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Position paper - Public Country-by-Country Reporting (pCbCR) Directive Implementing Regulation Consultation Response

3 Sep 2024

The European Commission’s proposed common template and electronic reporting formats for public Country-by-Country Reporting (pCbCR) play an important role in streamlining compliance for multi-national enterprises (MNEs) and ensuring consistency in public reporting. However, further alignment with the OECD’s non-public CbCR requirements and refinements to minimise national divergence are necessary to reduce compliance burdens and enhance coherence across reporting obligations.

Key Recommendations

Provide further EU public CbCR interpretation support

  • Include a qualifying narrative and disclaimer in public CbCR templates to specify that reported data covers corporate income taxes only, excluding other tax contributions that MNEs recur and remit
  • Introduce a non-mandatory field for voluntary commentary to aid in data interpretation

Clarify public CbCR and non-public CbCR alignment

  • Clarify which MNEs are required to use the common template and electronic reporting requirements, and what options exist for others, while allowing flexibility in reporting formats
  • Clarify the options available non-EU ultimate parent entities (UPEs) and consider allowing them to use a ‘one number’ approach across public and non-public CbCR
  • Consider the needs of non-EU headquartered companies who need to use public CbCR formats required under their HQ country’s legislation for sensitivity reasons

Maximise alignment with OECD templates

  • Align markup language at the most globally harmonious level possible (ie allow MNEs to use XML to align with non-public CbCR)

Minimise member state divergence

  • Remove or limit the ability of member states to introduce additional columns or national-specific requirements in reporting formats
  • Clarify reporting obligations related to non-EU tax jurisdictions
  • Specify which items need additional details under annex I section 4

Encourage consistent implementation and provide clear guidance

  • Advocate for a harmonised implementation timeline across all member states, with clear guidance on early implementation by certain countries
  • Propose a single filing deadline and a harmonised safeguard period across the EU
  • Publish technical guidance for consistent application of public and non-public CbCR rules