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Single Market strategy

Completion of the Single Market will attract investment and make Europe more competitive

28 Oct 2015

The new Single Market Strategy, announced today by Vice-President Katainen and Commissioner Bieńkowska, is a move in the right direction offering more choice, mobility and freedom

Read our press statement here.

AmCham EU participates in ICT 2015 conference in Lisbon

23 Oct 2015
Digital Economy

Roger Coelho, AmCham EU Policy Manager, participated in the ICT 2015 conference, organised by the European Commission, in Lisbon between the 20-22 October 2015.

The conference brought together policy-makers, business representatives, scientists, start-ups, and academics from all around Europe and beyond to discuss how Europe can increasingly take a leading role in the digital area.

EU Trade Strategy

October Plenary meeting focuses on the upcoming EU Trade Strategy

20 Oct 2015
Trade & External Affairs
Plenary Meeting

AmCham EU held its October Plenary meeting on Tuesday 20 October.

A panel which included Anoush der Boghossian, NGO Liaison Officer - Public Forum Manager - Social Media Manager, World Trade Organization (WTO); Christofer Fjellner, Member of the European Parliament (SE, EPP); Johannes Kleis, Head of Communications, BEUC; and Carsten Dannöhl, EU Government Affairs Manager, Caterpillar, discussed the new EU trade and investment strategy 'Trade for All’. Mark van der Horst, Director EU Affairs, UPS and Chair of the Trade and External Affairs Committee, AmCham EU, moderated the debate. 

AmCham EU awarded the InternsGoPro’s ‘excellent’ rating for the quality of our internships

16 Oct 2015

In recognition for the quality of its internships, AmCham EU has received the ‘excellent’ rating by InternsGoPro, a network of youth-led organisations whose mission is to promote a new standard for internships that truly help students and graduates develop skills and get a job. AmCham EU is committed to providing young professionals with high-calibre hands-on work experience, vital to successfully transitioning to the job market. For more information, please click here.

Susan Danger discusses TTIP at Cato Institute event in Washington D.C.

15 Oct 2015
Trade & External Affairs

On Monday 12 October 2015, Susan Danger took part in a TTIP-focused conference organised by the Cato Institute in Washington D.C. This conference, named 'Will the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Live Up to Its Promise?' featured panel presentations, debates and roundtable discussions with trade experts from both sides of the Atlantic.

Learn more about this year's Youth Entrepreneur candidates!

14 Oct 2015

Watch our jurors discuss the five shortlisted candidates for the AmCham EU Youth Entrepreneurship Award 2015.

View video here.

32nd Competition Policy Conference takes place

14 Oct 2015
Competition policy

AmCham EU’s Competition Policy Committee was delighted to host its 32nd Annual Competition Policy Conference on Tuesday 13 October. This year’s event focused on the renaissance of vertical restraints in EU competition law enforcement, addressing in particular the intersection with internet selling.

AmCham EU asks for transition period following invalidation of Safe Harbour

13 Oct 2015

AmCham EU joins more than 20 major industry groups in sending a joint letter to European Commission President Juncker following the Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) recent invalidation of the EU Safe Harbour Decision.

AmCham EU establishes Gender Initiatives Task Force

9 Oct 2015

AmCham EU has just set up a brand new Gender Initiatives Task Force to position AmCham EU in the gender issues debate. 

The AmCham EU Youth Entrepreneurship Award 2015 jury deliberation takes place

9 Oct 2015

The 3rd Annual Youth Entrepreneurship Award, in collaboration with JA Europe, jury deliberation took place on Thursday 8 October 2015 at the AmCham EU offices.

Safe Harbour AmCham EU

AmCham EU issues a press release on the 'Schrems Case'

7 Oct 2015
Digital Economy

AmCham EU represents US companies across all sectors operating in and committed to the European Union. Regardless of industry or sector, the free flow of data is of paramount importance to conducting business in the EU and contributing to its economic growth.Therefore, AmCham EU was very concerned to read the European Court of Justice’s decision on the Schrems versus the Irish Data Commissioner case.

AmChams in Europe Best Practices Conference

Annual ACE Best Practices Conference takes place in Milan

5 Oct 2015

The Annual AmChams in Europe (ACE) Best Practices Conference took place last week in Milan, Italy, with AmCham EU represented by Susan Danger, Managing Director, and Maggy Peeters, Events Manager, AmCham EU.

At a roundtable organised by AmCham Italy, Susan Danger discussed policy coordination among the national AmChams as well as the ongoing negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

WTO Public Forum 2015

AmCham EU hosts panel discussion at WTO Public Forum 2015

5 Oct 2015
Trade & External Affairs

On Thursday 1 October, AmCham EU held a session called 'Trade Works! Does it? Can we make it work even better?' at the WTO Public Forum in Geneva.

September video message from Susan Danger, Managing Director, AmCham EU

29 Sep 2015

Susan Danger, Managing Director, AmCham EU, delivers her monthly video message from the AmCham EU Welcome Reception for new US Mission staff

US Mission Welcome Reception

AmCham EU hosts Welcome reception for US Mission to the EU

29 Sep 2015

On Monday 28 September, AmCham EU hosted a Reception with the US Mission to welcome Mission newcomers. Guests included senior US commercial services representatives from across Europe, staff from the US Mission, AmCham EU members and EU stakeholders.

New season kicks off with discussion on the Digital Single Market

25 Sep 2015
Plenary Meeting

AmCham EU kicked off its autumn calendar with a panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities of the Digital Single Market.

The panel included Dita Charanzová, Member of the European Parliament (CZ, ALDE); Kamila Kloc, Deputy Head of Cabinet, Vice President Andrus Ansip, European Commission; Stefan Koreneef, Counsellor Economic Affairs – Telecom and Digital Agenda & Better Regulation, Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the EU; and Liam Benham, Vice President, Government and Regulatory Affairs, Europe, IBM. Pastora Valero, Senior Director, Head of Government Affairs, Europe, Middle East, Africa & Russia, Cisco and Chair of the Digital Economy Committee, AmCham EU, moderated the discussion. 

Susan Danger participates in UK Competitiveness round-table

25 Sep 2015

Susan Danger, Managing Director, AmCham EU, participated in the UK Competitivenss round-table on Wednesday 23 September with a number of business representatives in Brussels. The round-table was organised by the UK Permanent Representation to the EU and participants had the opportunity to discuss how the European Union can become more competitive with Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, UK Foreign Secretary.

IP meeting

Intellectual Property Committee meets with Shira Perlmutter and Susan Wilson

22 Sep 2015
Intellectual Property

On Monday 21 September, members of the Intellectual Property Committee welcomed Shira Perlmutter, Chief Policy Officer and Director for International Affairs at the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and Susan F. Wilson, the recently appointed IPR Attaché at the US Mission to the EU, to exchange views on a range of IP issues and areas of cooperation.

AmCham EU leadership meets with US Mission to the EU

21 Sep 2015

AmCham EU leadership met with the Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Mission to the EU, Adam Shub, on Thursday 17 September 2015. 

A number of the AmCham EU Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs discussed the various issues affecting their sectors.

For further information please contact Andreas Galanakis, Policy Director at AmCham EU (


Digital Economy

AmCham EU reacts to Commission’s proposal to modernise government access to data

18 Sep 2015
Digital Economy

We believe that Article 43 (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which calls for a modernisation of laws to address government access to data is a step in the right direction. However, we still believe it would be more appropriate for these issues to be addressed at a government-to-government level.  For more information on AmCham EU’s position, please click here.
