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Facilitating greater transatlantic R&D cooperation

21 Sep 2020
Security, Defence & Space

On Tuesday, 15 September, AmCham EU had the pleasure of hosting a webinar entitled ‘Facilitating greater transatlantic R&D cooperation: The European Defence Fund’. The webinar featured stakeholders that play a leading role in the unprecedented momentum around European defence investment and coordination. The event focused on addressing misconceptions on the Transatlantic Defence Technological and Industrial Cooperation (TADIC), the concept of strategic autonomy and the US International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) as well as its reform.

The speakers also discussed the opportunities and challenges of the European Defence Fund (EDF). Rosa Rosanelli, Member of the Editorial Board of the Strategic Trade Research Institute moderated the discussion. 

The EU packaging value chain calls on the EU to protect the Single Market

18 Sep 2020
Policy Group

On Thursday, 17 September, AmCham EU co-signed a statement promoted by the Packaging Chain Forum calling for the need to protect the integrity of the EU Single Market. As the EU Green Deal and the 'Circular Economy Action Plan' start taking shape, we have seen a growing number of uncoordinated national initiatives which undermine the effectiveness of the Single Market. Signatories call on Member State to thoroughly transpose EU legislation in respect of Single Market legislation and demand that the Commission exercises its powers to ensure that EU rules are respected, including on packaging and packaging waste. Read the joint statement here

State of the Union 2020: Europe’s future is now by Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU

18 Sep 2020
All Committees

At the beginning of the year, Europe was abounding with optimism – a new year, a new decade, and a newly inaugurated Commission with a fresh, forward-looking mandate. This felt like the year that Europe could finally disengage from crisis mode, and look to the future. A smart, green, carbon neutral economy, with burgeoning industry and prospering society was within Europe’s grasp.  Alas, nine months on, 2020 will go down in history as the annus horribilis of our time. But as the fallout of this latest historic crisis weighs heavily on Europe’s fragile societies, can President von der Leyen inject some much-needed vitality into the economic recovery?

The phasing out of primary batteries is incompatible with Europe’s goal for a carbon neutral economy

17 Sep 2020

On Tuesday, 15 September AmCham EU together with 13 other trade associations signed a statement contesting the restriction of primary batteries in framework of the current revision of the EU Batteries Directive. The signatories strongly support the ambitions of the Green Deal and maintain that the phasing out of primary batteries is incompatible with Europe’s goal for a carbon neutral economy. The statement also highlights that over the last few years, the environmental impact of primary batteries has been consistently decreasing and batteries are now effectively recycled if brought to a collection point. Overall, signatories argue that studies have shown that phasing our primary batteries would only have moderate effects on the amount of waste batteries (-25% by weight) but would bring negative impact on global warming. Read the statement here

Transatlantic Defence Cooperation: Five facts you didn’t know

15 Sep 2020
Security, Defence & Space

Europe and the US have a long history of cooperation in the field of defence and security. A culture of strategic partnership and trust has been built in formal contexts such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Significant capabilities, coupled with interoperability across Europe and the US are the result of effective transatlantic cooperation.

In spite of this, a number of misconceptions continue to manifest themselves in the defence sphere. That is why we have laid out five facts that highlight the importance of the transatlantic defence technological and industrial cooperation (TADIC) in our latest factsheet.

Help is only a telephone call away!

10 Sep 2020
All Committees

The past months have been very challenging for many people around the globe. Not only the physical effects but also the mental impact of the pandemic is immense. Since the outbreak, many of us have sadly lost loved ones and friends, who have suffered also both physically and mentally from the impact of COVID-19. Therefore, AmCham EU supports the initiatives taken in the framework of World Suicide Prevention Day.

A donation has been made to to support those struggling around us, as a sign that they are not alone. CHS operates a Mental Health Services Centre in Brussels, housing an international team of professional therapists who provide support for a comprehensive range of mental health issues. CHS has been supporting the international community of Belgian community regardless of their nationality or circumstances since 1971. No-one should feel that they are alone - help is only a telephone call away.

The role of Wi-Fi in critical times

8 Sep 2020
Digital Economy

The role of Wi-Fi has become even more critical in recent times. During the global COVID-19 health crisis, Wi-Fi has enabled families, enterprises, hospitals and schools, to keep connected with each other and as much as possible to continue everyday life. The trend towards wireless is only going to continue and be further accelerated from what was already predicted prior to COVID-19. 

Invested in Europe: Tackling global hunger

4 Sep 2020
All Committees

Did you know that 109 million Europeans are at risk of food insecurity as a result of poverty? Herbalife Nutrition, a global leader in nourishment, has set up the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation to tackle the triple threat of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. Through partnerships with local NGOs, donations of nutrient dense products from its Nutrition range, as well as grants, Herbalife Nutrition is increasing access to healthy foods and nutritional education. Through these actions and more, Herbalife’s Nutrition Foundation had a positive impact on over 10,000 children in Europe in 2019. Read more about Herbalife’s story on our Invested in Europe platform.  

Welcome back!

4 Sep 2020
All Committees

Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU welcomes you back! AmCham EU hopes you managed to enjoy some quiet time with your loved ones. We look forward to tackling the next 4 months and to providing solutions to our members’ advocacy needs through new ideas, initiatives and collaboration. Find out more from Susan's video

Legislative framework for the governance of common European data spaces

1 Sep 2020
Digital Economy
Intellectual Property

AmCham EU shares the European Commission’s vision that common European data spaces will create an enabling environment where market participants feel empowered to share, re-use data and be in control of their data. At the heart of the proposed data spaces are the users, who need certainty that their data is handled in a responsible manner. The success of the EU data strategy depends on establishing data governance mechanisms and structures that foster an open and inclusive approach, built on responsible and values-driven data sharing.

We are convinced there is an opportunity to develop a better culture of data sharing in Europe, and that ultimately this will contribute to boosting the EU data economy. AmCham EU and our members are committed to continuing the dialogue with policymakers and stakeholders on the essential role of data in domains of public interest and for the EU economy. For more details on our position, read our consultation response here

Intellectual Property Action Plan

1 Sep 2020
Digital Economy
Intellectual Property

As the European Union faces unprecedented geopolitical, economic and health challenges, it has become increasingly necessary to identify key pillars that will support not only the economic recovery, but that also pave the way towards EU leadership on the global stage. We believe that intellectual property (IP) is one of these key pillars. A robust IP system based on strong IP rights (IPR) and appropriate enforcement drives European research, manufacturing, employment and innovation and attracts capital to innovative and creative enterprises.

In addition, IP-intensive industries create high-value and long-term jobs. In order to further strengthen European IP protection, AmCham EU wishes to make the following recommendations: complete the Unitary Patents System; strengthen the enforcement of IPR; adapt the EU framework to an increasingly digital ecosystem; and modernise the EU design legislation. AmCham EU looks forward to continuing the dialogue with EU policymakers on the IP Action Plan. Find out more details from our consultation response

Leah Charpentier speaks at the Université d’été du MEDEF

1 Sep 2020
All Committees

On Thursday, 27 AugustLeah Charpentier (First Solar), Chair, Communications and Marketing Group, AmCham EU spoke at the Université d’été du Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF) as part of CommStrat Club's partnership with MEDEF which included a session on how to speed up the industrial sector in France. In her intervention, Leah emphasised the need for a comprehensive industrial strategy to strengthen the EU’s competitiveness in the global economy and the region’s ability to attract foreign investment. Watch the full video here

EU-US tariff agreement: a positive development for the transatlantic relationship

25 Aug 2020
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

On Friday 21 August, Commissioner Hogan and Ambassador Lighthizer announced that the EU and the US reached an agreement on a set of tariff reductions. The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) welcomes the deal as a small but positive step to normalise and deepen the EU-US trade relationship. 

The package is presented as part of a staged approach that will lead to additional deals between the two economies. AmCham EU continues to support every effort to advance the transatlantic trade and investment agenda. The EU-US economy is the engine of global growth and has a key role to play in powering the economic recovery. 16 million jobs rely on the relationship on both sides of the Atlantic.

For more information, please contact Thibaut L’Ortye, Associate Director of Public Affairs (

Queen Elisabeth Competition donations

19 Aug 2020
All Committees

The Queen Elisabeth Competition has been active since 1937 as one of the main music competitions of world-renowned importance. Only WWII had imposed a pause to the event prior to the COVID-19 postponement of the 2020 edition. The competition is relying mainly on private donations and needs financial support more than ever to go through this exceptional ordeal. Donations are vital and will make it possible for the Queen Elisabeth Competition to organise an outstanding and awaited piano edition next year, maintaining its standard of excellence.

AmCham EU co-signs joint industry letter on Schrems II Case Ruling

30 Jul 2020
All Committees
Digital Economy
Intellectual Property

AmCham EU has co-signed a letter to Didier Reynders, Justice Commissioner, European Commission; Wilbur Ross, US Secretary of Commerce and Dr Andrea Jelinek, Chairwoman, European Data Protection Board. The letter reiterates AmCham EU’s concern that the ruling to invalidate the EU-US Privacy Shield has caused uncertainty for thousands of businesses on both sides of the Atlantic engaging in data transfers. 

Statement on cross-sectoral business concerns vis-à-vis the French law on the fight against waste and the circular economy

30 Jul 2020
All Committees

AmCham EU published a statement signed by 20 trade associations that highlights cross-sectoral business concerns vis-à-vis the French law on the fight against waste and the circular economy: 'Loi relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l'économie circulaire'. 

The statement welcomes France’s ambition and efforts to transpose the revised Waste Framework Directive, Packaging Waste Directive and the recently adopted Single Use Plastics Directive. However, the signatories believe that some specific provisions within the law could be damaging for the functioning of the EU’s Internal Market as they will create new trade barriers and are disproportionate with regard to the stated policy objectives. For more details, read the full statement here

AmCham EU hosted panel discussion on German Presidency

22 Jul 2020
All Committees

On Monday, 13 July, AmCham EU hosted a panel discussion on the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Speakers included: Ambassador Axel Dittman, Director, EU Institutional, Affairs, Brexit, EU Coordination and EU2020 Presidency, German Federal Foreign Office; Dr Wolfgang Dierker, Managing Director, GE Deutschland Holding GmbH and Policy Adviser, AmCham Germany and Dr Heiko Willems, Director, BDI/BDA, the German Business Representation. Cristina Falcone (UPS), Chair, Policy Group, AmCham EU moderated the discussion. 

Germany took over the Presidency from Croatia which dealt with the impact of COVID-19 since the early stages of its Presidency. The German Presidency and the next Presidency trio to will be responsible for leading the road to the economic recovery.

Due to the current pandemic, the German Presidency outlined that it needed to adapt to the new virtual world. The European summit which took place over last weekend, has been the first in-person meeting at the Council of the European Union in months. 

American Hour – where next for the international system?

22 Jul 2020
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

On Thursday, 16 July 2020, AmCham EU had the pleasure of welcoming Fred Kempe, President and CEO, Atlantic Council. Mr Kempe reflected on the fact that we are at a possible inflection point in history, described possible scenarios for the future of the international system and discussed the necessity of a strong transatlantic partnership to navigate these uncharted waters. The conversation was moderated by Taggart Davis (JP Morgan), Chair, Transatlantic Task Force and Vice-Chair, Board, AmCham EU. Susan Danger, CEO of AmCham EU, provided opening remarks in which she stressed that cooperation between the US and the EU will always be mutually beneficial.

Collective redress: New consumer rules must safeguard against abusive litigation

22 Jul 2020
Consumer affairs

The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) supports the efforts of the Commission to guarantee a high level of consumer protection and provide redress to individuals who have been harmed by illegal practices. The newly endorsed proposal on representative actions enables consumers across the European Union to launch class action cases on a variety of legal matters. However, we are disappointed with the rushed final compromise text for the Directive that was agreed at the end of the Croatian presidency mandate.

AmCham EU co-signs letter to Wilbur Ross, Secretary, US Department of Commerce

22 Jul 2020
All Committees
Digital Economy
Intellectual Property

AmCham EU has co-signed a letter to Wilbur Ross, US Secretary of Commerce, calling for the US administration to work closely with the EU to develop a sustainable mechanism for companies to transfer data across the Atlantic. Read the full letter here
