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Position paper - Towards a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and Indonesia

24 May 2017
All committees
Trade & External Affairs

In its latest position paper, AmCham EU outlines its strong support for the ongoing negotiations for a comprehensive free trade agreement between the EU and Indonesia.

Conclusion of a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between the EU and Indonesia could encourage open, free and unrestricted reciprocal access between both markets, increase transparency and encourage non-discriminatory regulatory treatment. Enhanced market access could also increase the trade flow in goods and services, and boost growth, jobs and innovation in both regions. Passage of the deal could further benefit the ASEAN region as a whole and set the stage for an interregional trade agreement between the EU and ASEAN in the future. Swift conclusion and ratification is key, particularly considering the likely graduation of Indonesia from the EU’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP).

The US business community stands ready and willing to assist both parties in their efforts to quickly and effectively conclude this important negotiation.

For more information, contact Tim Adamson, Senior Policy Adviser, AmCham EU (