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Position paper - EU Chips Act

8 Jun 2022
All committees
Digital Economy


The EU Chips Act aims to develop and accelerate Europe’s semiconductor supply chain. The proposal rightly focuses on research, development and innovation across all segments of the semiconductor supply chain. The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) believes that clarification is needed on a range of issues, among them: 

  • Pilot lines and the virtual design platform;
  • Support for developing quantum technology;
  • The role of the Chips Joint Undertaking; 
  • The specific requirements of the emergency toolbox; and
  • The Commission’s proposed role as a central purchasing body for public procurement. 

Furthermore, the initiative would benefit from greater participation of industry in nearly all categories, including standardisation requests, export controls and priority orders. Along with developing a stronger and safer semiconductor supply chain, the proposal has the opportunity to both implement protections for businesses’ valuable intellectual property and strengthen the transatlantic relationship through engagement and cooperation on semiconductors and other strategic supply chains.