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Pioneering collaboration for industrial water circularity

2 May 2024
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With climate change increasing both the demand for freshwater and water scarcity, the Asturias region of Spain identified that wastewater recycling for industrial users like DuPont could offer an efficient and sustainable solution. In collaboration with the local government, the DuPont Asturias site will reduce 80% of its freshwater consumption and replace it with reclaimed municipal wastewater. This partnership has produced a replicable model that will not only deliver significant benefits to Asturias but will also support municipalities across Spain and further afield that face similar challenges. Learn more on Invested in Europe

Investing in Europe

30 Apr 2024
All Committees

Why are industry leaders struggling to make the case for investing in Europe? A heavy regulatory agenda, protectionist trends and sluggish growth. But the future does not need to be bleak. With a skilled workforce and access to the Single Market, Europe remains an important destination for American investment. Hear directly from business leaders on what the EU needs to do to stay attractive to industry and remain competitive on the global stage and learn more in our Agenda for Action

Heading to the US with the AmChams in Europe

30 Apr 2024
All Committees

From Monday, 22 to Friday, 26 April, AmCham EU joined the AmChams in Europe (ACE) delegation to the United States. Including more than 40 representatives from 30 different AmChams, the delegates visited Washington, DC and Miami to discuss transatlantic business priorities with a range of organisations. Throughout the trip, the need for business-friendly policies across the Atlantic and the importance of the transatlantic relationship continued to be mentioned.  

What is the role of intellectual property in sustainable development?

25 Apr 2024
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Intellectual Property

Ahead of World Intellectual Property Day 2024 we looked at how intellectual property (IP) can help us in reaching the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). On Thursday, 25 March, we were joined by Lisa Jorgenson, Deputy Director-General, Patents and Technology, World Intellectual Property Organization who shared more about the role that IP plays in building a more sustainable future. By fostering innovation, IP has a crucial role in achieving the SDGs and advancing global wellbeing. 

Membership update: AmCham EU welcomes new member companies

24 Apr 2024
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We are delighted to announce our membership has grown as Energizer, Lucid Motors and Reed Smith LLP have been approved as new members. We wish a warm welcome to our new members and look forward to working closely on our advocacy efforts in the future.

Enabling healthcare in a digital age – the European Health Data Space

24 Apr 2024
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On Wednesday, 24 April, the European Parliament voted in favour of the European Health Data Space (EHDS). This is a key step to unlock digital health across the European Union and beyond. The EHDS will empower patients and enable more precise and personalised healthcare for improved outcomes across the care spectrum.

Designing a more inclusive future

22 Apr 2024
All Committees

On Wednesday, 17 April, we examined how artificial intelligence (AI) can play a central role in shaping a more equitable future. The panelists looked at the ethical challenges that AI poses while also speaking about how we can make sure that no one is left behind. The overall message was positive, with the speakers focusing on the need to have representative data and diverse teams involved in the development of AI tools. 

Improving European attractiveness with AmCham Slovenia

22 Apr 2024
All Committees

On Thursday, 18 April, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU joined a business breakfast hosted by AmCham Slovenia to speak about the competitiveness of Europe. Complementing the morning’s topics of regulation, collaboration and the importance of European values, Ms Danger spoke about why policymakers must act to improve the attractiveness of Europe. Ms Danger also underlined the work that the AmChams in Europe network does in making the American business perspective heard across the region. Learn more about how the EU can strengthen its competitiveness in the global economy in our Agenda for Action.

Examining Enrico Letta's blueprint for competitiveness

22 Apr 2024
All Committees

With the growing need for a more competitive Europe, Enrico Letta, Italian politician and former Prime Minister of Italy, has released his report on the future of the Single Market. The report provides an analysis of the Single Market and proposes enhancements such as reducing regulatory burden, developing a ‘fifth freedom’ focused on research, innovation, and education, as well as developing strategies to balance the deepening internal market integration while reinforcing external economic relationships. Learn more about boosting the attractiveness of Europe in the full report.  

20 years of EU mergers

19 Apr 2024
Competition policy

For the past two decades, the EU Merger Regulation (EUMR) has promoted effective transaction screening and made a substantial contribution to increasing deal certainty.  As the competition policy community celebrates 20 years of the EUMR, we emphasise the need for an efficient and well-functioning EU merger control regime for EU member states that can drive harmonisation across national merger control regimes. Read more on how EU mergers have evolved since the introduction of the EUMR and how the framework can be improved further. 

AmCham EU CEO Susan Danger to step down later this year

18 Apr 2024
All Committees

AmCham EU has announced that Susan Danger, CEO, will step down from her position later in the year. After 28 years with the organisation and further to much consideration, Susan has decided that it is time for a new professional chapter and change in life. The AmCham EU Board of Directors will start the search for a new CEO immediately. Susan will remain at the helm of the organisation in the coming months and as the transition process unfolds. She has also agreed to stay engaged longer and will assist this transition as Strategic Adviser to the organisation.

Joint statement: Relaunching Europe’s competitiveness

16 Apr 2024
All Committees

The EU will soon enter a new policy cycle during a challenging time, with technology and geopolitics acting as global disruptors, adding pressure to an already difficult economic situation. Now is the time to start building a strategic plan that unlocks the Single Market’s full potential and enhances the regulatory environment for industry to remain globally competitive. Joining EUROPEN to explain how we can address these challenges, Thibaut L'Ortye, Director of Public Affairs, AmCham EU shared how we can restore Europe’s competitiveness and why the transatlantic partnership is key in strengthening Europe’s attractiveness. Learn how we can bridge the innovation gap and embrace a horizontal approach to the EU’s Single Market. 

Discussing financial services in Paris and London

12 Apr 2024
All Committees
Financial Services

On Monday, 8 and Tuesday, 9 April, an AmCham EU delegation visited Paris and London to discuss financial services. The delegates met with representatives from a range of organisations including the European Banking Authority, European Securities and Markets Authority, French Treasury and His Majesty's Treasury. Top of mind during both sections of the delegations was the implementation of Basel rules, development of a fully integrated Capital Markets Union, as well as facilitating digital finance. 

Fostering competitiveness with the EU Pharmaceutical Legislation

11 Apr 2024
All Committees

To be truly future proof, the revision of the EU Pharmaceutical Legislation must enable the European Union to remain globally competitive and attractive for investments and innovation. AmCham EU, which speaks for American companies committed to Europe, views the European Parliament’s position adopted on Wednesday, 10 April in the plenary session as an improvement upon the European Commission proposal in its recognition of the importance of an improved regulatory framework for innovative companies.

The TTC’s sixth ministerial meeting

8 Apr 2024
All Committees

On 4-5 April 2024, the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC)’s sixth ministerial meeting took place in Leuven, Belgium. This meeting – the last before elections on both sides of the Atlantic –  provided  the EU and the US with the opportunity to solidify the forum's achievements. The transatlantic partners delivered key initiatives on trade and investment, including the Joint Declaration on Enhancing eInvoicing and the Joint EU-US Catalogue of Best Practices on Green Procurement. They also deepened their cooperation on emerging technologies by publishing a Joint 6G vision, defining Terminology and Taxonomy for Artificial Intelligence, making progress on quantum issues and extending the existing administrative arrangements on semiconductors. 

Building investment harmony across the EU

8 Apr 2024
All Committees

The Proposal for a new Regulation on the screening of foreign investments is a welcome step towards greater harmonisation of foreign investment screening rules in the EU. However, to safeguard Europe’s attractiveness as an investment destination while protecting sensitive technology areas, national regimes must be better aligned, and investors must be provided with a clear legal framework, strong due process rules and effective reviews. Read how we can enhance transparency and investor confidence across the EU.

Taking part in the TTC sixth ministerial

5 Apr 2024
All Committees

Why is the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) so important to the business community? This is what Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU discussed on Thursday, 4 April during a stakeholder discussion as part of the TTC sixth ministerial. Highlighting the stability that the TTC provides, she also emphasised the importance of the transatlantic economy, which is the most integrated economic relationship in the world. To keep up this unique forum's momentum, both Europe and the US must now work on institutionalising the TTC so that it can continue to deliver results.  

Fostering transatlantic collaboration during AmCham EU's TLD dinner

4 Apr 2024
All Committees

On Wednesday, 3 April, AmCham EU hosted a seated dinner in the context of the Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue (TLD). Attended by policymakers from Brussels and Washington, DC, as well as global business representatives, the conversation focused on trade, economic cooperation and transatlantic relations. Attendees heard about how to further enhance the relationship between legislators across the Atlantic and the role of transatlantic cooperation in addressing global security challenges.  

What does the future of Intellectual Property look like?

2 Apr 2024
All Committees
Intellectual Property

On Tuesday, 26 March, we dove into what intellectual property (IP) developments we can expect following the upcoming elections in Europe and the US. During a panel discussion, attendees heard why clear IP protection rights are needed to foster innovation and competitiveness. Afterwards, Antonios Nestoras, Deputy Executive Director, European Liberal Forum shared his views on why strong ties with likeminded partners are needed more than ever before. During both sections, collaboration was the clear answer in protecting intellectual property rights and advancing global innovation. 

The future of the Trade and Technology Council

28 Mar 2024
All Committees

The Trade and Technology Council (TTC) is a unique forum for the EU and the US to tackle emerging issues arising from the transformation of our economies and geopolitical shifts. Since its creation, the TTC has achieved several successes that have strengthened transatlantic cooperation. However, more should be done to amplify its impact. Policymakers have an opportunity to build a TTC fit for the future by refining its objectives, simplifying workstreams and increasing transparency and stakeholder engagement. Learn more about how the TTC can serve as a pivotal platform for the EU and the US for years to come.  
