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AmCham EU travels to Berlin to discuss European digital agenda
On 9 May a delegation of representatives of the AmCham EU Digital Economy Committee travelled to Berlin to discuss the next European digital agenda with government officials and Members of the Parliament.
This trip has been part of a series of visits to European capitals, including Dublin and Paris earlier this year to present AmCham EU's recommendations to the next Commission on digital policy, 'Towards a digitalised Single Market (2019-2024)'.
The visit in Berlin featured a breakfast event hosted by AmCham Germany with the parliamentary spokespersons on digital from the main parties in the opposition, meetings with the parliamentary spokespersons on digital policy of the coalition parties, the Federal Ministry for the Interior on Germany's upcoming cybersecurity law, a meeting with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy hosted by AmCham Germany, as well as a meeting with the German data protection authority. Thank you to our partner AmCham Germany for their valuable support in organising these visits.