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Partnering up to meet local customers’ needs

11 Apr 2022
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SLTN is an IT company based in Hilversum, the Netherlands. Founded in 1997, the company has grown from strength to strength, posting an annual turnover of more than €175 million in the latest fiscal year. SLTN engages a of total 500+ employees across its three divisions of IT products, services and consulting as well as a further 100 local subcontractors for specialised skills and projects.

SLTN’s customer and partner base comprises corporates and large enterprises. One of these partners is the American multinational Dell Technologies – a household name in computer technology. SLTN’s relationship with Dell Technologies began in 2007. The partnership now accounts for around 40% of SLTN’s IT product division revenues, while around 200 staff and up to 40 contractors work on Dell Technologies projects.

As a multinational US corporation, Dell Technologies leans on local expertise of its suppliers to help it better serve local customers’ needs. One such example is the provision of private cloud services. More and more customers in Europe are keen to move to cloud-based services but, concerned to retain control of their data, also seek alternatives to public cloud services as part of a multi-cloud strategy. Such cases highlight the full value of SLTN’s partnership with Dell. Using Dell Technologies hardware and software, SLTN is able to furnish private cloud solutions to local customers, enabling them to comply with local data protection rules, among other advantages.

Working with Dell Technologies for over a decade has proved to be very fruitful for SLTN as one of the Netherlands’ largest unlisted companies, allowing them to reinforce their brand reputation and to expand their reach in the Dutch market. At the same time, the partnership enabled Dell Technologies to provide end-to-end solutions and to better address the needs of their Dutch business customers.

Acknowledgement: Eugene Tuijnman, CEO SLTN & chairman of Dell EMC EMEA Partner Advisory Board

The success story of global trade lies in strong partnerships between companies of all sizes. Find out more about European ecosystems connecting small businesses with larger American companies.