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Discussing transatlantic trade and investment in Luxembourg

24 Jun 2022
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What is the future of the transatlantic economic relationship? That was the question Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU looked to address in her remarks during the event organised by AmCham Luxembourg, together with Deloitte and the Luxembourg American Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, 21 June. Cooperation and collaboration were key themes throughout her remarks, underscoring their importance in generating economic growth. 

She continued by strongly condemning the war in Ukraine and praised the close collaboration between the EU and the US in confronting common challenges. She went on to discuss how AmCham EU, as well as the AmChams in Europe network, supports the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) as a forum for regulatory and legislative cooperation.  

In the spirit of cooperation, AmCham EU and the US Chamber of Commerce, with the support of AmCham Luxembourg and other AmChams, produced the Transatlantic Economy Report 2022. Researched and written independently by Johns Hopkins University researchers, the report confirms what the speakers were highlighting – that the transatlantic relationship is not only resilient, but more important than ever.  

The event featured comments from speakers including Daniel S. Hamilton, Senior Fellow, Johns Hopkins University SAIS Foreign Policy Institute (FPI); Casey Mace, Chargé d’Affaires, US Embassy in Luxembourg; John Psaila, CEO, Deloitte Luxembourg; and Paul Schonenberg, Chairman and CEO, AmCham Luxembourg. The tenor of the evening was optimistic, as speakers emphasised the resilience of transatlantic trade and investment in the face of recent crises. In order to push progress forward, however, many of the speakers called on the EU to complete the Single Market, and for the US to remain a reliable, multilaterally minded partner.