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Washington Doorknock 2015 takes place
A delegation of AmCham EU members travelled to Washington, DC last week for the annual Doorknock, meeting with the US administration, agencies and Congress on cross-sectoral issues such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and wider transatlantic economic relations including energy, agriculture, trade and financial services. The Doorknock coincided with the Transatlantic Week in Washington, organised by the Transatlantic Policy Network (TPN).

The AmCham EU delegation met with, amongst others, Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic Leader; Jack Lew, US Secretary of the Treasury; Matthew Murray, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe at the Department of Commerce; Dan Mullaney, Assistant USTR for Europe and the Middle East; the European Parliament's Liaison Office with the US Congress; Catherine Novelli, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment at the Department of State; Congressman Pete Sessions; Congressman Gene Green; and Senator Ron Johnson.
Susan Danger, Managing Director AmCham EU, chaired a panel during the Transatlantic Week on the Transatlantic Digital Market with Congressman Bob Goodlatte, MEP Schaake, Ambassador Sepulveda and Megan Richards (European Commission).