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Focusing on progress at the TTC

17 Nov 2022

‘The geopolitical case and the economic case for the transatlantic relationship has probably never been stronger,’ emphasised Thibaut L’Ortye, Director of Public Affairs, AmCham EU in a recent interview with Euractiv. Approaching the third meeting of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) on 5 December, there’s optimism that the TTC can continue to be the primary forum for deepening the transatlantic relationship in a challenging geopolitical environment. Producing tangible deliverables and setting clear roadmaps for further progress need to remain the priority for negotiators at the TTC, and industry groups, like AmCham EU, are ready to engage and play their part.  

Financial services for the future

15 Nov 2022
Financial Services

On Thursday, 10 November, AmCham EU held a special town hall on the role of financial services in Europe's economic future featuring a keynote by Mairead McGuiness, Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and the Capital Markets Unions, European Commission. The discussions touched on financial services innovations, the Capital Markets Union and financial resilience in the face of Europe's concurrent crises. McGuiness discussed some of the priorities for the rest of the Commission's mandate, and emphasised the importance of transatlantic cooperation in the months and years ahead.  

EU-US Data Privacy Framework: support from transatlantic organisations

15 Nov 2022
Digital Economy

Cross-border data flows are the foundation of global trade and innovation in an increasingly digitised world. Following a recent US executive order approving the EU-US Data Privacy Framework, AmCham EU has joined together with the Information Technology Council (ITI) and other key industry associations to urge policymakers to adopt the framework's adequacy decision. Protecting transatlantic data flows is a step toward harnessing the power of data in the European economy. Read more in the full joint statement

Is Europe fit for the digital age?

10 Nov 2022
Digital Economy

This was the question posed to the panellists at the Atlantic Council's latest panel on Wednesday, 9 November in Washington, DC. The discussion examined the recent history of EU digital policy, from cybersecurity and data regulations to the promotion of digital innovations and competitiveness. Representing the transatlantic business perspective was Thibaut L’Ortye, Director of Public Affairs, AmCham EU, who emphasised the importance of cooperation in building a thriving digital economy.  

The role of digital innovation in global trade

9 Nov 2022
Digital Economy
Trade & External Affairs

On Thursday, 3 November, Roger Coelho, Senior Policy Director, AmCham EU, moderated a panel on digital trade at Chatham House in London. The ‘harnessing the power of digital trade’ panel explored how digital trade agreements and international cooperation can become tools for integrating emerging technologies in the global economy.

Transatlantic leadership at The Enterprise Forum UK

9 Nov 2022

On Tuesday, 8 November 2022, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU spoke about ‘The role of the EU on Global Regulations and Standards’ at an event hosted by The Enterprise Forum UK. The discussion, moderated by Andrew Cumpsty, Chairman, Enterprise Forum UK, touched on the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) as well as the role of the EU on global regulations and standards. In times of crisis, international cooperation and transatlantic leadership is more critical than ever. Learn more about our advocacy work around the TTC here. 

Margrethe Vestager on the #DecadeOfDigital

8 Nov 2022
All Committees
Digital Economy

Announcing the keynote speaker for AmCham EU's 10th Annual Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference – Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President, A Europe Fit for the Digital Age. The completion of the EU’s digital transition is a top priority, yet questions remain as to how, where and when the European economy will be truly fit for the digital age. Register for in-person or online attendance on Tuesday, 29 November to hear these important perspectives and many more.  

Assessing the future of the competition playbook

3 Nov 2022
Competition policy

Competition policy must continue to fuel innovation, This was the message that Olivier Guersent, Director-General, Directorate-General for Competition, European Commission brought to the 39th Annual Competition Policy Conference on Wednesday, 26 October. With the European Commission's review of competition policy tools underway, as well as its work on related policies like the Foreign Subsidies Regulation, this year’s Competition Policy Conference could not have been timelier. Couldn’t attend? Find out what you missed. 

Advancing healthcare resilience after COVID-19

28 Oct 2022

On Tuesday, 25 October, AmCham EU hosted its annual healthcare plenary on ‘Advancing Healthcare Resilience as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic’ featuring a keynote address from Céline Gauer, Head of the Recovery and Resilience Task Force, European Commission. Gauer highlighted the need for reforms and investments both in primary care as well as on a structural level. She also emphasised that the private and public sectors need to work together to ensure sustainability in healthcare, and to promote development in cancer research.   

Register for the 10th Annual Digital Economy Conference

26 Oct 2022
All Committees
Digital Economy

Marking a decade of digital leadership, our Transatlantic Digital Economy Conference returns on Tuesday, 29 November, bringing together key stakeholders from the world of digital. In addition to comments from Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President, European Commission, hear how we can maximise the ambitions of the Trade and Technology Council and set tangible outcomes for future cooperation. In an age of geopolitical instability, we'll be examining the role of transatlantic cooperation in delivering resilience to an increasingly digitalised society. What's ahead for the next ten years in digital? Join us to find out, register today.

Discussing key issues with SEC Commissioner Crenshaw

25 Oct 2022
Financial Services
Responsible Business Conduct
Sustainable Finance

On Thursday, 20 October, AmCham EU hosted a roundtable discussion with Caroline A. Crenshaw, Commissioner, US Securities and Exchange Commission. The conversation focused on corporate sustainability reporting, sustainability due diligence and upcoming regulations in the financial services sphere. 

Celebrating European Gender Equality Week

25 Oct 2022
All Committees
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

This week, we are celebrating the European Gender Equality Week. Advancing the rights of women is up to all of us, which is why we are proud to lead on the EMPOWER HER initiative. Working alongside the US Department of Commerce and the AmChams in Europe network, EMPOWER HER promotes the role of women in international trade and business. When we empower women, we empower our businesses and our society.  

Sustainable consumption for the green transition

25 Oct 2022
Consumer affairs

Promoting sustainable consumption and protecting consumers from unfair business practices will be key building blocks for successfully transitioning to a green future. The European Commission's Proposal for a Directive on empowering consumers for the green transition can ensure that consumers are able to fully participate in the circular economy. Clear regulatory definitions of sustainability standards coupled with the elimination of greenwashing and early planned obsolescence can go a long way toward improving the proposal. Read our full position paper here

Supporting the European Defence Industry through Common Procurement Act (EDIRPA)

25 Oct 2022
Security, Defence & Space

The European Commission recently proposed a new regulation establishing the European Defence Industry Reinforcement through common Procurement Act (EDIRPA) – a welcomed step towards greater reinforcement of European defence industrial capacities. Aggregating EU Member States’ demand in common defence procurement is an improvement for European defence industrial policy, benefitting both customers and suppliers. Check out our position paper to learn more

Business Meets Government Summit: the transatlantic relationship in times of crisis

24 Oct 2022
All Committees

On Monday, 24 October, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, spoke at AmCham Hungary’s Business Meets Government Summit in Budapest, Hungary. Bringing with her the perspective from Brussels, Susan spoke on the business impact of the EU-US relationship, as well as the shared values that underpin this united prosperity. She also discussed the concurrent crises threating that prosperity, including the war in Ukraine and rising energy and food prices. A strong transatlantic relationship, and cooperation among all actors in society, she explained, can provide a clear roadmap to recovery.

Building trust and partnerships in the EU

20 Oct 2022
All Committees

On Thursday, 13 October, Stefano Marmo, Senior Policy Manager, AmCham EU, joined AmCham Ukraine to share how business professionals and policymakers can form long-lasting, productive partnerships. Alongside Tetyana Prokopchuk, Vice-President of Policy, AmCham Ukraine, Stefano demonstrated how the AmChams in Europe (ACE) network coordinates to communicate the importance of the transatlantic economy in both Europe and the US.  

Become a Halloween hero: donate blood or plasma and save lives

12 Oct 2022
All Committees

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected countless health systems, including the supply of blood and plasma in hospitals across Belgium. Now, facing increased demand, the Belgian Red Cross needs renewed donations. Increasing the supply of blood and plasma saves lives, and AmCham EU is encouraging all of us to do our part this Halloween. Learn how to get involved. 

Celebrating best practices with the AmChams in Europe network

12 Oct 2022
All Committees

In early October, 42 representatives from 27 American Chambers of Commerce attended the AmChams in Europe (ACE) Best Practices Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, Miranda Tiona, Senior Member Relations Adviser and Alex Vasey, Senior Communications Specialist joined to exchange best practices and knowledge, as well as to discuss relevant and shared issues impacting AmChams and their members from across Europe and wider regions.

AmChampions Gala: promoting the role of the transatlantic relationship in Sofia, Bulgaria

12 Oct 2022
All Committees

Speaking at the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria's AmChampions Gala last week, Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU touched on the resilience of the transatlantic relationship, the role of the private sector in Europe and more. From rule of law and shared values to making joint investments and committing to overcome the obstacles ahead, find out more on what she said.

Celebrating a decade of female empowerment: Dare to dream, girls!

11 Oct 2022
All Committees
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

On Tuesday, 11 October, AmCham EU commemorated the tenth anniversary of the International Day of the Girl. The day was an opportunity to reflect on the advances in the rights of women and girls, as well as discuss the work still needed to be done. Susan Danger, CEO, AmCham EU, kicked off the event by drawing attention to pressing issues impacting women around the world, while moderator Aliki Foinikopoulou (Salesforce), Vice-Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, AmCham EU highlighted the critical role of public-private partnerships in the fight for gender equality.  
