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Position paper - An inclusive European Defence Fund for a stronger European Defence Technological and Industrial Base

8 Jan 2019
All committees
Security, Defence & Space

The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) welcomes the work that has been done by both Council and the European Parliament to finalise their positions on the European Defence Fund (EDF). Taking into account that European companies with US-parentage make considerable contributions to the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) through the creation of high-skilled jobs and innovation, policy-makers should come to an agreement during that facilitates like-minded third-country participation to the benefit of a stronger Transatlantic Defence Technological and Industrial Cooperation (TADIC) and ultimately a reinforced EDTIB. Ahead of the trilogue negotiations significant concerns still remain regarding the scope of the derogation for third-country participants, the unnecessary burdens for these entities and the indirect restrictions that will make participation practically impossible.

For questions and more information, please contact Florian Gleissner (