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State aid and the future

1 Mar 2023
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How can the EU best support member states going forward? During a panel discussion including Roger Coelho, Senior Policy Director, AmCham EU, covered this and much more. The discussion, hosted by the Centre for European Reform and Clifford Chance, focused on how to organise the EU’s industrial policy to keep Member States competitive. They examined the importance of industry input in policy and how US companies can aid in Europe's competitiveness goals. 

Critical Raw Materials Act: securing supply chains

28 Feb 2023
All Committees

Today, critical raw materials (CRMs) are essential components of the transportation, energy and digital economy sectors, among many others. However, their availability for industry in Europe is threatened by natural domestic scarcity and rising global demand. On 14 March 2023, the European Commission will propose the CRM Act, designed to increase and diversify the supply of CRMs in the EU. For the proposal to match the ambitions of the EU’s green and digital transitions and successfully complement the EU’s Green Deal Industrial Plan, policymakers should consider industry’s recommendations to bolster domestic CRM production, pursue partnerships abroad, foster sustainable practices and look to the future. Read more in our position paper.  

Keeping Europe green

28 Feb 2023
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On Tuesday, 28 February AmCham EU hosted a discussion on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the need for a committed US industry in Europe to help keep both sides of the Atlantic clean for future generations. Among the speakers was Gerassimos Thomas, Director-General, Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD), European Commission who spoke over a seated luncheon. With the transition period for CBAM beginning in October 2023 it’s important that businesses have a clear environmental plan going forward. Read how Europe can go green while retaining global competitiveness. 

Sustainability through a competitive lens

28 Feb 2023
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To complete Europe’s green and digital transitions, product design must prioritise verifiable sustainability. Creating a Digital Product Passport as part of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation will ensure easy access to this information and help guarantee a standard approach that maintains industrial competitiveness. Read the details in our position paper.

One year on: AmChams in Europe steadfast in support for the people of Ukraine

24 Feb 2023
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One year ago, Russia invaded Ukraine, violating international law, endangering peace and security across the region and causing unspeakable suffering. As the war rages on, AmChams in Europe – the umbrella organisation for 46 AmChams in 44 countries across Europe and Eurasia – continues to stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, as we have since 24 February 2022. Our thoughts remain with all those impacted, including our fellow AmCham colleagues, their members, partners and families.

Transparency and cooperation: Transatlantic Conference 2023

23 Feb 2023
All Committees

Transatlantic Conference 2023 is just one month away. We’ll be hearing from a wide range of experts and insiders about transatlantic cooperation and the importance of a healthy EU-US relationship. There will be a diverse range of topics focused on the benefits of an open EU-US dialogue and how best to stay aligned on shared issues. Join us on Wednesday, 22 March to make sure you you’re up to date on everything transatlantic.  

Aiding relief efforts in Türkiye and Syria 

22 Feb 2023
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Thousands are still unaccounted for and many more are without necessities after the earthquakes in Türkiye and northern Syria. Communities and relief workers are doing their best, but further help is needed. To assist in their recovery, please consider joining AmCham EU in making a donation to Red Cross for Syria or to Red Crescent for Türkiye.

Gina Raimondo confirmed for transatlantic 2023

21 Feb 2023
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Joining us for a second year in a row with a video message from Washington, DC, at our Transatlantic Conference 2023 is Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce, US Department of Commerce. Register now for the conference on Wednesday, 22 March and hear more on her observations for the EU-US relationship and how both parties can continue to learn from each other. Learn about transatlantic leadership, the economic bonds between the two regions and much more. Sign up and deepen your knowledge of the transatlantic partnership.  

Preparing healthcare for the modern age

21 Feb 2023
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Digital solutions would make accessing medical services easier for Central and Eastern Europeans. At the same time, investing in digital healthcare can take the burden off hospitals while working towards having key public services fully online by 2030. Policymakers should focus on building a reliable digital foundation for all sectors by taking advantage of EU funding directed towards digitalisation. After a base has been built, the focus will be on creating systems ready to accept advanced technology driven by big data and AI. Read our publication with Economist Impact for more.

Promoting the transatlantic relationship in Sweden

17 Feb 2023
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From Wednesday, 15 February to Friday, 17 February AmCham EU visited Stockholm for a Swedish Presidency delegation which included meetings with the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Justice. The delegates also had the opportunity to discuss key issues with Tobias Billström, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Christian Danielsson, Swedish State Secretary, EU Affairs, Swedish Prime Minister’s Office and Ambassador Erik D. Ramanathan, US Ambassador to Sweden. The delegation concluded after dicussions with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Climate and Enterprise. Read more in our recommendations to the Swedish Presidency

Improving access to medical innovation in Central and Eastern Europe

15 Feb 2023
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Easier access to medicines and technology would improve health outcomes in Central and Eastern Europe. Prioritising cost saving measures in the short-term ignores the benefits of new technologies on both healthcare costs and patient outcomes in the long-term. In order to ensure equal access to innovative medicines across Europe, Central and Eastern European governments should consider measures like reference pricing and health technology assessments. Improving access while bringing down costs will also require coordination and transparency with multiple stakeholders within each country and across the region. Read our publication with Economist Impact for more

Setting the stage for the Chips Act

15 Feb 2023
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On Monday, 13 February, the European Parliament has confirmed the mandate of the Rapporteur to start negotiating its position on the European Chips Act with the Council of the European Union. AmCham EU welcomes this development and praises the efforts made by all the political groups within the European Parliament to build broad consensus on the report. The EU Chips Act will foster investments that the EU urgently needs in innovative semiconductor manufacturing to strengthen Europe’s resilience. 

The role of cloud services in the EU's digital transformation

13 Feb 2023
Digital Economy

The European Commission wants 75% of European enterprises to take up cloud computing services by 2030 – bringing the digital transition to businesses and consumers across the bloc. This ambitious goal will only be possible if the internal market remains open to innovative products and services from around the world. Economic resilience in the digital age means continued cooperation with likeminded partners, as well as a clear, consistent and future-proof rulebook for innovation. Read more of our position on EU cloud initiatives here.  

Looking ahead on the EU-US relationship

13 Feb 2023
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Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, joined BBC news and Euronews on Tuesday, 7 February to discuss the critical role of the transatlantic relationship in the green transition. The interviews focused on the EU’s Green Deal Industrial Plan and how the EU and US can work together to promote sustainable innovation and fight climate change. To preserve the health of the planet and the strength of the business climate, policymakers must promote further transatlantic cooperation. 

Discussing transparency at the heart of the EU

10 Feb 2023
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On Friday, 10 February 2023, AmCham EU welcomed speakers from four main European Parliament political groups for a discussion on transparency rules and the upcoming elections in 2024. Speakers included Annabel Garnier, Deputy Secretary-General and Head of the Budget Cohesion and Citizens’ Europe Department, S&D; Maria Giovanna Manieri, Team Leader, Rights and Democracy, Greens/EFA; Alfredo Sousa de Jesus, Head of Unit, Legal and Home affairs Working Group, EPP; and Sietse Wijnsma, Head of Unit, Values and Democracy Working Group, RE. They discussed transparency rules following the recent European Parliament corruption scandal and its possible impact on the upcoming European elections.

Building bridges with BusinessEurope

9 Feb 2023
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On Thursday, 9 February 2023, AmCham EU met with BusinessEurope to exchange ideas and build stronger bonds between the two organisations. Counterparts from both associations had the chance to share best practices and discuss on a wide range of topics. A healthy exchange of ideas helps us all to tackle common issues.

EU Green Deal Industrial Plan: can it boost sustainable competitiveness?

8 Feb 2023
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Transport, Energy & Climate

Tackling climate change and strengthening competitiveness are at the top of the political agenda in Europe, the US and elsewhere – for good reason. Last week, the European Commission set out its proposal to address both sustainability and competitiveness through the new EU Green Deal Industrial Plan. The proposal seeks to accelerate efforts to address climate change and promote green technology. Although key details have yet to be released, the plan is a step in the right direction. However, it remains to be seen if the EU plan’s implementation follows through on its aims and attracts the investment Europe needs to bring the Green Deal’s ambitions to fruition.

The way forward: primary and community care

7 Feb 2023

Healthcare systems in central and eastern Europe should be centred around primary and community care. Workforce shortages in hospital-centric systems are putting health providers under increasing pressure, leading to less efficiently delivered care to populations that need the most medical attention. As populations age and non-communicable diseases become more common, governments should prioritise creating the infrastructure for primary, community and long-term healthcare delivery. Read more about how health systems can best be designed to take care of people in our study with Economist Impact.  

High-level transatlantic dialogue with the cabinet of President von der Leyen

7 Feb 2023
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On Friday, 3 February, the AmCham EU Board of Directors met for the first time in 2023, meeting with Tomas Baert, Trade Adviser, Cabinet of President Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission. The discussion was timely and wide-ranging, touching on pressing issues including the EU's response to the Inflation Reduction Act, the war in Ukraine, European economic resilience and competitiveness and the outlook for the transatlantic relationship in 2023. Conversations like these are what keep the transatlantic relationship strong in the face of shared challenges.  

The Swedish Presidency and the twin transition

7 Feb 2023
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Sweden is uniquely positioned to lead the EU through a new phase of the twin transition, having assumed the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Investments in digital adoption and innovation can grow the European economy, while environmental protections and sustainable technologies can bolster its resiliency. The Swedish Presidency should work with the Council, the institutions and like-minded international partners to advance the EU's sustainability and digital transition goals. Read more in our recommendations to the Swedish Presidency.  
