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A conversation with US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross

18 Oct 2018
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

AmCham EU welcomed US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross on Wednesday, 17 October 2018 for a conversation with members on the US government’s priorities for the transatlantic relationship. 

US notification to Congress of intent to relaunch transatlantic trade negotiations a positive development for EU-US ties

17 Oct 2018
Trade & External Affairs

The US business community welcomes the US government’s formal notification today to the US Congress of its intention to relaunch trade negotiations with the EU.

Executive Council members meet top EU and US officials in Brussels

15 Oct 2018
All Committees
Executive Council

The Executive Council of AmCham EU held their fall plenary meeting in Brussels on Thursday, 11 October. 

AmCham EU participates in US Chamber Global Cyber Dialogue in Washington, DC

15 Oct 2018
All Committees
Digital Economy

On Wednesday, 10 October 2018, Maika Fohrenbach, Senior Policy Adviser, AmCham EU, moderated a panel on ‘Enhancing the Internet of Things Cybersecurity and Creating a More Secure Ecosystem’ at the 2nd Global Cyber Dialogue organised by the US Chamber as part of its cyber week. 

A global perspective on the Future of Work

15 Oct 2018
All Committees
Future of Work, Education & Skills

The Future of Work will pose significant challenges, but will also present unparalleled opportunities. While conversations on how to prepare for this transition tend to remain EU-focused in Brussels, this issue affects countries around the world.

Delegations to Paris and Strasbourg focus on finance, climate and mobility

8 Oct 2018
All Committees
Financial Services
Transport, Energy & Climate

On Monday, 1 to Wednesday, 3 October 2018, delegations from AmCham EU’s Financial Services and Transport, Energy and Climate Committees headed to Paris and Strasbourg to discuss a number of key issues with policy-makers.

Joint industry statement on WTO e-commerce cooperation

2 Oct 2018
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

Global industry welcomed the announcement at the Eleventh WTO Ministerial that 70 WTO economies would begin work ‘towards future WTO negotiations on trade-related aspects of electronic commerce’.

EP elections 2019: Europe’s future at stake?

2 Oct 2018
All Committees
European Parliament Outreach

On Thursday, 27 September 2018 AmCham EU and EURACTIV hosted leaders from the four main European political groups for a debate on the future of Europe, with more than 300 participants attending.

AmCham EU welcomes US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland to Brussels

21 Sep 2018
All Committees

On 20 September, AmCham EU was honoured to welcome the incoming US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland to Brussels with a reception with AmCham EU members and government representatives from the EU, US and beyond.

Working together to fight AMR: the EU as a best-practice region

17 Sep 2018
All Committees

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a serious global problem calling for global solutions, and Europe needs to lead the way. This was the clear message on Thursday, 13 September, when Members of the European Parliament voted to adopt an own-initiative resolution on a European One Health Action Plan against AMR.

AmCham EU speaks at European Parliament event hosted by MEP Maydell

5 Sep 2018
All Committees
Digital Economy

Claudia Selli, Executive Director for EU Legislative and Political Affairs at AT&T, and Chair of the Digital Economy Committee of AmCham EU, spoke on Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at the third workshop of ‘Think Digital!’ 2018. The title of the event was ‘Data Economies Across the Globe: Who's Taking the Lead for Innovation?’.

EU-US announcement puts transatlantic relations back on positive track

26 Jul 2018
All Committees

On Wednesday 25 July, European Commission President Juncker and United States President Trump announced the EU and the US would start negotiations to develop a positive transatlantic trade agenda, focused on removing industrial tariffs, energy, standards and World Trade Organization (WTO) reform.

AmCham EU delegation to Washington underscores value of Europe and the transatlantic partnership to US business

25 Jul 2018
All Committees

A delegation of AmCham EU members and staff last week participated in the annual Washington Doorknock for a series of high-level meetings with key US policymakers and stakeholders. The visit was aimed at emphasising the value of Europe and the transatlantic relationship to the US and to US business.

Commissioner Jourova and AmCham EU discuss the New Deal for Consumers

19 Jul 2018
Consumer affairs

The New Deal for Consumers, a major legislative package aimed at updating EU consumer law for the modern economy was the theme of AmCham EU’s July plenary meeting. A panel discussion on the proposal to modernise and better enforce consumer rules covered a wide range of issues including the right of withdrawal, transparency requirements for online marketplaces and penalties for infringement.

European Commission proposals on cross-border access to electronic evidence

16 Jul 2018
All Committees
Digital Economy

The proposals presented by the European Commission on cross-border access to electronic evidence (‘e-evidence’) on 17 April 2018 can help further improve international cooperation on lawful access to data by establishing a transparent and principled EU-wide framework.

Ambassador Sondland meets with AmCham EU Board

13 Jul 2018
All Committees

The AmCham EU Board of Directors was honoured to host the US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland at our offices for an introductory meeting on Friday, 13 July 2018. AmCham EU looks forward to continuing the excellent relationship we have with the US Mission to the EU.

Europe in the driving seat: developing the mobility system of the future

12 Jul 2018
All Committees
Transport, Energy & Climate

Some 100 years after the Ford Model T took to the road as the first mass-produced car, we are well on the way to the next big innovation in transport: from a mobility system dominated by human-operated motor vehicles to one which places connected and automated vehicles and infrastructure at its centre. 

Susan Danger, CEO, talks tariffs on Bloomberg

11 Jul 2018
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

Ahead of President Trump's visit to Brussels for the NATO summit this week, Susan Danger, CEO, spoke to Bloomberg TV about the impact of steel and aluminium tariffs and EU-US relations. 

US business: Let’s deliver an ambitious new EU-UK relationship

10 Jul 2018
All Committees

US companies have for decades benefited from the ability to seamlessly operate across EU borders under a common set of regulations. 

EU Cybersecurity Act: improved governance framework, but progress still needed

10 Jul 2018
All Committees
Digital Economy

Security certification is a well-established tool that increases resilience and awareness for business users and consumers. AmCham EU supports the objective of the European Commission’s proposal to reduce administrative costs and ensure there is a stronger and more harmonised approach to cybersecurity certification.
