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New Transatlantic Agenda celebrates 20th anniversary!

3 Dec 2015
Trade & External Affairs

Dr. Günter Burghardt, former EU Ambassador to the United States reminds us that 20 years ago on 3 December 1995 the New Transatlantic Agenda (NTA) was adopted which set in motion a new era in transatlantic relations. Click here to read his article.


Digital Single Market the focus of 3rd Annual Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference

3 Dec 2015
Digital Economy

The 3rd Annual Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference took place on Wednesday, 2 December 2015 at the AmCham EU offices.

Keynote addresses were delivered by Alexander De Croo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Development Cooperation, Digital Agenda and Telco, Belgium; Andrus Ansip, Vice-President, Responsible for the Digital Single Market, European Commission and Anthony Gardner, Ambassador of the United States of America to the European Union. 

Healthcare committee

Delegations from the Financial Services and Healthcare Committees travel to Strasbourg

26 Nov 2015
Financial Services

Delegations from AmCham EU's Financial Services and Healthcare Committees traveled to Strasbourg on Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 November to meet with a number of MEPs. The Financial Services Committee held discussions on the Capital Markets Union, Bank Structural Reform, Benchmarks, MiFID and the inclusion of financial services in TTIP. 

The Healthcare Committee discussions touched upon industrial policy, the ongoing trilogue negotiations on medical devices, the role of the ENVI Committee in the European Parliament and innovative medicines

Priorities of the Dutch Presidency

AmCham EU discusses upcoming Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union

20 Nov 2015
Plenary Meeting

On Thursday, 19 November 2015, AmCham EU held its November plenary meeting on the priorities of the upcoming Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Business outlook in EU improving but Single Market must be completed

18 Nov 2015

AmCham EU launched its annual Agenda for Action Scorecard 2015 at a flagship event on Tuesday, 17 November 2015 in Brussels. The findings of the Scorecard, which measures the economic performance of Europe against AmCham EU’s five key action areas for economic growth, suggest that the business environment in the EU is gradually improving and that attitudes towards innovation and entrepreneurship are increasingly positive.

Congratulations to Susan Danger on 20 years at AmCham EU

17 Nov 2015
Communications Group
Operations Group
Policy Group

On Friday 13 November, the AmCham EU Secretariat and Board celebrated the 20th anniversary of Susan Danger, Managing Director, AmCham EU. Congratulations to Susan on this remarkable achievement and her incredible leadership!

Bruce Stokes presenting the results of Pew Research Center's climate change survey to AmCham EU

Pew Research Center presents climate change survey

13 Nov 2015
Transport, Energy & Climate

On 10 November 2015, Bruce Stokes, Director of Global Economic Attitudes at the Pew Research Center, visited AmCham EU to present the findings of Pew's survey on global concern about climate change. 

Susan Danger participates in panel debate at International Interns Day conference

13 Nov 2015

On 10 November 2015, Susan Danger, Managing Director of AmCham EU, participated in a panel debate at the International Interns Day conference. Seven events took place around the world for the first ever ‘international day’.

Rudy Priem

Confirmation of Security & Defence Committee Chair

12 Nov 2015
Security, Defence & Space

Congratulations to Rudy Priem (United Technologies Corporation) who was confirmed as Chair of the Security & Defence Committee for a two-year term (renewable).

Response to consultation on access to health services

9 Nov 2015

AmCham EU welcomes the preliminary opinion of the European Commission and the Expert Panel on Effective Ways of Investing in Health regarding “access to health services in the European Union”.

Ambassador Sepulveda Brussels

AmCham EU meets with Ambassador Sepulveda

3 Nov 2015
Digital Economy

Ambassador Sepulveda, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs, US Department of State is in Brussels for a series of meetings with European officials. The Ambassador came to AmCham EU on Tuesday morning for a meeting with members and discussed some of latest developments on several issues such as Safe Harbour, international data transfers and the digital single market. The meeting was also an opportunity to exchange information.

Single Market strategy

Completion of the Single Market will attract investment and make Europe more competitive

28 Oct 2015

The new Single Market Strategy, announced today by Vice-President Katainen and Commissioner Bieńkowska, is a move in the right direction offering more choice, mobility and freedom

Read our press statement here.

AmCham EU participates in ICT 2015 conference in Lisbon

23 Oct 2015
Digital Economy

Roger Coelho, AmCham EU Policy Manager, participated in the ICT 2015 conference, organised by the European Commission, in Lisbon between the 20-22 October 2015.

The conference brought together policy-makers, business representatives, scientists, start-ups, and academics from all around Europe and beyond to discuss how Europe can increasingly take a leading role in the digital area.

EU Trade Strategy

October Plenary meeting focuses on the upcoming EU Trade Strategy

20 Oct 2015
Trade & External Affairs
Plenary Meeting

AmCham EU held its October Plenary meeting on Tuesday 20 October.

A panel which included Anoush der Boghossian, NGO Liaison Officer - Public Forum Manager - Social Media Manager, World Trade Organization (WTO); Christofer Fjellner, Member of the European Parliament (SE, EPP); Johannes Kleis, Head of Communications, BEUC; and Carsten Dannöhl, EU Government Affairs Manager, Caterpillar, discussed the new EU trade and investment strategy 'Trade for All’. Mark van der Horst, Director EU Affairs, UPS and Chair of the Trade and External Affairs Committee, AmCham EU, moderated the debate. 

AmCham EU awarded the InternsGoPro’s ‘excellent’ rating for the quality of our internships

16 Oct 2015

In recognition for the quality of its internships, AmCham EU has received the ‘excellent’ rating by InternsGoPro, a network of youth-led organisations whose mission is to promote a new standard for internships that truly help students and graduates develop skills and get a job. AmCham EU is committed to providing young professionals with high-calibre hands-on work experience, vital to successfully transitioning to the job market. For more information, please click here.

Susan Danger discusses TTIP at Cato Institute event in Washington D.C.

15 Oct 2015
Trade & External Affairs

On Monday 12 October 2015, Susan Danger took part in a TTIP-focused conference organised by the Cato Institute in Washington D.C. This conference, named 'Will the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Live Up to Its Promise?' featured panel presentations, debates and roundtable discussions with trade experts from both sides of the Atlantic.

Learn more about this year's Youth Entrepreneur candidates!

14 Oct 2015

Watch our jurors discuss the five shortlisted candidates for the AmCham EU Youth Entrepreneurship Award 2015.

View video here.

32nd Competition Policy Conference takes place

14 Oct 2015
Competition policy

AmCham EU’s Competition Policy Committee was delighted to host its 32nd Annual Competition Policy Conference on Tuesday 13 October. This year’s event focused on the renaissance of vertical restraints in EU competition law enforcement, addressing in particular the intersection with internet selling.

AmCham EU asks for transition period following invalidation of Safe Harbour

13 Oct 2015

AmCham EU joins more than 20 major industry groups in sending a joint letter to European Commission President Juncker following the Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) recent invalidation of the EU Safe Harbour Decision.

The AmCham EU Youth Entrepreneurship Award 2015 jury deliberation takes place

9 Oct 2015

The 3rd Annual Youth Entrepreneurship Award, in collaboration with JA Europe, jury deliberation took place on Thursday 8 October 2015 at the AmCham EU offices.
