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'Umbrella agreement’ reached on data protection
After four years of negotiations AmCham EU welcomes the signing, by EU and US officials, of an ‘umbrella agreement’ on data protection. The agreement will cover personal data that is transferred between US and EU law enforcement agencies and is seen as an important step towards strengthening the fundamental right to privacy in Europe and rebuilding trust in EU-US data flows, according to Justice Commissioner Věra Jourová.

While EU and US officials finalised the long-awaited agreement on Tuesday 8 September, in order for it to take effect Congress will first have to pass a bill granting European citizens the right to sue in US courts if they believe American authorities have misused their personal data. To remedy this, the Judicial Redress Act was introduced by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner earlier this year.
Commissioner Jourová called on Congress to adopt the bill, “which would enable us to finally sign and conclude the umbrella agreement.”