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Analysing the results of the EU elections

12 Jun 2024
All Committees
European Parliament Outreach

On Monday, 10 June, we held a breakfast to share our insights and perspectives on the results of the EU elections. Doru Frantescu, CEO and Founder, EU Matrix gave a presentation which outlined the implications of the outcome and ways of working for the new 2024-2029 European Parliament. Following the presentation Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU and Quang-Minh Lepescheux (Microsoft), Chair, European Parliament Outreach Task Force, AmCham EU joined the stage to take questions from the audience. We look forward to working with new and re-elected MEPs throughout the new mandate.  

Engaging the Polish Ambassador to the EU

12 Jun 2024
All Committees

On Friday, 7 June, AmCham EU met with Piotr Serafin, Ambassador, Acting Permanent Representative, Polish Permanent Representation to the EU. To start the meeting, the Ambassador shared the priorities of the upcoming Polish Presidency of the Council of the EU. Afterwards, AmCham EU laid out our recommendations to the Polish Presidency across a number of sectors including digital, intellectual property and the environment. 

Implementing the Ukraine Facility

12 Jun 2024
All Committees
Ukraine Task Force

The Ukraine Facility represents a great opportunity to bolster Ukraine’s resilience and economic growth as well as the European Union’s commitment to this cause. To be successfully implemented, resources must be deployed in a fair and transparent manner. Open governance, including structured and regular incorporation of business feedback, is also needed to ensure the Facility meets economic and strategic objectives effectively. Additionally, EU stakeholders should start considering how they can provide clarity and strategic planning beyond the current terms of the Facility and how the Multiannual Financial Framework can provide stability and confidence for long-term investments. Taken together, this approach to the Facility’s implementation can foster a conducive environment for business operations and sustainable economic growth in Ukraine. 

Advancing circular water use in Europe

11 Jun 2024
All Committees

Water dependency is a critical business continuity challenge. That’s why Dow facilities in Terneuzen, the Netherlands and Böhlen, Germany have joined the AquaSPICE consortium to reduce their freshwater intake by 20%. The initiative aims to treat cooling tower blowdown streams and slightly impaired wastewater streams to create a reliable water source that can be recycled for industrial use. To put this pilot into broader use, the consortium will share its data with several organisations to develop a digitalised, enhanced water reuse model. Find out more about members' water resilience initiatives on Invested in Europe.  

Ukraine and the transatlantic alliance

10 Jun 2024
All Committees
Ukraine Task Force

Russia’s ongoing aggression against Ukraine has not only devastated Ukraine and resulted in over half a million people dead or injured, it has amplified global financial instabilities and supply chain distortions, wreaked havoc on food and energy markets, and generated the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II. But through economic aid, the transatlantic partners have spearheaded international efforts to support Ukraine. EU member states and EU institutions combined committed $153.8 billion from January 2022 to January 2024. On the other side of the Atlantic, the United States has been the single largest country donor, with commitments of $74.2 billion. Learn more on Thriving Together

Welcome to the new European Parliament!

10 Jun 2024
All Committees

From Thursday, 6 June to Sunday, 9 June, European citizens exercised their right to vote, electing their representatives in the European Parliament for the next five years. The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) congratulates newly elected and re-elected Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).

Remembering D-Day, 80 years later

6 Jun 2024
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In 1944, tens of thousands of American and Allied service members stood shoulder to shoulder on the beaches of Normandy in an operation that would ultimately lead to the liberation of Europe and restore peace to the continent. 80 years later we remember their sacrifice and the shared values they fought for: democracy, rule of law and human dignity.  

Exploring the green transition in Prague

5 Jun 2024
All Committees

On Tuesday, 14 and Wednesday, 15 May, an AmCham EU delegation visited Prague, Czechia to discuss key issues around environmental topics. The delegates met with representatives from both the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Top of mind during the delegation was how we can enable the green transition, further strengthen transatlantic relations and how to manage external volatility through international cooperation.  

Introducing the 2024 Youth Entrepreneurship Award finalists

5 Jun 2024
All Committees

AmCham EU and JA Europe are pleased to announce the finalists for this year’s AmCham EU Youth Entrepreneurship Award 2024. The award, now in its 12th edition, recognises young people’s entrepreneurial spirit and aims to foster innovation in Europe. The finalists were selected from a pool of applicants from all over Europe. The winner will be selected by a high-level jury and announced on Tuesday, 25 June at our Gala evening.

Relay for Life 2024

4 Jun 2024
All Committees

For 24 hours over Saturday, 1 and Sunday, 2 June, the AmCham EU staff, members, alumni and their families campaigned and raised funds for the fight against cancer at the annual Relay for Life at the Stade du Pachy in Waterloo, Belgium. Cancer touches all of our lives in one way or another, and staying on the track for a whole day represents a small tribute to the perseverance of cancer patients and their loved ones. AmCham EU was able to raise our goal of €10,000 with special thanks to Amazon, DuPont, FTI Consulting and TE Connectivity, among many others.

Green Deal goals: can the EU be both sustainable and competitive?

3 Jun 2024
All Committees

On Tuesday, 28 May, we looked at how the EU can solidify itself as a leader in the fight against climate change. We also dove into how climate policies will impact the competitiveness of the EU while reaching its Green Deal goals. Our panelist explained why finding the right balance between environmental ambition and economic prosperity is crucial for a successful transition. The discussions highlighted the need for innovation and investment in green technologies to ensure the EU remains a global leader.  

Revolutionising water management with technology

29 May 2024
All Committees

In Larissa, Greece, Cisco has partnered with the local municipal water supply and sewage utility, DEYAL, and technology company IoTECH to pilot smart water meters. Digitising the collection of water meter readings has the potential to save time for DEYAL staff and improve water management. As water becomes an increasingly precious resource, initiatives like this will help protect our water supply and make our resources go further. Learn more on Invested in Europe

Addressing water scarcity

28 May 2024
All Committees

Water scarcity threatens nearly half the EU, impacting millions and hindering European Green Deal goals. This year’s EU Green Week highlights the need for public-private sector collaboration to address water scarcity in key areas including water access infrastructure, circularity and more. Because ensuring sustainable water management is a collective responsibility, American companies invested in Europe are moving forward with their own initiatives to safeguard this precious resource for current and future generations. Learn more about our members' cutting-edge projects.

Food for all: food security in times of crisis

21 May 2024
All Committees
Agriculture & Food

What are the trade-offs between food security, biodiversity and climate protection? And how can we balance all three to protect food supplies?  On Monday, 17 June we will dive into the answers with David Clarinval, Deputy Prime Minister, Belgium and Alexis Taylor, Under Secretary, Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs, US Department of Agriculture. Sign up now to hear from policymakers and stakeholders from both sides of the Atlantic explore strategies that can help solve the global food scarcity crisis.

Calls for clearer VAT guidance for charitable donations

21 May 2024
All Committees

Businesses across Europe make a difference every time they donate goods instead of destroying them. Yet paying VAT on donated goods is still required in Member States, despite an exemption existing in the VAT Directive. Together with Accountancy Europe, CFE Tax Advisers Europe, and Ecommerce Europe, we are calling on the European Commission to support the proliferation of VAT relief on charitable donations through guidance and/or dedicated campaigns. Find out how we can minimise administrative burdens and foster positive change across the EU.

The path to an ambitious EU-Indonesia trade agreement

16 May 2024
All Committees
Customs & Trade Facilitation
Trade & External Affairs

The business roundtable on the EU-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) on Tuesday, 13 May was another positive step towards fostering innovation, enhancing market access and reducing trade barriers on both sides. Collaboration is key to ensuring that sustainability drives trade and investment while avoiding regulatory actions that could lead to market access barriers and trade disputes. Find out how an ambitious agreement could be reached this year.  

Partnering with the European Parliament to boost voter turnout

13 May 2024
All Committees

In June, European citizens will go to the polls to determine the future of Europe. To help encourage all eligible EU citizens to vote, AmCham EU has become an official communications partner of the European Parliament. On Monday, 6 May, we attended the Partnership Agreement Reception, hosted by Roberta Metsola, President, European Parliament. With just one month to go before the EU elections, find out more about how you can get involved.  

Discussing the European Council's agenda with AmCham EU’s Board

13 May 2024
All Committees

On Monday, 13 May, AmCham EU’s Board of Directors welcomed Frédéric Bernard, Head of Cabinet and Māra Šteinberga, Foreign Policy Advisor, Cabinet of European Council President Charles Michel. The discussions covered a range of current issues, particularly around the European Council's strategic agenda for the next EU mandate and the priorities of our members.

Conserving drinking water in France through sustainable water management

8 May 2024
All Committees

In parts of France, episodes of frequent drought have become a recurring issue in recent years. By partnering with Nalco Water (an Ecolab company), Cargill successfully optimised and reduced its freshwater intake at a local production site in France by 32,500 m3 per year for a 53% drinking water reduction in the cooling systems. It maintained operational excellence and performance while reducing effluent outflow by 93% and contributing to the French government’s overarching water reduction strategy. Learn more on Invested in Europe.

Tidying up tech policy

7 May 2024
All Committees
Digital Economy

On Tuesday, 30 April, we looked at what’s next for digital policy following five years of intense legislative work. Our panelists explored the regulatory landscape and shared their thoughts on avoiding overlap between legislation. After the panel discussion, Matthias Jørgensen, Head of Unit, USA and Canada, Directorate-General for Trade, European Commission shared his views on how the EU can make it easier to promote innovation and technological growth. 
