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New research shows all EU regions benefit from exports

15 Dec 2021
All committees
Trade & External Affairs
Executive Council

National exports are an engine of regional output and employment growth, a new study has found. The research was carried out by leading economics consultancy LE Europe and commissioned by AmCham EU. All EU-27 regions benefitted from the growth in exports over the past decade, regardless of their GDP level. The economic analysis shows that on average a 1% increase in national exports leads to a 0.9% increase in local jobs and output. Stronger regional economic performance is driven by a host of factors, including manufacturing base, transport and communications infrastructure, innovation ecosystems and education level.

Commenting on the study’s findings, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, said: ‘The international trading system delivers prosperity to all corners of the European Union. Exporting beyond national borders drives jobs and economic welfare in the local regions of Europe. Without regard for wealth or development, all EU regions stand to benefit from an increase in exports.’ She went on to say: ‘With 36 million jobs supported directly by exports to the rest of the world, local communities really can thrive when they engage with the international economy through exports. Policymakers and businesses must now make the case for global trade.’

The study seeks to address the lack of data on the regional impact of international export activity, a major challenge for pan-European research. It relies on an input-output analysis that extrapolates the export performance of national industries to the industrial profile of local regions within each Member State.

The report also contains a range of case studies from a broad cross-section of European regions as well as testimonials from local businesses who benefit from being integrated into international supply chains.