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Laying the foundation for the future of the health union

21 Apr 2023
All committees

Investment, innovation and cooperation were the main themes on Friday, 21 April, at our event At a turning point: Healthcare systems in Central and Eastern Europe. Executives from the life sciences sector and policymakers discussed how to prepare Europe for the future while highlighting the human cost of inadequate access to healthcare. A presentation by the Economist Impact dove into their latest report and explored solutions to healthcare issues in the region. Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, European Commission, capped off the day by explaining how solidarity is key to building a strong health union.  

The panel featured Kostas Deligiannis, CEO for Eastern Europe, GE HealthCare; Arjon van Hengel, Deputy Head of Unit, Health Innovations and Ecosystems, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission; Cyril Schiever, Senior Vice-President and President, Mid-Europe Region, MSD and Anca Toma, Executive Director, European Patients’ Forum. Moderating the morning was Sue Saville, Journalist.