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Leadership update

27 Sep 2022
All committees
Agriculture & Food
Financial Services
Sustainable Finance
Operations Group

Before summer is too distant a memory, AmCham EU is pleased to announce appointments to leadership positions from summer 2022. Congratulations to Kaarli Eichhorn (Jones Day), Julie Vermooten (MSD Europe), David Henry Doyle (S&P Global), Malachy Tuohy (Goodyear Europe BV) and Brian Fox (J.P. Morgan Chase & Co). We would also like to take this opportunity to thank members who stepped down recently from leadership positions for their continued engagement and commitment: Joris Pollet (Procter & Gamble), Brian Fox (J.P. Morgan Chase & Co, who continues in leadership as Chair of the Financial Services Committee) and Catherine Davidson (Morgan Stanley Int).  

Please find below a more detailed list of the recent appointments to leadership positions: 

Kaarli Eichhorn (Jones Day) who was extended for a year as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors. 
Julie Vermooten (MSD Europe) who was re-elected as Chair of the Agri-food Committee. 
David Henry Doyle (S&P Global) who was re-elected as Chair of the Sustainable Finance Task Force. 
Malachy Tuohy (Goodyear Europe BV) who was elected as Chair of Operations Group.  
Brian Fox (J.P. Morgan Chase & Co) who was elected as Chair of the Financial Services Committee. 



Please find a list of members we would also like to take this opportunity to thank those who stepped down recently from leadership positions for their continued engagement and commitment: 

Joris Pollet (Procter & Gamble), former Chair of the Operations Group. 
Catherine Davidson (Morgan Stanley Int), former Chair of the Financial Services Committee.