The winner will be selected by a high-level jury and announced on Wednesday, 15 June at AmCham EU’s Gala evening.

Simona Popa sits down with the Martens Centre at #EPPRotterdam

9 Jun 2022
All Committees
European Parliament Outreach

Taking a step away from the action of the EPP Congress in Rotterdam, Simona Popa (InterDigital), Vice-Chair, European Parliament Outreach Task Force, AmCham EU, sat down with Margherita Movarelli, Head of Communications and Marketing, Martens Centre, to discuss the future of the transatlantic relationship. The discussion was part of a series of sideline events hosted by the EPP's political foundation and think tank during the party Congress. Simona Popa explained that while the transatlantic relationship is strong, based on unified values and economic ties, more ambition is needed from leaders on both sides of the Atlantic to solve shared challenges. Watch the full interview for more.

Discussing the upcoming Czech Presidency in Prague

9 Jun 2022
All Committees

The AmCham EU Presidency delegation was in Prague from Tuesday, 31 May to Thursday, 2 June 2022 for a series of meetings ahead of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, commencing on Friday, 1 July 2022. The delegation met with representatives of the Czech government as well as other key stakeholders. AmCham EU would like to thank AmCham Czech Republic for their support prior to and during the Presidency delegation. We would also like to thank the US Embassy to the Czech Republic and specifically Ambassador Michael J. Dodman, Chargé d´affaires for welcoming us in Czech Republic.

AmCham EU hosts Don Graves, US Deputy Secretary of Commerce

8 Jun 2022
All Committees

On Friday, 3 June, AmCham EU hosted Don Graves, Deputy Secretary of Commerce, US Department of Commerce for an insightful in-person meeting as the last stop on his visit to Europe. The topics discussed included export controls, the war in Ukraine, semiconductors and the EMPOWER HER initiative. The discussion centered around a recognition of the importance of investing in a global multilateral system based on shared norms and values. For example, international bodies dealing with standardisation are an area where there is a need for the EU and US to work together to advance their common positions.

Improving the Chips Act

8 Jun 2022
Digital Economy

With its emphasis on research, development and innovation, the European Commission’s Chips Act proposal could go a long way toward addressing the semiconductor supply chain disruption and preventing future shortages. However, to achieve its objectives, the Commission must provide clearer guidance on a range of issues. As the legislation moves forward, it must consider the needs of businesses in Europe that rely on chips, as well as cooperate and coordinate with the EU’s most important trade partner, the US, as it works toward the same goal. Read AmCham EU’s perspectives on how to improve the Chips Act and learn more about these microchips, the ‘brains’ inside electronics. 

AmCham EU elects new Member-at-Large of the Board

7 Jun 2022
All Committees

AmCham EU would like to congratulate Fiona Taylor (Verizon), who has been elected as the new Member-at-Large (corporate) of the Board of Directors for a two-year term. We welcome Fiona to her new role, and look forward to working with her. The election is following the upcoming end of the term of outgoing Board member Claudia Selli (AT&T). AmCham EU expresses our sincere thanks for her valuable contribution to the Board over the last three years. The official handover will take place at the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, 28 June.

AmCham EU would also like to thank every candidate for standing and for the thought, energy and effort that went into the campaigns and presentations. We look forward to all candidates continuing to be engaged actively at AmCham EU.

AmCham EU calls for progress on EU trade agreements ahead of Foreign Affairs Council

2 Jun 2022
Trade & External Affairs

Ahead of the Foreign Affairs Council meeting on Trade on Friday, 3 June, the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU urges the EU’s Trade Ministers to reignite efforts to advance the several ongoing negotiations on EU free trade agreements (FTAs) with third countries. Trade Ministers are set to discuss the state of play of the ongoing bilateral trade negotiations. AmCham EU encourages Ministers to recognise the importance of these agreements. They not only open new market opportunities, but they are essential tools to boost global recovery post COVID-19, will enable companies to further diversify their supply chains as well as provide increased consumer benefits through job creation and increased competition.

Foreign subsidies regulation: key EU trade and investment partners raise concerns

1 Jun 2022
Competition policy

AmCham EU, together with business groups representing key EU trade and investment partners, issued a joint statement expressing concern at significant elements of the proposed Regulation on foreign subsides and calling for amendments to the text. While the proposal rightfully seeks to address those non-EU subsidies which risk distorting the EU internal market, it could inadvertently impact international companies whose home jurisdiction shares Europe’s open market principles.

Skopje Economic Finance Forum: Susan Danger as keynote speaker

31 May 2022
All Committees

The Skopje Economic and Finance Forum (SEFF) is an initiative by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of North Macedonia meant to encourage dialogue, ideas and initiatives by policymakers, civil society, academics, the business sector and other experts. Susan Danger, CEO AmCham EU, was invited as a keynote speaker to this year’s conference, which took place 30 May 2022 and was centred around ‘Sustaining Growth in Times of Uncertainty and Beyond’. In her speech, Ms Danger addressed the importance of cooperation within the European region and across the Atlantic in order to build resilience and foment competitiveness. She also highlighted the role of the business sector as a convener and a key stakeholder to create sustainable and efficient policy-making. Listen to her speech here.

Relay for life: join us and make a donation

24 May 2022
All Committees

We all know someone whose life has been impacted by cancer. Relay for Life is an initiative to raise funds for the fight against cancer where participants gather and relay walking for 24 hours, as a symbol of the constant battle of patients and their families. It will take place on Saturday, 18 June and Sunday, 19 June (noon to noon) at St John’s International School in Waterloo. We walk to honour those who have survived, those who are fighting and those who are no longer with us, including our dear former colleague Andreas Galanakis. We are calling on all members to support our efforts in two ways:

  • Join our team and come walk with us for a couple of hours. Bring family and friends to a kids-friendly and fun community event.
  • Make a donation (as an individual or as a company)

Town Hall on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

24 May 2022
Responsible Business Conduct

On Tuesday, 24 May, AmCham EU hosted a Town Hall on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence with Allan Jorgensen, Head of Responsible Business Conduct Centre, OECD and Greta Koch, Policy Adviser and Press Officer, Office of Axel Voss MEP, European Parliament. The speakers will share their initial thoughts on the Commission’s proposal on the Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence as well as its alignment with international standards. The discussion was moderated by Julian Lageard (Intel), Chair, Responsible Business Conduct Task Force, AmCham EU.

Mastering the art of media relations

20 May 2022
All Committees

The newly launched Comms talks series returned with its second episode on Friday, 20 May featuring SEC Newgate EU's award-winning media experts Victoria Main, CEO and Anne-Claude Martin, Media Coordinator. The topic of focus? How to ace media relations in Brussels and beyond. During the interactive session, the two shared insights on the overall media landscape in Brussels, tips on getting the most out of your media strategy, what makes journalists tick and how to work best with them. Above all, the two stressed the need for win-win situations and why it's important to remember to keep the human touch when nurturing relationships with journalists and media in Brussels and beyond.

Debriefing the TTC with David De Falco

20 May 2022
All Committees
Digital Economy
Trade & External Affairs

On Wednesday, 18 May, AmCham EU hosted a Trade and Technology Council (TTC) debrief session together with the US Department of Commerce. The debrief was given by David De Falco, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe and Eurasia, US Department of Commerce and moderated by Thibaut L’Ortye, Director of Public Affairs, AmCham EU. The in-person discussion focussed on the outcomes of recent Trade and Technology Council Ministerial and stressed the importance of the TTC enduring as a forum for EU-US cooperation beyond political cycles.

Read our response: Consultation on the Data Act

20 May 2022
Digital Economy

AmCham EU shares the objectives of the European Commission to increase access to and further the (re-)use of data through the proposed ‘Data Act’. In order to ensure the Data Act meets its stated objectives, it should focus on promoting greater voluntary data sharing to boost economic growth, research and innovation, competitiveness and job creation while ensuring international data flows are protected. In order to ensure the Data Act meets its objectives, the Commission should address key overarching issues which require clarification and should be prioritised when analysing the proposal. 

AmCham EU participates in AmChams in Europe delegation visit to Washington, DC and Raleigh, North Carolina

19 May 2022
All Committees

Last week from Sunday, 8 May to Friday, 13 May, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU and Chairwoman AmChams in Europe, led the USA Conference of the AmChams in Europe (ACE) network. The ACE delegation included representatives from 30 AmChams in Europe and wider Europe. The AmCham executives visited Washington, DC to discuss transatlantic relations, the war in Ukraine and the current global challenges with leading US stakeholders, including the US Chamber of Commerce; the US Department of Commerce; the US Department of State; and the US Congress. 

The future of the TTC: from Paris and beyond

18 May 2022
All Committees
Digital Economy
Trade & External Affairs

On Tuesday, 17 May, AmCham EU hosted an event exploring the outcomes of the Trade and Technology Council’s Paris Summit. The panellists sought to analyse the outcomes of the Summit in the context of transatlantic cooperation in the digital sphere and of the current European digital legislative priorities. Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU moderated the panel, which featured Eva Maydell, MEP (EPP, BG); Thibaut Kleiner, Director, Policy Strategy and Outreach, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission; and Jean-Marc Leclerc, Director, EU Affairs, IBM and Co-director, IBM Policy Lab.

Let's talk trade

18 May 2022
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

On Tuesday, 17 May AmCham EU hosted an event to discuss the future of EU trade policy and how to bridge the gap between European and local levels. Despite the size, importance and strength of trade, the benefits of globalisation are often questioned. Exports - supported by trade relationships like the $1.1 trillion transatlantic partnership - support one in seven jobs in the EU. Yet, trade disputes and rising protectionism continue to pose real threats to the support of international trade in Europe. In order to provide prosperity to citizens in a changing economy while contributing to the green transition, panelists highlighted the importance of cooperation between policymakers, business and other stakeholders.

CBAM and trade competitiveness: can they coexist?

13 May 2022
Transport, Energy & Climate

The European Commission has proposed implementing a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) to combat carbon leakage and phase out the EU Emissions Trading System’s free allowance. In its current form, the CBAM challenges not only European export competitiveness in markets that have lower or no carbon prices but also the EU’s ability to stem carbon leakage. However, with an adjustment for exports, the EU can not only keep the playing field even for businesses but also protect our planet. Read AmCham EU’s perspectives on how to improve the CBAM and learn more about its impact on international trade.

AmCham EU goes across the pond

11 May 2022
All Committees

Last week AmCham EU sent a delegation to Washington, DC for a series of meetings with US-based stakeholders including the Department of Commerce, the Department of StateCapitol Hill and business groups such as the US Chamber of Commerce. Discussions covered a number of topics including the Trade and Technology Council and the multilateral trading system and served to highlight the importance of a strong EU-US relationship. In today's global context, it is more important than ever that the two partners work together to tackle common challenges.

Rethinking global trade

10 May 2022
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

The Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organised jointly an online discussion titled ‘Rethinking Global Trade – Where is it Heading?’. Thibaut L’Ortye, Director of Public Affairs, AmCham EU joined the panellists to discuss the state of international trade and the role of the EU as a global leader. He highlighted the importance of establishing an ambitious and open EU trade strategy, strengthening transatlantic leadership in the run up to the Trade and Transatlantic Council ministerial and rebuilding people’s trust in the benefits of a multilateral trading system.
