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Position paper - Clean energy for All Europeans - Recommendations from the perspective of investors & energy users
The Clean Energy for All Europeans package provides an integrated approach to EU energy policy and proposes useful measures to adapt market rules to new generation and consumption patterns. It restores some market signals and a level playing field for all energy sources, empowers consumers and new players such as aggregators or storage providers, and rewards flexibility which will be a driver of future power system operations. However, some key investment signals are still missing.
AmCham EU calls for a technology neutral and cost-efficient transition to a low-carbon economy. We believe further ambition for energy efficient renovation of the existing building stock, both public and private, should be reflected in the package, as the building sector has a large untapped potential for energy efficiency and savings.
Moreover, AmCham EU actively calls for the coherence of the entire package to be maintained and for long-term investment visibility to be enhanced.