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Towards competitive and resilient transatlantic financial markets

1 Dec 2023
All committees
Financial Services

What does the future hold for financial services? On Tuesday, 28 November, AmCham EU explored this, hearing perspectives from various policymakers. Tom Dechaene, Director, Board of Directors, National Bank of Belgium gave his view on the developments in the European financial services space in a keynote speech. Afterwards, a panel discussion covered how the EU, UK and US can cooperate on making the financial markets more competitive and resilient.   

The keynote was moderated by Brian Fox (J.P. Morgan Chase), Chair, Financial Services Committee, AmCham EU. During the panel, participants heard from Will Beach, Financial Attaché to the EU, US Department of the Treasury; Paulina Dejmek Hack, Director, General Affairs, Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, European Commission and Jack Jenkins, First Secretary, Financial Services, UK Mission to the EU. The panel was moderated by Hélène Benoist (Citi), Vice-Chair, Financial Services Committee, AmCham EU.