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US business calls for full harmonisation in Electronic Communications Code

20 Mar 2018
All committees
Digital Economy

As the trilogues negotiations continue, legislators should remain focused on achieving the initial aims of the regulation which is to incentivise investment in connectivity and foster a flourishing digital ecosystem for communication services.

Fully harmonised and targeted rules for electronic communications providers are essential to adapt to the online world. In this regard, AmCham EU sees the following issues as a priority:

1. Communications providers should be able to rely on a one-stop shop and main establishment principle. As digital technologies have broken down national market barriers, more and more providers operate on pan-European basis. To the extent that such services require an authorisation, it should be one authorisation for one single market. This would align EU rules with the pan-European nature of digital technologies.

2. We need certainty around how the Internet of Things is covered by the Electronic Communications Code. AmCham EU therefore welcomes the European Parliament’s work to make sure machine-to-machine (M2M) services are excluded from the end-user rights chapter and urges a similar approach for other parts of the Code. In particular we believe a clarification is needed for the definition of M2M transmission services to clearly scope out M2M applications and services, including where offered alongside connectivity services.

3. While some attempts have been made, the final text should consistently distinguish between business and consumer services. Business services are fundamentally different from mass-market consumer services and the kind of standard information that may exist in the consumer space does not exist in the enterprise space.

Rules for electronic communication services should be harmonised and targeted. We urge co-legislators to pursue their efforts to modernize Europe’s regulatory framework. 

See our infographic on Single authorisation regime

Read our full position paper