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Convergence and cooperation needed to fight the economic consequences of COVID-19

24 May 2020
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For the last Town Hall for members, AmCham EU connected with François Roux, Head of Cabinet to Charles Michel, President of the European Council. 

Mr Roux shared his insights on the COVID-19 emergency and on the work of the European institutions, particularly of the European Council. He also highlighted the fact that to fight the economic consequences of the COVID-19 emergency, convergence and cooperation are needed both in Europe and globally. He also addressed EU-US relations.

More transatlantic cooperation for a strong economic recovery

24 May 2020
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The HonRonald Gidwitz shared his views on the need for more transatlantic cooperation in responding to the COVID-19 crisis and close coordination for the economic recovery in his first meeting with AmCham EU since being appointed Acting Representative of the United States to the European Union. The meeting took place over video conference on Tuesday, 19 May 2020 and it was an opportunity for Maxime Bureau, Chairman, AmCham EU and Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU to congratulate him on his new appointment on behalf of the membership and to introduce AmCham EU’s priorities as well as to hear his.

Farm to Fork strategy sets the path towards a more sustainable agro-food system in Europe

20 May 2020
All Committees
Agriculture & Food

On Wednesday, 20 May, the European Commission published its Farm to Fork strategy calling for a shift towards more sustainable food systems in Europe. The American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) represents companies from across the agro-food supply chain and is encouraged by the Commission’s ambition to focus on creating a safe, climate-friendly and healthy food ecosystem.

AmCham EU believes that the pathway towards a more sustainable agro-food system in Europe should be centred around objectives that ensure sustainable production, consumption, better regulation, trade and international cooperation as well as the required investment in research and innovation.

American Hour: Our values are shared across Europe, the Atlantic and the globe

18 May 2020
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Trade & External Affairs

On Thursday, 14 May, we had the pleasure of welcoming Angela Ellard, Republican Chief Trade Counsel, Ways & Means Committee, US House of Representatives for our American Hour, members only series. Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU provided opening remarks and moderated the discussion stressing that this is a key moment to demonstrate the values we share in Europe, across the Atlantic and with the rest of the global community.

The AmChams in Europe join annual best practices conference online

18 May 2020
All Committees

Last week, the AmChams in Europe Network held its annual best practices conference virtually in Washington, D.C. where about 30 CEOs of AmChams from all over Europe and wider Europe joined. The five day conference consisted of virtual calls with several US stakeholders from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the U.S. Department of State, the Atlantic Council, the National Economic Council and Fox News Radio.

The discussions with the stakeholders and policy-makers focused on the Transatlantic relationship, EU-US trade, US-UK trade, Brexit, COVID-19 cooperation and China.

Brussels Briefing on sustainability

18 May 2020
All Committees
Transport, Energy & Climate

On Thursday, 14 May 2020 AmCham EU hosted the second session of its Brussels Briefing for colleagues from other American Chambers of Commerce. This session revolved around sustainability and aimed to provide the audience with an overview of the different angles surrounding the topic as well as the key elements of the European Green Deal.

The event was attended by staff of the AmChams as well as their most active members on the issue. 

U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO speaks to AmChams from around the world on the impact of COVID-19

18 May 2020
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On Thursday 14 May, 2020Tom Donohue, CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce spoke to representatives from AmChams from around the world on a call focused on sharing information on the impact of COVID-19 on businesses. In his remarks, he highlighted the activities of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce aimed at supporting its member companies. Mr Donohue also emphasised the need for governments to work with businesses in order to reopen the economy through practical guidelines and best practices learnt from essential businesses that have remained opened during the crisis.

The European Parliament acts during COVID-19 times

14 May 2020
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For the seventh edition of its ‘Town Hall’ for members, AmCham EU connected with Klaus Welle, Secretary-General, European Parliament. In his remarks, Mr Welle summarised the measures taken by the European Parliament during the COVID-19 crisis. Business continuity has been guaranteed thanks to a digital upgrade that allows remote voting, participation to the Committees’ meetings as well as to the Plenary sessions and on Monday, 8 June, the first virtual trialogue will take place. 

Beyond ensuring the protection of its personnel and business continuity in the new virtual environment, the European Parliament also implemented some practical solidarity measures such as using its canteens to prepare meals for people in need as well as for medical staff; protecting vulnerable women by accommodating them on the European Parliament premises in Brussels and using its cars and truck fleet for transportation of food to doctors and nurses. 

Diversity & Inclusion at the workplace in the era of COVID-19

11 May 2020
All Committees
Future of Work, Education & Skills
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

On Thursday, 7 May 2020, AmCham EU hosted a webinar dedicated to the theme of 'Diversity & Inclusion at the workplace in the era of COVID-19'. The webinar featured leaders from AmCham EU's member companies as they shared insights from the perspective of different sectors.

Throughout this online event, speakers highlighted how their companies have worked to ensure the well-being of their workforce in the COVID-19 context. The discussion also revolved around the possible implication of this unprecedented time for the future of work. It emerged clearly that all companies are now prioritising a human-centric leadership model, focused on empathy and authenticity. You can view the full discussion here

American Hour: Transatlantic cooperation makes history

8 May 2020
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Our last members only American Hour series took place on Thursday, 7 May 2020. H.E. Stavros Lambrinidis, EU Ambassador to the US was our guest speaker and during the discussion he stressed that: 'When the EU and the US fight with each other, we make headlines. When we work together, we make history.'

Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU highlighted that the Commission has put forward significant efforts to provide solutions to the COVID-19 crisis and pointed to the collaboration between Member States as a sign of EU solidarity going a long way.

Maxime Bureau (3M), Chairman, AmCham EU, moderated the discussion.

Transatlantic solidarity is key to fighting COVID-19

7 May 2020
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For the sixth edition of its ‘Town Hall’ for members, AmCham EU connected with Nicolae Ștefănuță, MEP (RE, RO), Vice-Chair of the Delegation for the relations with the United States, European Parliament.

Mr Ștefănuță shared his insights on the COVID-19 emergency and on the work of the European institutions, particularly that of the European Parliament during these unprecedented times. He also highlighted the fact that, despite the easing of lock-down measures, the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic continues and we are not back to ‘business-as-usual'. To fight the COVID-19 emergency globally, he stressed the need to link solidarity to international cooperation, the need for transatlantic solidarity, the important role of business and the need to better communicate at the national level about the European institutions' response to the crisis.

Support Relay for Life from home

7 May 2020
All Committees

Over the last few years, many AmCham EU staff and members have participated in Relay for Life, an initiative to raise funds for the fight against cancer. For 24 hours, participants take turns walking the track, as a symbol of the constant battle of patients and their families. This is a cause close to the hearts of many of us. Every year, we walk to honour those who have survived, those who are fighting and those who are no longer with us, including our dear colleague Andreas Galanakis.

While this year’s Relay for Life is cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the fight against cancer continues. Therefore we would like to invite you to support research and make a donation. All funds will go to the Fondation contre le cancer/Stichting tegen Kanker. Find out more about how your donation can make a real difference.

American Hour: A transatlantic approach to economic recovery

4 May 2020
All Committees

In our latest weekly members-only online fireside chat series called American Hour that took place on Thursday, 30 April, we had the pleasure of welcoming David Meale, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade Policy and Negotiations, US Department of State. Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU provided opening remarks and noted that: 'We believe that a transatlantic approach based on common values should be the foundation on which to build the economic recovery of both the EU and US economies. This crisis highlights that any global emergency requires free trade and investment.'

Florian Wastl (Mars Inc.), Vice-Chair, Policy Group & Vice-Chair, Trade and External Affairs Committee, AmCham EU moderated the discussion.

AmChams in Europe: COVID-19 crisis and economic recovery

4 May 2020
All Committees

Last Thursday, 30 April 2020, the AmChams in Europe network hosted a virtual event on the COVID-19 crisis and economic recovery. This webinar featured a panel discussion with Emanuel Adam, Executive Director, British American Business; Eveline Y. Metzen, General Manager, AmCham Germany; Peter Dahlen, Managing Director, AmCham Sweden and Simone Crolla, Managing Director, AmCham Italy. 

Susan Danger, Chair, AmChams in Europe and CEO, AmCham EU moderated the event which saw the participation of over 300 members, AmChams in Europe colleagues and stakeholders from both sides of the Atlantic.


AmCham EU Executive Council members virtually meet Commissioners Gentiloni and Breton

30 Apr 2020
All Committees
Executive Council

The Executive Council of AmCham EU held two virtual meetings with top EU officials. The group brings together senior business executives responsible for the European operations of some of AmCham EU’s member companies. The group is composed of 20 European CEOs and chaired by Aongus Hegarty, President International Markets, Dell Technologies. Read more about the Executive Council by following this link.

On Tuesday, 28 April 2020 the group met with:

  • Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy; and
  • Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market.

Town Hall: We need increased transatlantic cooperation more than ever

30 Apr 2020
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

For the fifth edition of its ‘Town Hall’ for members, AmCham EU connected with Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Trade, European Commission. 

The Commissioner shared his insights on the COVID-19 emergency and highlighted that this public health crisis affects all countries and all people. He added that the outbreak has proven beyond any doubt that we rely on the global arteries of trade to deliver vital goods like medicine and food to where they are needed and he is therefore, convinced that this outbreak has only amplified the need for more transatlantic cooperation

AmCham EU publishes its cross-sectoral position on the EU-UK future relationship

28 Apr 2020
All Committees

The EU and the UK are currently in the midst of negotiations of their future relationship beyond the end of the current transition period. AmCham EU members have compiled a position paper, comprising horizontal and sectoral recommendations for negotiators. As American businesses heavily invested in the EU and the UK, AmCham EU stands for an ambitious and forward-looking EU-UK relationship, built on mutual trust and cooperation.

April Plenary: Unlocking Europe's potential in data and digital technologies

27 Apr 2020
All Committees
Digital Economy
Plenary Meeting

On Tuesday, 21 April 2020, AmCham EU hosted a digital-themed and virtually-based plenary meeting to discuss the European Commission’s recent ‘Shaping Europe’s digital future’ communication, and the strategies to build trust, increase technological innovation and establish a data-driven economy for Europe. The event featured a panel discussion with keynote speakers Petra De Sutter, Member of European Parliament (Greens/EFA, BE), European Parliament and Kim Jørgensen, Head of Cabinet, Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, European Commission. As we are still in the early months of the new legislative mandate, both Ms De Sutter and Mr Jørgensen presented their respective digital priorities and offered perspectives for how the EU can successfully and safely achieve its technological future. 

Transatlantic cooperation crucial to ease the economic fallout of COVID-19

27 Apr 2020
All Committees

Last week, for the fourth edition of its ‘Town Hall’ for members, AmCham EU connected with Barton J. Putney, Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs, Erland Herfindahl, Senior US Trade Representative and Michael Lally, Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs from the US Mission to the EU.

The guest speakers shared insights on the COVID-19 emergency from the US Mission’s perspective and highlighted the importance of cooperation on both sides of the Atlantic in order to ease the economic fallout as well as to fight the spread of fake news related to COVID-19.

Wisconsin and the EU: Thriving Together

27 Apr 2020
All Committees

'Wisconsin and the countries of the EU are inextricably linked by history, culture, trade and investment. As we both move forward in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, those ties will be more important than ever' according to Melissa (Missy) Hughes, CEO, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. 

Did you know that the EU is Wisconsin’s second-largest export destination? In 2019, Wisconsin’s exports to the EU totaled $4.1 billion comprised of industrial machinery, medical and scientific equipment and electrical machinery. Find out more about the close relationship between the EU and Wisconsin from Melinda's opinion piece available on our Thriving Together platform.
