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COP26: US business views

29 Oct 2021
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Described as the event to ’set the trajectory for future generations’ and serve as the ‘last, best chance of making progress’, the United Nations Climate Change conference in Glasgow, otherwise known as COP26, looks set to mark an inflection point in the battle against climate change.  

A thirteen-day schedule, beginning on 31 October and ending on 12 November, will bring global parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.  

American companies in Europe have and continue to show unwavering commitment to the green transition of the EU and achieving global climate goals that will be under discussion at COP26. In anticipation of this historic edition of the Conference of Parties, AmCham EU members have crafted a position paper outlining our vision for global climate policy in the context of COP26.  

The paper details the most pressing environmental issues that must be tackled if the commitments to reach net zero later in the century are to be met. Additionally, a vast range of policy recommendations, from investment in low carbon technologies to transatlantic leadership, are set out. Furthermore, the paper sets out guiding principles by which policymaking should be approached post COP26 to pave the way towards a sustainable, climate-neutral future.  

Download the full position paper ‘COP26 – US Business Views’.