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Statement on cross-sectoral business concerns vis-à-vis the French law on the fight against waste and the circular economy

30 Jul 2020
All Committees

AmCham EU published a statement signed by 20 trade associations that highlights cross-sectoral business concerns vis-à-vis the French law on the fight against waste and the circular economy: 'Loi relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l'économie circulaire'. 

The statement welcomes France’s ambition and efforts to transpose the revised Waste Framework Directive, Packaging Waste Directive and the recently adopted Single Use Plastics Directive. However, the signatories believe that some specific provisions within the law could be damaging for the functioning of the EU’s Internal Market as they will create new trade barriers and are disproportionate with regard to the stated policy objectives. For more details, read the full statement here

AmCham EU co-signs letter to Wilbur Ross, Secretary, US Department of Commerce

22 Jul 2020
All Committees
Digital Economy
Intellectual Property

AmCham EU has co-signed a letter to Wilbur Ross, US Secretary of Commerce, calling for the US administration to work closely with the EU to develop a sustainable mechanism for companies to transfer data across the Atlantic. Read the full letter here

AmCham EU hosted panel discussion on German Presidency

22 Jul 2020
All Committees

On Monday, 13 July, AmCham EU hosted a panel discussion on the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Speakers included: Ambassador Axel Dittman, Director, EU Institutional, Affairs, Brexit, EU Coordination and EU2020 Presidency, German Federal Foreign Office; Dr Wolfgang Dierker, Managing Director, GE Deutschland Holding GmbH and Policy Adviser, AmCham Germany and Dr Heiko Willems, Director, BDI/BDA, the German Business Representation. Cristina Falcone (UPS), Chair, Policy Group, AmCham EU moderated the discussion. 

Germany took over the Presidency from Croatia which dealt with the impact of COVID-19 since the early stages of its Presidency. The German Presidency and the next Presidency trio to will be responsible for leading the road to the economic recovery.

Due to the current pandemic, the German Presidency outlined that it needed to adapt to the new virtual world. The European summit which took place over last weekend, has been the first in-person meeting at the Council of the European Union in months. 

American Hour – where next for the international system?

22 Jul 2020
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

On Thursday, 16 July 2020, AmCham EU had the pleasure of welcoming Fred Kempe, President and CEO, Atlantic Council. Mr Kempe reflected on the fact that we are at a possible inflection point in history, described possible scenarios for the future of the international system and discussed the necessity of a strong transatlantic partnership to navigate these uncharted waters. The conversation was moderated by Taggart Davis (JP Morgan), Chair, Transatlantic Task Force and Vice-Chair, Board, AmCham EU. Susan Danger, CEO of AmCham EU, provided opening remarks in which she stressed that cooperation between the US and the EU will always be mutually beneficial.

Collective redress: New consumer rules must safeguard against abusive litigation

22 Jul 2020
Consumer affairs

The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) supports the efforts of the Commission to guarantee a high level of consumer protection and provide redress to individuals who have been harmed by illegal practices. The newly endorsed proposal on representative actions enables consumers across the European Union to launch class action cases on a variety of legal matters. However, we are disappointed with the rushed final compromise text for the Directive that was agreed at the end of the Croatian presidency mandate.

'Striving to be an inclusive employer': Susan Danger's perspectives on diversity and inclusion

17 Jul 2020
All Committees
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

On the occasion of the publication of our newest brochure, ‘Uniting for diversity: 22 industry contributions to a more inclusive society’, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU sat down for an interview with Nick Pawley, Content Adviser, to offer her perspectives on striving to be an inclusive employer.

Town Hall meeting with Stefano Grassi, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson

17 Jul 2020
All Committees
Transport, Energy & Climate

On 17 July, AmCham EU hosted a Town Hall meeting with Stefano Grassi, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson. The discussion centered around:

  • the impact of COVID-19 on the Green Deal and energy sector;
  • the role that the Green deal and the energy sector will play in the economic recovery;
  • the renovation wave and the role of gas; and
  • the EU-US relations regarding transatlantic energy cooperation.

This was the last Town Hall before the summer break. These events will resume in September and will take place on a monthly basis.

Court ruling on EU-US data transfers sends mixed signals to business

16 Jul 2020
All Committees
Digital Economy

Brussels, 16 July 2020 – The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) acknowledges that the Court of Justice of the European Union has upheld the validity of standard contractual clauses (SCCs). Businesses and economies rely on the free flow of data to provide valued services to European consumers. SCCs are for many businesses the most accessible and stable means to transfer data outside of the EU. Today’s ruling delivers judicial endorsement of the important role SCCs play in providing adequate safeguards for EU citizens.

Transparency the order of the day in AmCham EU’s July plenary

15 Jul 2020
All Committees
Plenary Meeting

On 14 July, AmCham EU hosted a virtual plenary meeting addressing good governance and transparency in a time of crisis, and the role for politics and public affairs. We were joined by guest speakers Heidi Hautala, MEP (Greens/EFA, FI), Vice-President, European Parliament, Wes Himes, President, Society of European Affairs Professionals (SEAP), as well as Renate Nikolay, Head of Vice-President Jourova’s Cabinet, European Commission.

AmCham EU elects new Vice-Chair of the Board

15 Jul 2020
All Committees

AmCham EU would like to congratulate Kaarli Eichhorn (Jones Day), who has been elected as the new Vice-Chair (Lawyer/Consultant) of the Board of Directors for a two-year term. We welcome Kaarli to his new role, and look forward to working with him.

The election followed the end of the term of outgoing Vice-Chair Meglena Mihova (EPPA). AmCham EU places on record our sincere thanks for her valuable contribution to the board over the last three years.

AmCham EU doubles down on commitment to principles of transparency

13 Jul 2020
All Committees
Institutional Affairs

Transparency is vital to a well-functioning democracy. It is also the keystone to a public affairs professional’s integrity. On 13 July 2020, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU signed the ‘Transparency Pledge’, demonstrating our commitment to transparency in our work.

Belgian start-up SAANA wins AmCham EU Youth Entrepreneurship Award 2020

13 Jul 2020
All Committees

The American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (AmCham EU) and Junior Achievement Europe (JA Europe) are delighted to announce that SAANA, a Belgian start-up, is the winner of the eighth AmCham EU Youth Entrepreneurship Award.

Saana is made up of a team of cutting-edge researchers and experts who designed a unique personalised nutrition platform based on the latest science and a machine learning algorithm to enhance cancer patients’ continuum of care and chances of remission.

AmChams in Europe webinar on the COVID-19 crisis and economic recovery

9 Jul 2020
All Committees

Last week, on Friday, 3 July, the AmChams in Europe network hosted the second live webinar on the topic of The COVID-19 crisis and economic recovery – How is business across Europe and Eurasia responding to these challenges? The discussion during the panel focused on the current reality for business around the world as well as the steps needed for economic recovery. 

The panelists included 4 members from AmChams across Europe and wider Europe:

  • Maxime Bureau, Director for Government Affairs & Sustainability for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, 3M and Chairman, AmCham EU. 
  • Malin Parkler, Country Manager, Pfizer, Chair, AmCham Sweden; 
  • Leonid Tarasov, Country Manager, Delta Airlines, Board member, AmCham Russia; 
  • Ruza Tomic Fontana, General Manager, Coca-Cola HBC for Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia, President, AmCham Croatia.

The event was moderated by Susan Danger, CEO of AmCham EU in her capacity as Chair of AmChams in Europe.

American Hour 4th of July Special

9 Jul 2020
All Committees

On Thursday, 2 July, AmCham EU organised a US elections special edition of American Hour. This event was exceptionally open to all. We had the pleasure of welcoming Robert Doar, President of the American Enterprise Institute and Darrell West, Vice President of Brookings. The conversation was moderated by Suzanne Lynch, Washington Correspondent of the Irish Times. In her opening remarks, Susan Danger, CEO of AmCham EU stressed that cooperation between the EU and the US will always be mutually beneficial. During the session we also celebrated the 4th of July with our American Hour: All American Quiz. Test your knowledge by taking the quiz!

Back to the new normal? Re-thinking the future workplace after COVID-19

9 Jul 2020
All Committees
Future of Work, Education & Skills

On Wednesday, 1 July 2020 AmCham EU organised an online event to discuss the future of the workplace and how organisations can best adapt to the changes brought forward by the pandemic. Guillaume Alvarez, Senior Vice-President EMEA, Steelcase; Andy Baldwin, Global Managing Partner, EY and Pastora Valero, Vice-President, Public Policy and Government Affairs EMEAR, Cisco Systems, Inc. shared their insights on how future workplaces will function in the future and how the pandemic will impact the way we work in the long run. 

Leena Maria Linnus, Director-General for infrastructure and logistics, European Parliament  spoke about how the Parliament has managed to continue its operations while guaranteeing the safety of its employees and elected representatives.

Uniting for diversity: 22 industry contributions to a more inclusive society

8 Jul 2020
All Committees
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

On Tuesday, 7 July 2020, AmCham EU launched 'Uniting for diversity: 22 industry contributions to a more inclusive society', a report aimed at fostering best practices within the business community and beyond. On the occasion of the launch AmCham EU hosted an event featuring Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli, Monica Semedo, Member of the European Parliament for Renew Europe and Aongus Hegarty, Chair of AmCham EU’s Executive Council and President, International Markets at Dell. The panel discussion was moderated by Elizabeth Krahulecz, Chair of the AmCham EU Diversity & Inclusion Task Force and Associate Partner at EY. The event provided multiple reflection points on where Europe stands when it comes to Diversity and Inclusion.


Let's celebrate the 4th of July!

3 Jul 2020
All Committees

AmCham EU would like to wish you a happy 4th of July! You can celebrate with us by testing your American history knowledge with our American Hour: All American Quiz

AmCham EU German Presidency recommendations

2 Jul 2020
All Committees

AmCham EU welcomes the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union which kicked off on Wednesday, 1 July. Our recommendations to the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union aim to ensure we reach our common objectives of a stronger and more prosperous EU. In the recommendations, we highlight priorities we believe will make Europe more competitive and attractive for investment based on the original European Union work programme for 2020. However, the German Presidency comes at an unprecedented moment in the history of the European Union. Europe, like the world, has been rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our dedicated economic recovery paper contains recommendations specific to the crisis context in which Germany takes over the presidency of the EU.

We look forward to working closely with Germany during its Presidency. AmCham EU had the opportunity to travel to Berlin on a Presidency Delegation, just before the lockdown in March 2020. We would like to thank all the stakeholders that we met while in Berlin and wish them a successful Presidency!


EU climate law: Forging Europe’s green future

1 Jul 2020
Transport, Energy & Climate

Earlier this year the European Commission presented a proposal for a European Climate Law that sets a legally binding target for climate neutrality by 2050. AmCham EU member companies have been have been researching, investing in and developing a wide range of low-carbon technologies in Europe for decades and are keen to support the establishment of a well-designed framework that fosters the development of efficient and cost-effective solutions to achieve the EU’s climate goals. For more on AmCham EU's position on the EU Climate Law, please see our position paper here.

The COVID-19 crisis has had a significant impact on the European economy and moving forward, the EU Climate Law, as a key pillar of the European Green Deal, will be essential to unlock the economic, social and environmental benefits of the green transition.  More climate friendly solutions, including investment in sustainable infrastructure will bring to bear the EU’s potential to be a leader in combatting climate change.

Roderick ‘Rory’ Macmillan's memorial service

30 Jun 2020
All Committees

Roderick ‘Rory’ Macmillan was a dear friend and colleague to many of us and he will be sorely missed. Many of our lives have been enriched by his friendship and supported by his professional dedication. We are very appreciative of Rory’s collegiality and commitment over the years as well as his friendship, sparkling sense of humour and his true kindness. Our thoughts and are with his husband Koenraad, his extensive family and loved ones around the world.

The memorial service will take place in Wexford, Ireland on Friday, 3 July at 12.30 GMT+1. You are invited to attend via this web link. Please share this link to friends and colleagues for them to participate in this tribute to our dear friend Rory with his family. Instead of flowers, you are kindly invited to make a donation to one of Rory’s favourite charities as listed below. On behalf of the staff, members and Board of AmCham EU, both past and present, we have made a contribution to both charities in his memory:

World Child Cancer
Belgium Alzheimer Association

