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Preparing European customs for the future
How can Europe update its customs procedures to tackle modern problems? On Tuesday, 4 July, AmCham EU explored this question, hearing policy and industry perspectives during a panel discussion. The attention was on how the upcoming EU Customs Reform can clarify the roles of all stakeholders in the supply chain. Attendees heard from Werner Rens, Advisor-General, Belgian Administration of Customs and Excise on how the reform can facilitate worldwide trade. The plenary also served as the launching point for our new customs brochure Adapting Europe's Customs Union to the new reality.

During the panel, members heard from Francisco Javier Campillo Albaladejo, Financial Counsellor, Customs Affairs, Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU; Sophie Claessens, Director, EU Public Policy, Tax and Payments, Amazon; Vanessa Hernandez Guerrero, Deputy Head of Unit, Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission and Anna Jerzewska, Founder and Director, Trade & Borders. The panel was moderated by Walter Van der Meiren (UPS), Chair, Customs and Trade Facilitation Committee, AmCham EU.