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Building trust and partnerships in the EU

20 Oct 2022
All Committees

On Thursday, 13 October, Stefano Marmo, Senior Policy Manager, AmCham EU, joined AmCham Ukraine to share how business professionals and policymakers can form long-lasting, productive partnerships. Alongside Tetyana Prokopchuk, Vice-President of Policy, AmCham Ukraine, Stefano demonstrated how the AmChams in Europe (ACE) network coordinates to communicate the importance of the transatlantic economy in both Europe and the US.  

Become a Halloween hero: donate blood or plasma and save lives

12 Oct 2022
All Committees

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected countless health systems, including the supply of blood and plasma in hospitals across Belgium. Now, facing increased demand, the Belgian Red Cross needs renewed donations. Increasing the supply of blood and plasma saves lives, and AmCham EU is encouraging all of us to do our part this Halloween. Learn how to get involved. 

Celebrating best practices with the AmChams in Europe network

12 Oct 2022
All Committees

In early October, 42 representatives from 27 American Chambers of Commerce attended the AmChams in Europe (ACE) Best Practices Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, Miranda Tiona, Senior Member Relations Adviser and Alex Vasey, Senior Communications Specialist joined to exchange best practices and knowledge, as well as to discuss relevant and shared issues impacting AmChams and their members from across Europe and wider regions.

AmChampions Gala: promoting the role of the transatlantic relationship in Sofia, Bulgaria

12 Oct 2022
All Committees

Speaking at the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria's AmChampions Gala last week, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU touched on the resilience of the transatlantic relationship, the role of the private sector in Europe and more. From rule of law and shared values to making joint investments and committing to overcome the obstacles ahead, find out more on what she said.

Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability: a targeted implementation continues to be the priority

11 Oct 2022
Consumer affairs

The future direction of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) has been publicly debated over the last few days, including the question of a potential delay or moratorium on the revision of REACH. While the economic and geopolitical conditions in Europe have certainly worsened this year, the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU (AmCham EU) continues to support targeted improvements to existing chemicals legislation, grounded in science and better regulation principles. 

Celebrating a decade of female empowerment: Dare to dream, girls!

11 Oct 2022
All Committees
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

On Tuesday, 11 October, AmCham EU commemorated the tenth anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. The day was an opportunity to reflect on the advances in the rights of women and girls, as well as discuss the work still needed to be done. Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, kicked off the event by drawing attention to pressing issues impacting women around the world, while moderator Aliki Foinikopoulou (Salesforce), Vice-Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, AmCham EU highlighted the critical role of public-private partnerships in the fight for gender equality.  

AmCham EU meets with US Ambassador to Germany

10 Oct 2022
All Committees

Last week, our leadership met with Amy Gutmann, US Ambassador to Germany, to discuss Germany's key role in the transatlantic relationship and how continued collaboration can lead to better business. Thank you to the US Mission to the EU for hosting for such productive conversations.  

EU-US Data Privacy Framework: new US executive order is a positive step

7 Oct 2022
All Committees
Digital Economy

On Friday, 7 October, President Biden signed an Executive Order to implement the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, which sets the legal basis on the US side for the successor agreement to the EU-US Privacy Shield. Today is an important step in restoring confidence in the ability to transfer data across the Atlantic. The invalidation of the Privacy Shield caused uncertainty for thousands of businesses on both sides of the Atlantic engaging in data transfers.

Transatlantic economy working lunch

4 Oct 2022
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

On Tuesday, 4 October AmCham EU hosted a lunch with Dan Hamilton, Senior Fellow, Johns Hopkins University SAIS Foreign Policy Institute and author of the Transatlantic Economy Study, AmCham EU's annual publication on the facts and figures of the world's largest economic relationship. During the session, he shared his perspectives on the war in Ukraine, the Trade and Technology Council and key policy issues to the EU-US trading relationship including energy, data flows and nonmarket economies. While we face serious challenges, the EU and US are inextricably linked, and stronger together.

AmCham EU at the WTO Public Forum 2022

4 Oct 2022
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs
Transport, Energy & Climate

Two weeks ago, an AmCham EU delegation was represented at the 2022 World Trade Organization (WTO) Public Forum in Geneva. The Public Forum brings together delegates from across the globe to discuss the most pressing challenges and opportunities for the global trading system. On the heels of the WTO’s 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) which took place in June, the Public Forum provided a platform for over 3000 participants to deliberate on how trade can help build a more sustainable and inclusive economic recovery.

Discussing trade with the European Liberal Forum

3 Oct 2022
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

On Thursday, 29 September, Thibaut L’Ortye, Director of Public Affairs, AmCham EU spoke at a Working Group roundtable hosted by the European Liberal Forum. Alongside Ricardo Pelaez, Commercial Affairs Counsellor for Europe, US Department of Commerce, the discussion focused on the effectiveness of the Trade and Technology Council as well as the future shape of the transatlantic trading relationship.

Transatlantic leadership at the Brussels Public Affairs Forum

3 Oct 2022
All Committees

On Thursday, 29 September, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU spoke as a panellist at the Brussels Public Affairs Forum. Victoria Maine, CEO, SEC Newgate moderated the discussion, which featured Douglas Pinkham, President, Public Affairs Council and Claudia Selli, Vice President, EU Government Affairs, AT&T as panellists. The panel explored the challenges that transatlantic leaders face, ranging from long-term issues such as climate change and social inequalities, to shorter-term challenges such Russia’s war in Ukraine and the global pandemic. Panellists also discussed the role of leaders in navigating turbulent times and the value of the transatlantic relationship. 

Celebrating a decade of female empowerment: Dare to dream, girls!

3 Oct 2022
All Committees
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the International Day of Girls, join our lunch event 'Dare to dream, girls!' on Tuesday, 11 October at 12.00. We’ll hear how the private sector is contributing to improving girls' rights, and discuss how we can increase awareness of the issues girls face around the world. The event will feature Marta Encinas, Counsellor and Education Gender Ambassador, OECD and Dagmar Schumacher, Director, Brussels Office, UN Women. Register to learn more

AmCham EU signs coalition letter on customs reform in the EU

28 Sep 2022
All Committees
Customs & Trade Facilitation

Further reform of the Unions Customs Code is needed now more than ever to stay current in a rapidly changing international trade environment. A realistic consultation timeline should be set, where industry expertise can prove most useful to regulators. To that end, the AmCham EU co-signed a letter alongside European trade associations in order to signal our support and provide suggestions. Above all, future proposals should result from an open and constructive dialogue among all stakeholders – including the Trade Contact Group – to set realistic timelines and customs procedures.  

Chatham House trade conference

28 Sep 2022
All Committees

On Thursday, 3 November, AmCham EU is partnering with Chatham House for its annual Global Trade Conference: Overcoming risks and new realities. Register now for in person or online attendance to connect and network with senior business leaders, policymakers and trade experts and enjoy unique insights on how new realities impact risk management and resilience in global trade.

Leadership update

27 Sep 2022
All Committees
Agriculture & Food
Financial Services
Sustainable Finance
Operations Group

Before summer is too distant a memory, AmCham EU is pleased to announce appointments to leadership positions from summer 2022. Congratulations to Kaarli Eichhorn (Jones Day), Julie Vermooten (MSD Europe), David Henry Doyle (S&P Global), Malachy Tuohy (Goodyear Europe BV) and Brian Fox (J.P. Morgan Chase & Co). We would also like to take this opportunity to thank members who stepped down recently from leadership positions for their continued engagement and commitment: Joris Pollet (Procter & Gamble), Brian Fox (J.P. Morgan Chase & Co, who continues in leadership as Chair of the Financial Services Committee) and Catherine Davidson (Morgan Stanley Int).  

Rentrée Plenary: talking trade

27 Sep 2022
All Committees
Trade & External Affairs

On Tuesday, 20 September, AmCham EU hosted a plenary on trade featuring a keynote from Rupert Schlegelmilch, Director for the Americas, Agriculture and Food Safety, Directorate-General for Trade, European Commission. The keynote focused on the opportunities and challenges for the transatlantic trade relationship, how to mitigate risks to Europe’s energy supply security and possibilities for stakeholder engagement at the next Trade and Technology Council.  

#EUSEW2022: innovating for a greener future

27 Sep 2022
All Committees
Transport, Energy & Climate

What is the role of technology in Europe's green transition? That's the question circulating this week as European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) kicks off. With a theme of ‘Going green and digital for Europe's energy transition’, now is the perfect opportunity to showcase the steps American companies operating in Europe are taking to lead the way in sustainable energy innovation. Check out these six examples of ways our members are helping drive the green transition and dive into more with the Green Way campaign

Collecting caps for canines

9 Sep 2022
All Committees

For the last five years, AmCham EU has partnered with the Belgian non-profit Dopjesactie to raise funds to train guide dogs for persons who are blind or have low vision. Guide dogs help navigate busy streets, find seats on crowded buses and trains and help their owners live full, independent lives. This kind of responsibility requires extensive training, which Dopjesactie funds in part through the collection of plastic bottlecaps. The more caps we collect, the more cash we help raise, and the more people we can support.  


Moving forward on the path to the Digital Decade

1 Sep 2022
Digital Economy

On 1 September 2022, the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), endorsed the 2030 policy programme ‘Path to the Digital Decade’. AmCham EU applauds the ITRE Committee and EU policymakers for their efforts to set ambitious EU-wide digital targets in the areas of skills, secure and sustainable digital infrastructure, digital transformation of businesses and digitalisation of public services. Achieving these digital targets by 2030 requires an inclusive approach, including keeping these projects open to third-country entities with considerable European footprint. Read more in AmCham EU’s statement.
