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The Green Way: clean energy investment and innovation

15 Jul 2021
All committees
Transport, Energy & Climate
Responsible Business Conduct
Sustainable Finance

AmCham EU companies invested in Europe are committed to helping the EU achieve its climate ambitions and are stepping up to the challenge in many ways. To kick off our Green Way campaign, AmCham EU welcomed Varun Sivaram, Senior Adviser to Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John F. Kerry and Chris Delaney (Goodyear), Chair, Executive Council, AmCham EU on Tuesday, 13 July to discuss the importance of the transatlantic relationship and collaboration between the EU and the US to accelerate the clean energy transformation. 

Specifically, Sivaram identified four ways in which the two blocks can collaborate: technical standards; research and development; collaborating on third country approaches; and B2B collaboration for research and joint ventures. Delaney also emphasised that there are many opportunities for business to grow through the transition with strong transatlantic cooperation as this will be essential for creating the right regulatory environment.  

The panel moderated by Zeger Vercouteren (J&J), Chair, AmCham EU included speakers Annika Hedberg, Head of Sustainable Prosperity for Europe Programme, European Policy Centre and Tsvetelina Penkova, Member of European Parliament (S&D, BG). Both panelists stressed the importance of innovation and digitalisation needed for the EU to successfully meet its climate goals. While many challenges lay ahead, it is imperative that the transition is affordable and leaves no one behind. The EU will need to ensure that the benefits of the transition are clear for both citizens and business. AmCham EU is encouraged by the EU’s drive to create a clean future and is ready to be a key partner in the transition.

For more on how our member companies are working towards a greener further, check out #EUGreenWay!

From decarbonising the energy sector, to building sustainable food systems; from innovating sustainable mobility solutions, to making the economy circular: American companies in Europe are innovating today to achieve a more sustainable tomorrow. Check out the steps our members are taking towards Europe’s greener future on our Invested in Europe platform and on social media: #EUGreenWay.